Conferences, workshops, seminars, talks and other events with Hans von Storch as author, co-author or participant
Most recent
24,23, 22, 21, 20,
19, 18, 17, 16, 15,
14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 09, 08,
07, 06, 05, 04, 03, 02, 01,
99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93,
92, 91, 90, 89, 88, 87, 86,
85, 84, 83, 82, 77
Prior to 1988 the list is incomplete. Presentations by others in grey.
- 4. February 2025 - Baltic Earth Symposium,. Hamburg
An added value provided by BALTEX / Baltic Earth (with Anders Omstedt as coauthor)
- 28. Januar 2925 - Stadt Preetz, Umweltausschuss
Perspektiven und Optionen für den Klimawandel in Preetz und im Kreis Plön (pptx)
- 8. November 2024 - "Hasselmann legacy: Stochastic thinking", Max-Planck Institute of Meteorology, Hamburg
Significance of Internal Variability for Numerical Experimentation and Analysis (pptx)
- 26. October 2024 - Sino-German exchange, Ocean University of China (中国海洋大学), Qingdao, China
Significance of internal variability for numerical experimentation and analysis (with Lin Lin as coauthor, pptx)
- 23. October 2024 - "Marine sciences, aquaculture and environment", Ocean University of China (中国海洋大学), Qingdao
Dynamical downscaling for reconstruction past changes in regional enviromental conditions: concept and two case studies. (pptx)
- 9-11 September 2024- 5th Edition of World Congress on GEOLOGY&EARTHSCIENCE", Lisboa
The internal variability in the marginal seas (invited, as coauthor of Lin Lin)
- 18 June 2024 - 1st Workshop on the "Ocean internal variability - potential of
Stochastic Climate Model", Bologna
Significance of internal variability for experimentation and analysis
- 17 May 2024 - Second conference on climate change in Nowy Dwór Gdański in the Żuławy region, Poland (see also Radio Malbork, video)
Adaption as an unavoidable component of local climate policy / Adaptacja jako nieunikniony element lokalnej polityki klimatycznej (pptx)
- 15 April 2024 - Schlossgespräch des Rotary Clubs Grevesmühlen
Perspektiven und Optionen für den Klimawandel in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (pptx)
- 20 March 2024 - Baltic Earth winter school for young scientists, Zopot
Detection and attribution (online, pptx)
18. März 2024 - SPD Ortsverein Preetz
Die Klimaherausforderung: - globale Emissionen (Mitigation)
- lokale Verletzlichkeit (Adaption) (pptx)
- 15. März 2024 - Vortrag in der Oberstufe des Gymnasiums "Schule am Meer", Büsum
Klimawissenschaft und ihre Rolle in der Klimapolitik (pptx)
- 14. März 2024 - Interaktiver Vortrag, Amt Büsum-Wesselburen
Die Klimaherausforderung: Minderung der globalen Emissionen (Mitigation) und Minderung der lokalen Verletzlichkeit (Adaption) (pptx)
- 20 February 2024 - Ocean University of China, Qingdao
40 Years of cooperation Qingdao - Hamburg (pptx)
- 5 Februar 2024 - Vortragsreihe 'Klima und Energie Füssener Land', Hopfen am See
Klimawissenschaft und ihre Rolle in der Klimapolitik (pptx, Bericht in Bericht in 'Allgäuer Zeitung') hinter paywall)
5. Dezember 2023 - MITKlartext, Mittelstands- und Wirtschaftsunion Krefeld
Klimawissen und der Umgang mit dem Klimawandel (pptx)
- 30. November 2023 - Talk-Show "Talk im Hangar"in ServusTV, Salzburg.
Mitschnitte auf der Mediathek des Senders sowie auf youtube
- 28. September 2023 - Universidad de Colima, México
Climate science as a social process - history, climatic determinism, Mertonian norms and post-normality"
- 18. September - Denkfabrik Republik 21 Berlin
Paneldiskussion "CO2-relevanter Freiheitsgebrauch - Corona-Massnahmen als Blaupause für die Klimakrise?"
- 8. September 2023 - Baltic Earth Working Group "Philosophy", online
- 24. August 2023 - Department of Science and Environment
Mathematics and Physics, Roskilde
Climate Dynamics: The Dichotomy of Stochastic Concepts and Deterministic Modeling (pptx)
- 19. Juli 2023 - Internes Seminar
Klimamodelle - was können sie und was können sie nicht? (pptx)
- 4. July 2023 - CHESS- Chinese and European Coastal Shelf Seas Ecosystem Dynamics - a Comparative Assessment. The 4th bilateral workshop Hereon Geesthacht
40 years of cooperation between Hamburg and Qingdao (pptx)
Link between the internal variability and the baroclinic instability in the Bohai and Yellow Sea: a numerical study with and without tide (as coauthor of Lin L and Chen X)
- 27-30 June 2023 - 13th International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean, Hamburg
Ocean climate predictability study in the Mediterranean Sea (as coauthor of R. Benincasa, G Liguori, and N. Pinardi)
- 29. April 2023 - Teilnahme an der Diskussionrunde "Der Klimatalk am Messesamstag" von ZDF/3sat auf der Buchmesse Leipzig
28. April 2023 - AK Klima und Umwelt, SPD Harburg
Rolle der Klimawissenschaft in der Klimapolitik. (pptx)
- 26. April 2023 - Internes Seminar: "Downscaling"
25. April 2023 - "Viertel nach Acht" von BILD TV (You tube) - Diskussionsrunde mit Hans von Storch u.a.
- 29 March 2023 - International Baltic Earth Winter School for Young Scientists on "Earth System Science for the Baltic Sea Region", Institut für Ostseeforschung, Warnemünde
Detection and attribution (online, pptx)
- 23. Februar 2023 - Teilnahme mit Vortrag und Diskussionspanel beim Workshop 4: "Hochwasserschutz | Deichsicherheit | Auswirkungen Klimawandel | Risikobewertung | Haftung" im Zusammenhang mit dem Neubau eines Leistungszentrums für den SV Werder Bremen in der Pauliner Marsch, Bremen
Klimawandel und der Tidestrom (pptx)
- 8 February 2023 - Marie-Curie International Training Network GMOS train, Hamburg
The science of Klaus Hasselmann - the role of noise in numerical experimentation and analysis
- 18. Januar 2023 - European Campus Rottal-Inn ECRI | Technische Hochschule Deggendorf: "Nachhaltigkeit im Dialog"
Menschgemachter Klimawandel - Optionen des Umgangs damit. (Bericht in Niederbaern TV)
20 January 2022 -Vrije Universiteit , Winter school "Dealing Professionally with Climate Change Issues", Amsterdam
Discussion "How can we improve our communication of science?", opening statement
- 14. and 16. November 2022 - CHESS: Chinese and European Coastal Shelf Seas Ecosystem Dynamics a Comparative
Assessment. Third bilateral workshop, online
The case of tide and noise in the Yellow Sea seen in the framework of the Stochastic Climate Model (pptx)
- 9. November 2022 - Arbeitskreis für Hochwasserschutz und Gewässer in NRW e.V., Fachsymposium Wasserwirtschaft, Rees
Klimawissenschaft als gesellschaftlicher Dienstleister (pptx)
- 4 november 2022 - Rønshoved Højskole. Kruså
Menneskeskabte klimaforandringer - alvorlige og kræver mere end afkald (pptx)
- 22. Oktober 2022- Erika-Fuchs Haus. Schwarzenbach
Donald, diese hehre Ente, lieben wir mit Vehemente (pptx)
- 13. Oktober 2022 - Gedenkfeier anlässlich des 10.Todestages von Reinhard Böhm; Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Meteorologie, Wien
Reinhard B., die Alpen und das Klima - von Hamborg aus gesehen
- 20 September, CMCC, Bologna
Klaus Hasselmannn, recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2021 (pptx)
- 15 September, CMCC, Bologna
"Noise" in marginal seas: sensitivity to spatial resolution and to tides (pptx)
- 28. Juli 2022 - Allianz Tagung mit den Vorständen der Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken, Hamburg
Klimawissen und der Umgang mit dem Klimawandel (pptx)
- 21. Juni 2022 - Meteorologisches Kolloquium, München
Rauschen in Simulationsmodellen der regionalen Hydrodynamik der Atmosphäre und des Ozeans (pptx)
30 May - 3 June 2022 - The 4th Baltic Earth Conference Jastarnia, Poland.
1. Keynote: Systems and processes - my perception of the legacy of Klaus Hasselmann's approach to environmental science (pptx)
2. The BALTEX/Baltic Earth programs: Excursions and returns (as coauthor of Anders Omstedt; pdf of pptx)
23-27 May 2022 - EGU 2022, online
The Characteristics and Significance of Hydrodynamical Internal Variability in Modelling Dynamics in Marginal Seas (EGU22-1973; Session OS1.5; as coauthor of Lin Lin, Chen Xueen and Tang Shenquan)
- 20. Mai 2022 - Kongress "Klimawandel und Gesellschaftskritik" an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Vortrag Klimaforschung in der Gesellschaft (pptx)
und Paneldiskussion "Warum lässt sich Klimaschutz politisch so schwer durchsetzen?" - Eröffnungsstatement
- 18 May 2022 - Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, Victoria (online)
Intermittent divergence in phase space - noise in regional models of atmospheric and oceanic dynamics (pptx)
- 30. April 2022 - tazlab Berlin - Paneldiskussion zum Thema "Kompromisse in der Klimapolitik" mit Hans von Storch und Jule Prehnt. Eröffnungsstatement.
25. April 2022 - Patriotische Gesellschaft Hamburg, Verleihung der Ehrenmitgliedschaft an Klaus Hasselmann
Laudatio: Klaus und Susanne Hasselmann. Wissenschaftler und Hamburger
19. April 2022 - Seminar series at Meteorological Institute of Hamburg University; time:14:15, online
Eigenvectors and me
- 24. März 2022 - Kolloquium "Wissenschaft. Macht. Politik. - Klimadiskurs und Gesellschaft" der Helmut-und-Loki-Schmidt-Gesellschaft, Hamburg. (Bericht Hamburger Abendblatt)
February/March 2022 - Seminar "Climate Science born in HH" series at Meteorological Institute of Hamburg University; time:14:15, online; Recordin on youtube playlist.
1. The science of Klaus Hasselmann - 8 February 2022 (pptx, video)
2. Noise - nuisance and constitutive - 15 February 2022. (pptx, video)
3. Detection and attribution of climate change - 22 February 2022, (pptx; video)
4. Concepts of downscaling. - 8 March 2022 (pptx)
20 January 2022 - Department of Earth Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Lecture on risks and uncertainty: The magic of stochasticity (2 talks and exercises;video)
- 14-17 December 2021 - International Conference "Marine Geology: Marginal Seas - Past and Future", online
A hypothesis - the 2021 physics Nobel prize significant for understanding the variability of marginal sea morphology. (pptx)
- 23-25 November 2021 - 2nd CHESS workshop, online
A hypothesis - the 2021 physics Nobel prize significant for understanding the variability of marginal sea morphology. (pptx)
- 15-16 November 2021 - Universität Graz
1. Doktoratskolleg Klimawandel: Detection and attribution - a key concept in climate change science (pptx)
2. Institut für Systematische Theologie und Liturgiewissenschaft, Klimaverantwortung und
regionales Handeln: Klimawissen und der regionale Umgang mit dem Klimawandel (pptx)
10. November 2021 - Research Institute for Development and Cooperation, Complutense University: Debate series: "Life in crisis: uncertainty, social risk and changing life stories in Spain", CaixaForum Madrid, (Video-recording)
Presentation and discussion: Social dimensions of climate change (pptx)
- 2. November 2022 - Vortragsreihe der Polytechnischen Gesellschaft zu Frankfurt "Zwischen Forschungsverboten und Expertokratie: Welches Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Politik ist der Demokratie angemessen?", Frankfurt
- 15. Oktober 2021 - Wissen und Verantwortung - Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker-Gesellschaft e. V., München
Klimawandel zwischen Hype, Analyse und Politik
- 11. September 2021 - Skepkon, Berlin, online
Klimaforschung zwischen fachlicher Beschränkung und politischem Aktivismus
19. Juli 2020 - Diskussionsabend bei der Konrad Adenauer Stiftung: "Klimawandel und Wasserstoff in Bremerhaven", Bremen, online
1 July 2021 - Discussion "Uncertainties in the public debate on climate change, how to turn them into a resource?", Hamburg University
Opening statement (not used)
- 8. Juni 2021 - Kommunales Bildungswerk Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, online
Klimapolitik in Kommunen –- Welche Möglichkeiten hat die Kommunalpolitik sinnvoll und verantwortungsvoll zu handeln? (pptx)
27. Mai 2021 - Diskussionsabend zum Thema "Klimawandel - Was sagt die Wissenschaft?", SPD Ortsverein Preetz, online
Kommunen und der Klimawandel (pptx)
- 6. Mai 2021 - Villa Lessing - Liberale Stiftung Saar, online
Die Trittbrettfahrer der Klimakrise (Video)
30 April 2021 - EGU Assembly 2021, vEGU, online
Perceptions among students and young scholars of drivers endangering the Baltic Sea (CL2.12 – Climate change and other drivers of environmental change: Developments, interlinkages and impacts in regional seas and coastal regions; (16:18; vPICO)
22. April 2021 - CMCC, Lecture "The Earth Climate System and Climate Change", Bologna, online
The role of (hydrodynamic) noise in climate and in climate analysis (pptx; video-recording)
15.-18. März 2021 - 12. Deutsche Klimatagung, Hamburg (Pressemitteilung)
1. Die Klimaforschung in der Postnormalität: zum Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (oral, 20 min; Interview zu dem Thema)
2. Szenarien und Projektionen: Bestehen sie den Test der Zeit? Der Fall der Sturmfluten in Cuxhaven (mit L.Gaslikova, K. Woth und R. Weisse als Koauthoren; Poster; PICO; audio-Interview bei DLF)
3. 2020-Lockdown in China: Ein Experiment zur klimatischen Wirkung der Reduktion der atmosphärischen Aerosollast (mit Li Y., B. Geyer, V. Matthias und B. Rockel als Koauthoren; Poster; PICO; TV-Interview NDR)
- 5 March 2021 - On-line Intense Day on Marine Science and Applications, Tallinn, online
Hydrodynamic noise - a challenge in analysis and simulation (pptx)
- 16-17 December 2020 - "Marginal Seas - Past and Future", online
Perceptions of an endangered Baltic Sea. (pptx; Manuscript.)
1 - 17 December 2020 - AGU Fall Meeting, online
1. Chinese lockdown as aerosol reduction experiment. (with B. Geyer, Li Y., V. Matthias, and B. Rockel; A066; Poster A066-0006, 9. December 2020; i-Poster)
2. Postnormality of climate science: on the interface of science and society (eLightning Session Session SY043, 11 December 17:00 PST; i-Poster)
- 26 November 2020 - online panel discussion "The Art of the Green Deal" organised by CDA Research Institute in the framework of the Martens Centre NET@WORK event . Online (preparational material; video-recording)
- 25-27 November 2020 - CHESS- Chinese and European Coastal Shelf Seas Ecosystem Dynamics – a Comparative Assessment - First bilateral workshop, online
The significance of hydrodynamical noise in modelling dynamics in marginal seas (with Chen, Lin, and Tang as coauthors; pptx)
- 18. November 2020 - Seminar "Perspectives on Climate Sciences: From historical developments to research frontiers”. online
Climate science as a social process – history, climatic determinism, CUDOS und post-normality (pptx; video)
- 27. Oktober 2020 - "Blick über den Tellerrand“ - Fraunhofer Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik ITWM, Kaiserslautern
1. Climate Models – Tools for a Purpose/Klimamodelle - Zweckvorbehalt und Wissenskonstruktion (pptx)
2. Optionen der Klimapolitik (pptx)
21-23 October 2020 - Società Italiana per Scienze del Clima (SISC) - ClimRisk 2002. Time for Action, online
Chinese lockdown as aerosol reduction experiment (oral; with Li Y., B. Geyer, V. Matthias and B. Rockel as coauthors; pptx)
- 21. Oktober 2020 - Kolloquium ICBM, Oldenburg, online
Climate science and climate policy (pptx)
- 12-14 Oktober - IBS Conference on High-Resolution Earth System Modeling, Pusan, online
Regionalization and downscaling (invited; pptx)
23. September 2020 - Volkshochschule und Musikschule Wilhelmshaven
Klima: Robustes Wissen und Optionen der Politik (pptx)
17. September 2020 - Institute of Coastal Research, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, online
Postnormality of climate science: On the interface of science and society (pptx)
- 14-15. September 2020 - Tutzing-Tagung "Was will eine aufgeklärte Klimaethik?"
Klimaforschung in der Postnormalität: zum Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft (pptx)
3. September 2020 - 3. Klimakongress des Bundesverbands der Deutschen Industrie e.V., online
Teilnahme an dem Streitgespräch "Future Forward Talk | Clash of Generations?" (Videoaufzeichnung)
- 25 July 2020 - Club of Remy Project "The Evolution of Science", online
Postnormal science - climate and epidemiology (pptx; Video)
18. Juni 2020 - Department of Earth Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, online
Postnormality of climate science: On the interface of science and society (pptx)
1-5 June 2020 - Online "3rd Baltic Earth Conference - Earth system changes and Baltic Sea coasts"
Surveying opinions among environmental students on climate science and Baltic Sea issues. (extended abstract, not shown)
Does internally generated hydrodynamic noise matter in the Baltic Sea? (with A. Omstedt and J. Elken as coauthors; extended abstract, pptx, presented)
- 14. Mai 2020 - Internes Seminar, online
Bedeutung des Klimawandels - Anpassung und Minderung.
4-8 May 2020 - EGU General Assembly 2020 - online
German Bight Storminess over the Last Century (as coauthor of Daniel Krieger, Oliver Krueger, Frauke Feser, Ralf Weisse, and Birger Tinz)
- 13. März 2020 - UNITI Wintertagung, München
Wie geht Klimaschutz ohne Panik? (pptx)
13. Februar 2020 - Diskussionsveranstaltung mit "Die Linke" Alstertal/Hamburg: "Was würde Marx zu Greta sagen?"
Klimaforschung, Klimapolitik (pptx; Video-Zusammenfassung)
6. Februar 2020 - Konrad Adenauer Stiftung: "5 nach 12? Weshalb Panik im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel nicht hilft", Bremen
Klimaforschung und Klimapolitik (pptx; NWZ-online)
- 6. Februar 2020 - Travemünde
Bedeutung des Klimawandels (für die Metropolregion) (pptx)
4. Februar 2020 - Wahlkampauftritt von Markus Schreiber in St. Georg
Klimaforschung, Klimapolitik (pptx)
- 28. Januar 2020 - FRIAS, Freiburger Horizonte, Freiburg
Climate Models – Tools for a Purpose (pptx; Uni-Bericht; 74 min-Video der Veranstaltung)
- 22. Januar 2020 - Leadership Berlin – Netzwerk Verantwortung e.V: "Mensa meets Leadership"
Detektion vom Klimawandel, Mechanismus und Konsequenzen für den Umgang damit. (pptx)
- 7. Januar 2020 - DMG Kolloquium, Hamburg
Ein Kätzchen und zwei Elefanten - Foci in der Klimadiskussion. (eingeladen; pptx)
9 - 13 December 2019 - AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco
1. The stochastic climate model in action: hydrodynamic unprovoked variability in regional seas. (pptx; with Tang S, Zhang M and Chen X as coauthors; oral; 9. December, NG12A)
2. Can we manage the unexpected? Constructing plausible storm tides with high impact potential and consequences for coastal protection and disaster risk management. (Poster, as coauthor of . Ralf Weisse, A. Arns, T. Brodhagen, E.Lucio-Eceiza, A. Ganske, L. Gaslikova, I. Grabemann, J. Jensen, E. Meyer, T. Möller, B. M.W. Ratter, E. Rudolph, J. Schaper, M. Ulm, and B. Tinz; OS31D)
3. The challenge of detecting change in extratropical storminess. (Poster; with O. Krüger, F. Feser and R. Weisse as co-authors; A41O)
3. Dezember 2019 - SPD Distrikt St Georg, Hamburg
Für eine wirksame Klimapolitik
- 24-25 November 2019 - 10th International Workshop on Tropical Marine Environmental Changes (MEC) – The Oceans and Climate: Variations from small to global scales, Guangzhou
The effect of the external forcing on the long-term variability of travelling eddy in the South China Sea. (poster; as co-author of Zhang M.)
- 21. November 2019 - Interdisziplinäres Seminar "Scientific Literacy" an der Universität Göttingen
Stand des robusten Wissens über den Klimawandel und damit konsistente Optionen einer Klimapolitik (pptx)
- 14. November 2019 - Rangsdorf
Klimawandel und Überlegungen zur Auswirkung auf die solare Energieernte (pptx)
- 8.-9. November 2019 - Workshop, Frankfurt University
Historical climatology – General issues, and data from the cellar of the Seewetteramt in Hamburg (pptx)
- 25, Oktober 2019 - 38. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Klima der DGfG, Jesteburg
Ein Kätzchen und zwei Elefanten - Foci in der Klimadiskussion. (eingeladen; pptx)
- 23. Oktober 2019 - Deutscher Ethikrat: Herbsttagung 2019: „Meinen – Glauben – Wissen: Klimawandel und die Ethik der Wissenschaften“, Göttingen (Bericht im Göttinger Tageblatt vom 24.10.2019)
„Wissenschaft schafft Wissen“ oder „Wissenschaft präsentiert Wahrheit“ (Nachdruck "Auch Religion ist Wissen" in Salonkolumnisten, online, 1. November 2019)
20. Oktober 2019 - Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Workshop “Europa. Herausforderungen und Chancen für die EU”, Oldenburg
Climate knowledge and the politics of climate change (pptx)
- 18. Oktober 2019 - Alumniverband der Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit, Diskussionsveranstaltung „Wissen schafft Zukunft?“, Hamburg
Eröffungsstatement: Klimaforschung, Klimapolitik (pptx)
- 19. September 2019 - Diskussionsabend der MIT und JU der CDU in Bremen
Eröffnungsstatement "Klimawandel und Klimapolitik". (pptx)
- 13. Juli 2019 - Universität Siegen: Sommerfest anläßlich „25 Jahre fwu/Wasserbau“
Klima als Querschnittsthema von Natur-, Ingenieur- und Sozialwissenschaften
- 10. Juli 2019 - Forschung vor Anker 2019, Stralsund
Warum wir überzeugt sind, dass es der menschliche Einfluss ist, der unser Klima ändert. (pptx)
- 2. Juli 2019 -"DiA: Digitale Arbeitswelten in Forschung und Entwicklung. Neue Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen für die Wissenschaft", Europäische Akademie Bad Neuenahr
Künstliche Intelligenz & Big Data in der Klimaforschung – Versuch einer Einschätzung (Der Vortrag wurde in diesem Beitrag verwendet..
- 1. Juli 2919 - Institut für Wasserbau, RWTH Aachen
Perception of the state of knowledge about climate and of the role of climate science. (pptx)
- 9. May 2019 - Forum der Europäischen Fracht und Logistikindustrie (F&L) / Weltwirtschaftsforum, (program), Hamburg
What are you more interested in predicting? Climate change policy or climate change (keynote; pptx)
- 31. Januar 2019 - EnBW: "Wissen, was uns in Zukunft erwartet. Die aktuellen Praxisfragen zur Energieeffizienz", Leinfelden-Echterding
Was hat Klimaforschung Wirtschaft und Politik zu sagen? (pptx)
- 30. Januar 2019 - Veranstaltung von Klimafit/REKLIM mit der Volkshochschule Hamburg zum Thema Klimawandel und Gesellschaft, Hamburg
Klimawissen - naturwissenschaftliches Wissen zum Klimawandel (pptx)
10.-31. January 2019 - Advanced conceptual issues
in climate science, IfK@HZG, Geesthacht
1. Introduction (10.1.)
2. Concepts of downscaling (17.1.)
3. Modeling (24.1.)
4. Noise (29.1.)
10 - 14 December 2018 - AGU Fall Meeting, Washington
1. Instationarity and time - the multiple challenges for deciding about adapation (oral; pptx)
2. Travelling eddies in the South China Sea - multi-decadal statistics and large-sale conditioning (poster, with Zhang M, Tang S, Chen X and Wang D.)
- 3-5 December 2018 - Workshop Detection and Attribution of Climate Engineering, Hamburg
Detection and Attribution, the concept, robust detection methods and regional attribution challenges. (pptx)
21 November 2018 - IOCAS, 青岛 (Qingdao)
Conditioning of eddy dynamics in the South China Sea (with 张萌 (Zhang M.) and 陈学恩 (Chen X); pptx)
- 20 November 2018 - OUC, 青岛 (Qingdao)
The role of noise in climate and in climate analysis (with 陈学恩 (Chen X) and 唐声全 (Tang S.); pptx)
11-17 November 2018 - The 9th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering (CGJOINT 2018), National Cheng Kung University, 台南 (Tainan)
The temporal dimension of coastal adaptation to climate change. (extended abstract; pptx)
17-19 October 2018 - SISC Sixth Annual Conference , Venezia
The multiple instationarity – a challenge for implementing adaptation (pptx)
16 October - CMCC Seminar at University Ca' Foscari, Venezia-Mestre
The political dimension of climate science (invited; pptx; video steaming)
15-26 October 2018 - Advanced study course on climate science, Bologna
1. Introduction (15. Oct.; pptx)
2. Concepts of regional climate servicing (22. Oct.; pptx)
3. Concepts of downscaling (24. Oct.)
4. The role of noise in climate and in climate analysis (26. Oct.; pptx)
- 3-4 October 2018 - Noordzeedagen, NIOZ, Texel
Rationale and process of the assessment of knowledge about regional climate change and impact - the cases of BACC and NOSCCA. (invited; pptx)
- 27-28 September 2018 - 16th Polish-German Seminar “Monitoring and modeling of the Baltic Sea Coast evolution”, Miedzyzdroje, Poland
The temporal dimension of adaptation to changing climatic risks (pptx)
- 26 September 2018 - Polish – German workshops for early career scientists „Advances in Marine and Quaternary Geosciences”, Sczcecin
Detection of climate change and attribution to causes (pptx)
- 20. September 2018 - Bund der Ingenieure für Wasserwirtschaft, Abfallwirtschaft und Kulturbau e.V. - Bundeskongreß, Lüneburg (Medienbericht)
Klimawandel und Anpassung: Instationarität und Zeit (invited; pptx)
- 9-11 September 2018 - Seminar of Applied Mathematics, Boguszów-Gorce, Poland
„Noise“ – an integral part of climate dynamics and analysis (invited; with 陈学恩 (Chen X) and 唐声全 (Tang S) as coauthors; pptx)
- 2 - 8 September 2018 - IAMG 2018, Olomouc, Czech Republic
„Noise“ – an integral part of climate dynamics and analysis (with 陈学恩 (Chen X.) and 唐声全 (Tang S) as coauthors; pptx)
- 13. Juli 2018 - Forschung vor Anker 2018", Cuxhaven
was sagen sie uns? – “Detektion und Attribution” (pptx)
11-15 June 2018 - Baltic Earth Converence "Baltic Sea Region in Transition", Helsingør
Baltic Earth, Outreach and Communication (pptx)
22 May 2018 - Geoscience University of China, 武汉 (Wuhan)
1. Formation and modelling of regional climate (pptx)
2. Utility of coastal science with emphasis on climate issues (pptx)
- 17-18 May 2018 - Conference "Asian Extremes: Climate, Meteorology and Disaster in History", Singapore
The Dual Role of Climatology in German Colonialism (with C. Gräbel as coauthor; manuscript pptx)
- 11 May 2018 - Study tour “Climate risk management and financing” by Bread for the World, Hamburg
Storm surges – the regional georisk of Northern Germany (pptx)
- 19 April 2018 - Forschungskolloquium „Neues aus der sozialwissenschaftlichen Klimaforschung“ , Hamburg
Geesthachter Umfragen unter Klimaforschern: Vom Hamburg nach Qingdao (pptx)
8-13 April 2018 - EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna
Climatology of coastal low level jets over the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea and the relationship with regional atmospheric circulations (poster; as coauthor of 李德磊 (Li D), and Yin B.)
- 5-6 April 2018 - Workshop on 'Polar lows and mesoscale weather extremes', Trier, Germany
State and perspectives of the concept of large-scale conditioning of coastal weather extremes for deriving forecasts and statistics of such phenomena (pptx; with L. Cavicchia and D. Li; an extended written version was published in Atmosphere)
- 6. März 2018 - 11. DKT, Frankfurt
1. A survey on opinions about climate change, climate policy and the concept of science - among young scientists in Qingdao and Hamburg (2015 and 2017) (with 陈学恩 (Chen X.), D. Bray and A. Ullmann as co-authors; pptx)
2. Eduard-Brückner-Preis 2018 (pptx)
- 11-16 February 2018 - Ocean Science Meeting, Portland
Long-term trends and variability of eddy activities in the South China Sea (with 张萌 (Zhang M.), Wang D., and 陈学恩 (Chen X.) as coauthors; pptx)
- 23. Januar 2018 - Ringvorlesung "(Fast) 100 Jahre Universität Hamburg, Teil 2", Hamburg
Klimaforschung in Hamburg (pptm, Videoaufzeichnung)
- 18. Januar 2018 - "10 Jahre LKN.SH", Husum
Ein Blick auf den LKN.SH von der Wissenschaft aus (Kurzbeitrag; Medienbericht,
(c)M. Stock)
- 8-22 January 2018 - AMS Annual Conference, Austin
1. Long-term trends and variability of eddy activities in the South China Sea (as coauthor of 张萌 (Zhang M.);
2. Climatology of coastal low level jets over the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea using local and spatial-pattern based techniques (pptx; with 李德磊 (Li D.) as coauthor; Recorded presentation))
11-15 October 2017 - AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans
1. Long-term trends and variability of eddy activities in the South China Sea (as coauthor of 张萌 (Zhang M.); poster)
2. Climatology of coastal low level jets over the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea and the relationship with regional atmospheric circulations (as coauthor of 李德磊 (Li D.), Xu Z., and Yin B.; poster)
- 28.-30. November 2017 - 9. BIOMET-Tagung in Stralsund
Die Signalstationen der Deutschen Seewarte Hamburg, eine Datenquelle für die Untersuchung von Klimatrends und Extremereignissen an den Küsten von Nord- und Ostsee. (aus coauthor of B. Tinz and F. Feser; Proceedings)
- 23. November 2017 - Vortrag in der Ringvorlesung "Hamburg und Norddeutschland" der Geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg
Stürme und Sturmfluten in Norddeutschland (pptx)
- 6. November 2017 - Kolloquium "Climate Change - Geoscientific Perspectives", Köln
Democratic decision making and
the role of climate science (manuscript DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23943.29608 ,pptx)
- 26. Oktober 2017 - Symposium "Mediendemokratie 2017 - Öffentlichkeit im Emotionsmodus.Wendezeiten im wissenschaftlichen und journalistischen Diskurs", Universität Hamburg, Institut für Journalistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft
Wissenskonstrukte vom Klimawandel
- 24. Oktober 2017 - Buchvorstellung: Hamburger Klimabericht", Hamburg
Konzept regionaler Klima-Assessments
- 17 October 2017 - National Climate Center (NCC/BCC), 北京 (Beijing)
Global downscaling (with F. Feser as coauthor; pptx)
- 16 October 2017 - Workshop of the "Regional Sea Level and Climate Change", 天津 (Tianjin)
四海 and the challenge of synthesis of knowledge (with M. Reckermann as coauthor; pptx)
- 12 October 2017 - Ocean University of China, 青岛 (Qingdao)
1. Results from surveys about the views of Qingdao and Hamburg students and scholars on climate change (with 陈学恩 (Chen X.), D. Bray and A. Ullmann as coauthors; pptx)
2. Global downscaling (with F. Feser as coauthor, pptx)
3. Eddy statistics in the South China Sea (with 张萌 (Zhang M.) as coauthor; pptx)
10 October 2017 - IOCAS, 青岛 (Qingdao)
Examples of the utility of coastal science - drawn from the work at the Institute of Coastal Research, HZG, Germany (pptx)
- 6-7 September 2017 - Towards a History of Paleoclimatology: Changing roles and shifting scales in climate sciences, Hamburg
Paleodata inversion – from a statistical challenge to a political weapon (pptx)
- 28–29 July 2017 - AMS "30th Conference on Climate Variability and Change", Baltimore
Observed warming in dry seasons over northern South America has an anthropogenic origin (as coauthor of A. Barkhordarian and R. C. Mechoso)
- 22 June 2017 - Joint workshop/seminar “How disciplines think and communicate“ for PhD students from social and natural sciences to explore the differences in scientific cultures, Hamburg
Physical climate science – knowledge construction, limitations, and societal conditioning (pptx)
- 21 June 2017 - Workshop „Re–defining the Boundaries of Science and Journalism in the Debate on
Climate Change“, Hamburg
Impulse statement/discussion: Climate science: still post-normal? (pptx)
- 19 June 2017 - Department of Atmospheric Sciences, School of Resource Environment
and Earth Science, Yunnan University, Kunming
Formation and modelling of regional climate (pptx)
- 16 June 2017 - South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, CAS, 广州 (Guangzhou)
On the added value generated by dynamical models (invited; pptx)
- 15 June 2017 - Institute of Earth Climate and Environment System, Sun Yat Sen University, 广州 (Guangzhou)
Formation and modelling of regional climate(pptx)
- 14 June 2017 - Advanced Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Lecture Series, NUIST 南京 (Nanjing)
Downscaling: empirical and dynamical, atmosphere and ocean (invited; pptx)
- 11-12 June 2017 - Third International Symposium on Climate and Earth System Modeling, NUIST, 南京 (Nanjing)
On the added value generated by dynamical models (invited; pptx; foto, high-resolution foto)
23-28 April 2017 - EGU assembly, Wien
Long term evolution of wind at the German coasts using newly digitzed data of signal stations, (as coauthor of B. Tinz, D. Wagner and F. Feser; CL4.03)
- 15. Februar 2017 - "Herrenhäuser Forum Mensch - Natur - Technik", Hannover
Der Klimawandel. Rolle der Wissenschaft beim politischen Willensbildungsprozeß (Impulsvortrag; pptx; podcast)
- 5-10 February 2017 - Fourth Santa Fe Conference on Global & Regional Climate Change, Santa Fe
Dynamical Models - Purposes and Limits (invited; pptx)
- 1. Februar 2017 - Vortragsreihe "Rendezvous" des Bilderhaus e.V., Gschwend
Vortrag "Der Klimawandel. Wie der Westen den Rest der Welt bevormundet" (pptx) und swr1-Leute-Rundfunkinterview
12-16 December 2016 - 2016 Fall Meeting of the AGU, San Francisco
1. Session: Determining Matured Science: Utility, Cases, and Formats, (Union Session U14A; Monday, 12 December 2016; 16:00 - 18:00; Moscone West; 2020; opening statement; video/audio - AGUOnDemand)
2. Modes and Downscaling: the Two-Step Philosophy of Forecasting (oral; with 夏兰 (Xia L.), Wang D., and Zhao Y. as co-authors; session A098 "Subseasonal to seasonal forecasting of high impact climate and weather events"; pptx)
3. Attribution of the 1995 and 2006 storm surge events in the southern Baltic Sea; (; as coauthor of K. Klehmet; poster NH31A-1887)
- 9. Dezember 2016 - COPERNICUS e.V. Wochenendseminar: Die Herausforderungen des Klimawandels, Stade
Klimawandel und Klimawandelwirkung (pptx)
- 5./6. Dezember 2016 - "Expert Forums on Atmospheric Chemistry" von VDI, DECHEMA und GDCh zum übergeordneten Thema "New and emerging technologies: Impact on air quality and climate", Frankfurt
Deconstruction of anthropogenic climate change: Manifestation, detection, attribution (pptx)
- 24. Oktober 2016 - Vortragsreihe "Zukunft Energie Zukunft", Dresden
Die Rolle der Klimaforschung im energiepolitischen Entscheidungsprozess (doi 10.13140/RG.2.2.34450.66242/1)
- 5 Oktober 2016 - KIT Climate Lecture, Karlsruhe
Sozialwissenschaftliche Kontextualisierung der Klimaforschung (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12612.42882) (Redemanuskript; Video-Mitschnitt)
- 29 September 2016 - NUIST, 南京 (Nanjing)
Regional re-analysis without regional data (pptx)
- 27 September 2016 - College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU), 上海 (Shanghai)
Analysis of Historical Storms and Storm surges (pptx)
- 26 September 2016 - CAS Institute of Atmospheric Physics, LASG, 北京 (Beijing)
Regional re-analysis without regional data (pptx)
- 22 September 2016 - SOA First Institute of Oceanography, 青岛 (Qingdao)
Yellow Sea Region Reanalysis and the example of CoastDat (pptx; with 李德磊 (Li D))
- 19-20 September 2016 - Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, 青岛 (Qingdao)
1. Storm surge cases (pptx; with 江文胜 (Jiang W) and K Furmanczyk as co-authors)
2. Changes of storm surges in the Bohai Sea derived from a numerical model simulation, 1961-2006 (as coauthor of Feng J., R. Weisse and Chiang W.)
- 18-25 September 2016 - CLIVAR Open Science Conference "Charting the course for climate and ocean research", 青岛 (Qingdao)
1. Towards downscaling small scale coastal dynamics. 近岸小尺度水动力的降尺度研究 (poster DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33062.93767; with 张萌 (Zhang M.))
2. A new data set of historical coastal climatology: signal stations of the German Marine Observatory Hamburg (poster DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10004.09606; with D. Wagner and B. Tinz)
3. A comparison of quasi-millennial extratropical winter cyclone activity between the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, (poster; as coauthor of 夏兰 (Xia L.) and F. Feser)
- 14. September 2016 - Sendung "Alpha" (BR), Berlin
Tatortermittlung Klimawandel. (manuscript; Videoaufzeichnung)
- 7. September 2016 - Rotarier Hamburg-Blankenese
Hamburg: Klimawandel und Umgang damit (pptx)
- 29-31 August 2016 - Nordic Conference on Climate Adaptation, Bergen
1. Climate Servicing - limits and obstacles (pptx)
2. Providing information - enabling knowledge: Sustainable stakeholder dialogues in the Northern German Climate Office. (poster, as coauthor of I. Meinke, M. Maneke, M. Schwab, C. Winter, J. Klepgen, and C. Schrum)
- 31 July - 5 August 2016 - AOGS 13th Annual Meeting, 北京 (Beijing)
Towards Downscaling Small-scale Coastal Dynamics (OS17-A044 , as coauthor of 张萌 (Zhang M.))
- 18-22 July 2016 - Fourth International Workshop on the Advances in the Use of Historical Marine Climate Data, Southhampton
Reconstruction of Early 20th Century Climate from Atmospheric Data at Signal Stations along the German Baltic Coastline (as coauthor of L Gates, D. Wagner and B Tinz)
- 4. Juli 2016 - "Forschung vor Anker 2016", Wismar
Klimawandel in der Ostseeregion: Detektion, Veränderungen und Erwartungen (pptx)
13-17 June 2016, 1st Baltic Earth Conference, Nida, Lithuania
1. Conceptual challenges of climate servicing (pptx)
2. Meteorological observations of the signal stations - an additional data archive for climate monitoring? (pptx; as coauthor of B. Tinz and D. Wagner)
- 1. Juni - Besuch einer Chinesischen Regierungsdelegation, Hamburg
Hamburg: Klimawandel und Umgang damit (pptx)
- 30 May 2016 - South China Sea Institute, State Key Laboratory for Tropical Oceanography, 广州 (Guangzhou)
Towards downscaling oceanic hydrodynamics -Suitability of a high-resolution OGCM for describing regional ocean variability in the South China Sea
针对海洋水动力的降尺度 ― 高分辨率海洋环流模式对南海海洋变率模拟的适用性研究 (with 张萌 (Zhang M.); pptx)
- 27 May 2016 - State Key Laboratory for Estuarine and Coastal Studies (SKLEC), 上海 (Shanghai)
A new data set of historical coastal climatology: signal stations of the German Marine Observatory (with D. Wagner and B. Tinz; ppt)
- 26 May 2016 - College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University (SHOU), 上海 (Shanghai)
1. Recent Regional Climate State and Change - Derived through Downscaling Homogeneous Large-scale Components of Re-analyses (pptx)
2. A study of Quasi-millennial Extratropical Cyclone Activity Using Tracking and Clustering Methods (with 张萌 (Xia L.); ppt)
17-23 April 2016 - EGU General Assembly 2016, Wien
Commercial interests in extreme event attribution - insurance and re-insurance sectors' interest in science explaining recent hydro-climate extremes from a climate perspective (as coauthor of M. Schwab et al.; HS7.5/NH1.21)
Added value of high-resolution regional climate model over the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea areas (as coauthor of 李德磊 (Li D.)et al.; CL5.12/AS1.3/OS4.10)
- 16 March 2016 - Geographic Institute, University of Gdansk
1. An attempt to deconstruct the observed climate trends in the Baltic Sea and Med Sea Basins (pdf)
2. Data from Signal Stations along the German Coastline (pdf)
- 14.-18. März 2016 - DACH 2016, Berlin
Langzeituntersuchungen des geostrophischen Winds über der Nord- und Ostsee (als Koauthor von D. Röhrbein und B. Tinz)
Laudatio für Andreas Hense aus Anlaß der Verleihung der Alfred-Wegener Medaille
- 5.-6. Februar 2016 - 3. Jahrestagung der AhG "Wissenschaftskommunikation" in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), Dresden
Einführungsstatement: Anmerkungen zur Herausforderung der Kommunikation für physikalische Klimaforscher
- 21. Januar 2016 - Kolloquium, Max Planck Institut für Biogeochemie, Jena
Climate science and climate scientists - what can we contribute to the process of determining political goals? (invited; pptx; 83 min video (flv))
20. Januar 2016 - Antrittsvorlesung an der Fakultät der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Hamburg
Wieviel Sinn macht naturwissenschaftliche Klimaforschung ohne sozialwissenschaftlicher Kontextualisierung?
- 10-14 January 2016 - 96th Annual Meeting of American Meteorological Society, New Orleans
1. Ingredients of statistical hypothesis testing - and their significance (invited; 23rd Conference on Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences; session: Best Practices for Statistical Inference in the Atmospheric Sciences; pptx )
2. An attempt to deconstruct the observed climate trends in the Baltic Sea and Med Sea Basins (as coauthor of Armineh Barkhordarian and Carlos R. Mechoso; 28th Conference on Climate Variability and Change; pptx )
3. Temporal and Spatial Variability of Early 20th Century Atmospheric Data from Signal Stations along the German Coastline (as coauthor of D. Röhrbein and B. Tinz)
14-18 December 2015 - AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco
1 Recent Regional Climate State and Change - Derived through Downscaling Homogeneous Large-scale Components of Re-analyses (poster; with B. Geyer, K. Klehmet, 李德磊 (Li D.), N. Tim, M. Schubert-Frisius, E. Zorita as co-authors)
2. Exploring regional stakeholder needs and requirements in terms of Extreme Weather Event Attribution (poster; as coauthor of M Schwab, I Meinke, Jean-Paul Vanderlinden, Nabil Touili)
8 December 2015 - Administratia Nationala de Meteorologie and Societatea Meteorologica Româna, Bucharest
Presentation of the newly published book "Clima si Societatea" (pptx)
16. November 2015 - Workshop: Reassessing an assessment: A study of the IPCC process, CLISAP, Universität Hamburg
IPCC, needs and options (pptx, Initial statement at the panel discussion "Status quo and future of the IPCC")
13. November 2015 - Nordenskjöld-Lecture, Göteborg
Recent climate change in the Baltic Sea region - manifestation, detection and attribution. (pptx)
7. November 2015 - Nacht des Wissens, Universität Hamburg
Küstenforschung (pptx)
- 3 November 2015 - 2nd European Conference for Science Journalists (ECSJ), Budapest
Climate science and media; a personal account (pptx; invited; Short statement in the session "Science journalists in the climate debate")
- 22 October 2015 - Seminar on Feedback into Policymaking, Brussels
Climate Change as a regional challenge - the role of science (invited; pptx)
- 19 October 2015 - School of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University, 南京 (Nanjing)
Concepts of Downscaling - and cases dealing with in Chinese coastal regions (pptx)
- 15-16 October 2015 - 2nd International Symposium on Climate and Earth System Modeling, 南京 (Nanjing)
Deconstructing recent regional climate change: Is CO2 a sufficient driver? (invited; pptx)
- 7. Oktober 2015 - 9. Klimatagung und 3. nationale GFCS Tagung; Inbetriebnahme des Deutschen Klimadienstes (DKD), DWD, Offenbach
Klimaforschung, Vernetzung und politische Willensbildung (eingeladen; Redemanuskript)
21-24. September 2015 - 10. Deutsche Klimatagung (10 DKT), Hamburg
1. Hat sich die Sturmhäufigkeit an der südlichen Ostseeküste in den letzten 125 Jahren geändert? (as coauthor of D. Röhrbein and B. Tinz, poster)
2. The Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Region (BACC II) (as coauthor of M. Reckermann and A. Omstedt, oral)
- 15-17 September 2015 - International Workshop on Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone and Sustainable Development, 烟台 (Yantai)
Coastal science - issues and potentials. (invited; pptx)
- 10 September 2015 - Symposium: Recent and expected climate change along the Chinese coastal zones, 青岛 (Qingdao)
Scientific assessment of knowledge about regional climate change and impacts - process and results of BACC (pptx)
- 7. September 2015 - School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul
BACC: Assessing knowledge of regional climate change - the example of the Baltic Sea region (pptx)
- 4. September - Seminar at Institute of Oceanology (IOPAN), Sopot
(Not concluded) process of BACC - challenges and perspectives for the future (pptx)
- 9. Juli 2015 - Forschung Vor Anker 2015, Wyk
Küstenforschung (pptx)
- June - "Our common future under climate change", Paris
Framing Extreme Event Attribution from the Bottom up - an Enquiry into the Social Representations of key stakeholders, of the Press and of Climate Scientists (as co-author of JP. Vanderlinden, I. Meinke, N. Capellini, M. Schwab, C. Winter, C. Pacteau, Y. Remvikos)
- 27 June 2015, 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague
1. High resolution wind hindcast over the Bohai and Yellow Sea in East Asia: evaluation and wind climatology analysis (as coauthor of 李德磊 (Li D.))
2. Towards downscaling changes of oceanic dynamics (with 张萌 (Zhang M.) as coauthor; pptx)
- 24. June 2015 - Besuchsgruppe des Auswärtigen Amtes, HZG, Geesthacht
Utility of Coastal Science (pptx)
- 23 June 2015 - Circling the Square, Nottingham
Statement Science Advice (Deutsche Übersetzung von J. Kampmann, "English audio)
- 18. Juni 2015 - Abschlussveranstaltung des bilateralen Forschungsprojektes "WETRAX - Veränderung des Risikos von großräumigen Starkniederschlägen im Klimawandel in Mitteleuropa, mit Fokus auf atmosphärische Wetterlagen und Zugbahnen", Wien
Is the lady dead, was she killed and by whom? Changing rainfall in the past decades in Europe. (pptx; with A. Barkhordarian)
- 15 - 19 June 2015 - 10th Baltic Sea Science Congress "Science and innovation for future of the Baltic and the European regional seas", Riga
1. Results of the Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Region (BACC II) (as coauthor of Marcus Reckermann and Anders Omstedt)
2. Detection and attribution of climate change in the Baltic Sea Region. (Keynote; pptx; with A Barkhordarian)
- 12-14 May 2015 - ECCA, Copenhagen
1. Developing the concept of regional climate service - 10 years of coastal applications (with Insa Meinke as coauthor; pptx)
2. Hot spot Baltic Sea - expected climate change and its impacts on Europe's first macro-region (as coauthor of Marcus Reckermann, Anders Omstedt and the BACC I and II Author Teams; pdf)
3. Sideevent: BACC-II presentation The BACC-II report -process, and - Summary of results
- 22 April 2015 - National Marine Data and Information Service, SOA, 天津 (Tianjin)
On utility of coastal research (pptx)
- 21 April 2015 - National Marine Hazard Mitigation Service, SOA, 北京 (Beijing)
On utility of coastal research (pptx)
12-17 April 2015 - EGU General Assembly 2015, Vienna
1. Assessments of regional climate change and its impacts in Northern Europe (CL4.13; as coauthor of A. Omstedt, M. Reckermann, and M. Quante)
2. Newly Digitized Historical Climate Data of the German Bight and the Southern Baltic Sea Coasts (poster; as coauthor of Dörte Röhrbein and Birger Tinz)
March/April 2015 - Ocean University of China, Lecture "Advanced conceptual issues in climate and coastal science", 青岛 (Qingdao)
12 March Utility of coastal science (pptx)
26 March Concepts of regional climate servicing (pptx)
2 April Detection and attribution of change (pptx)
9 April Concepts of downscaling (pptx)
- 4 March 2015 - SJTU, 上海 (Shanghai)
Reconstructing geophysical changes in the coastal environment in recent decades, and constructing
scenarios of possible future change: The CoastDat philosophy (pptx)
- 27. Februar 2015 - Festkolloquium Kay Emeis, Hamburg
Sometimes coastal research is useful - cases from practice (pptx)
- 19 February 2015 - Visit of U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) to IfK, Hamburg
Challenges in science – stakeholder interactions: Regional climate service and knowledge competition (pptx)
- 6. Februar 2015 - Ausstellung "Planet 3.0" Klima. Leben. Zukunft. Eine Zeitreise durch den Klimawandel, Naturhistorisches Museum Braunschweig, Braunschweig
Klimawandel: Manifestation - Detektion - Attribution (pptx)
- 27 January 2015 - Klima a spolecnost. Prag
1. A history of human perceptions of anthropogenic climate change in the past 1000 years (with Nico Stehr; ppt)
2. The four Bray-and-von Storch surveys of climate scientists done from 1996 to 2013 - description and selected results (with Dennis Bray; pptx)
- 16. Dezember 2014 - Transition Town Initiative "Die Zukunft in / für Bielefeld", Bielefeld
Die Klimafalle (pptx)
15-19 December 2014 - AGU Fall Meeting 2014, San Francisco
1. An attempt to reconstruct the observed climate trends in the Baltic Sea Basin (as coauthor of A. Barkhordarian and C. R. Mechoso)
2. Prospects of the New Science and Outreach Network Baltic Earth with Results of the Second Climate Change Assessment for the Baltic Sea Region (BACC II) (as coauthor of M. Reckermann, M. Meier, A. Omstedt and A. Rutgersson)
3. Framing Extreme Event Attribution from the Bottom up - an Enquiry into the Social Representations of key stakeholders, of the Press and of Climate Scientists. (as coauthor of Jean-Paul Vanderlinden, Mareike Fellmer, Nathalia Capellini, Insa Meinke, Yorghos Remvikos, Dennis Bray, Chantal Pacteau; poster)
- 2. Dezember 2014 - Tag der Klimawissenschaften, Hamburg
- 13. November 2014 - Wilhelm-Külz-Stiftung, Dresden
Die Klimafalle - Die gefährliche Nähe von Politik und Klimaforschung (pptx)
- 11 November 2014 - Workshop : "Climate Changes - Influence on the Competitiveness of the Ports of Rotterdam and Hamburg", HAW, Hamburg
Überblick Institut für Küstenforschung des HZG und der KlimaCampus Hamburg (pptx)
- 6. November 2014 - Gemeinsames Seminar HZG - SWA, Hamburg
Können wir uns die nordeuropäischen Trends der letzten Jahrzehnte erklären? (pptx)
- 4. November 2014 - Lions-Club Dithmarschen, Meldorf
„Hinterm Deich würde ich kein Haus bauen“ (pptx)
- 27 October 2014 - Beijing Normal University, 北京 (Beijing)
On regional climate servicing (pptx)
- 27 October 2014 - Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, 北京 (Beijing)
Detection and attribution of climate change for the Baltic Sea Region (pptx)
- 25-26 October 2014 - Global Ocean Summit: Marine Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 青岛 (Qingdao)
Making coastal research useful - cases from practice (pptx)
- 20-24 October 2014 - Sino-German Cooperation in Marine Sciences Symposium "Coastal Oceans: Interdisciplinary Scientific Prediction and Management", 青岛 (Qingdao) (program)
Consistency of ongoing change and scenarios of possible future change (pptx)
- 17-19 October 2014 - ‘Europe’s Strategic Choices: Building on Prosperity and Security’, Berlin
Europe's Strategic Choices. Rethinking EU leadership in fighting climate change. Some points raised by Hans von Storch
- 16. Oktober 2014 - Abschlusssymposium zum Projekt "visiting artist researcher", Hochschule für Bildende Kunst, Hamburg
Kann Kunst konstruktiv auf den Wissenschaftsprozeß wirken? (Redemanuskript)
- 13-14 October 2014 - 12th Polish-German Seminar 2014 "Our coasts at the end of the century", Sopot
Detection and attribution of climate change for the Baltic Sea Region (with A. Barkhordarian; pptx)
- 10. Oktober, 13. Landesschulgeographentag, Freiburg
Die Klimafalle - Die gefährliche Nähe von Politik und Klimaforschung (pptx)
- 6-10 October 2014 - EMS2014, Prag
1. Climate evaluation of storminess at the German Bight and at the southwestern coast of Baltic Sea, (as coauthor of D. Röhrbein, B. Tinz and L. Gates)
2. Introductory Lecture on Climate Services and challenges (invited; pptx)
3. embedded: 7 October, 18:00 - Panel discussion on climate change issues and consequencies - how to cope with them ( Introductory comment; pptx).
4. embedded: 8 October 2014 - ECAC Symposium: The challenge of Climate Services: bridging the gaps
- 6-10 October 2014 - REKLIM Conference: "Our Future - Our Climate: Regional perspectives on a global challenge", Potsdam
Past and future changes of wind storms - latest achievements and current activities at HZG (as coauthor of M. Zahn and others)
- 6. Oktober 2014 9. Extremwetterkongress, Hamburg
Klimacampus Hamburg (im Zuge der Pressekonferenz; pptx)
Klimaforschung - und die politische Willensbildung
- 29. September - 2 October 2014 - 11th International Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering, Hamburg
Utility of Coastal Sciences (invited; pptx)
- 24. September 2014 - Verabschiedung Dr. Joachim Krohn, Geesthacht
Die Klimaforschung - und politischen Willensbildung
- 16-17 September 2014 - International Scientific Seminar “Uncertainty in climate variability and projections of climate change: towards a processbased understanding”, Chicheley Hall, UK
Expected futures as a guide for interpreting the present (with A. Barkhordarian; pptx)
- 9-11 September 2014 - "Better together? Reconciling the supply of, and demand for, climate knowledge in adaptation decision-making", Windsor, UK
知己知彼百战不殆 - a precondition for a successful climate communication?
- 25-27 August 2014 - Third Nordic International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation, København
Ten years of implementing regional climate service - practice and lessons (pptx)
Opening statement in panel discussion.
- 28 July to 1 August, 2014 - AOGS 11th Annual Meeting, Sapporo, Japan
1. Wind storm research at the Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht - long term changes over the Pacific (as coauthor of Matthias Zahn and Frauke Feser; pptx)
2. A Study of Quasi-millennial Extratropical Cyclone Activity Using Tracking and Clustering Methods (as coauthor of 夏兰 (Xia L.) and F. Feser; ppt)
3. Juli 2014 - Ringvorlesung „Streit um Wissenschaft“; Zentrum für Wissenschaftstheorie, Münster
Die Klimafalle (eingeladen; pptx)
- 24.6.2014 - "Klimawandel und Anpassung in Kommunen", Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach
Klimawissenschaft in der Gesellschaft (eingeladen)
- 16-19 June 16-19, 2014 - Third International Regional-scale Workshop on 21st Century Challenges in Regional Climate Modelling, Lund
Strategies and measures for determining the skill of dynamical downscaling (invited; ppt)
- 16.-21. Juni 2014 - 23rd Saltwater Intrusion Meeting SWIM23, Husum
Science, policy decision making and public participation – the challenge of climate change at the coast. (pptx; invited, with Norddeutsches Klimabüro)
- 12. June 2014 - Deutsch-Polnische Wissenschaftliche Begegnung , Warszawa
Studying climate change in the Baltic Sea Region (pptx)
- 11. Juni - SICCS retreat, Lauenburg
BACC and IPCC - global and regional assessments of knowledge about climate, climate change and climate impact (pptx; eingeladen)
- 28. Mai 2014 - Kolloquium zum Leitungswechsel in der BAW Dienststelle Hamburg, Hamburg
Wir - in Hamburg (eingeladen;pptx)
- May 27, 2014 - URC 2014 Urban Regions under Change: towards social-ecological resilience, Hamburg
Urban climate change – the story of several drivers (invited keynote; pptx)
- May 12-15, 2014 - Conference "Climate Change - the environmental and socio-economic response in the Southern Baltic Region -II", Szczecin, Poland, (program)
The violent mid latitude storm hitting Northern Germany and Denmark, 28 October 2013 (with F. Feser, C. Lefebvre and M. Stendel as coauthors; pptx)
- 12. Mai 2014 - Die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung der Klimaforschung - ein Streitgespräch zwischen Professor Dr. Uwe Schneidewind, Präsident und wissenschaftlicher Geschäftsführer, Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie sowie Professor Dr. Hans von Storch, Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialwissenschaft Berlin (Bericht)
- 9 May 2014 - Baltic Sea Fund prize award ceremony, Östersjöfonden, Mariehamn
The BACC process - what is the scientific knowledge about climate, climate change and impact in the Baltic Sea region? (pptx)
Thanks, Baltic Sea!
- 7. Mai 2014 - Lions Club, Ferring Stiftung, Alkersum (Bericht im Inselboten)
Stürme und Sturmfluten an der Westküste (pptx)
- 27
April – 2 May 2014 - EGU 2014, Wien
1. Mediterranean tropical like cyclones: Present and future (as coauthor of L. Cavicchia and S. Gualdi)
2. Changes in tropical cyclone activity over the western North Pacific, downscaled from NCEP/NCAR and ERA 40 reanalysis (as coauthor of Monika Jolanta Barcikowska and Frauke Feser)
3. Globale high resolution climate reconstructions (as coauthor of Martina Schubert-Frisius, Frauke Feser, Matthias Zahn und Sebastian Rost; poster)
- 15. April 2014 - WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Valendar
Die Rückkehr der Klimaforschung in die Kasernen (eingeladen; Bericht)
- 8 April 2014 -Ceremony of the handover of German colonial weather reports to the Municipal Weather Servie of Qingdao, Qingdao
- 1. April 2014 - RADOSt Abschlußkonferenz, Rostock
BACC - Konzept und Resultate zum Klimawandel in der Ostseeregion (als Koauthor von Marcus Reckermann)
- 10 March 2014 - Yantai Institute for Coastal Research, 烟台 (Yantai)
Scientific tools for coastal zone management (ppt)
- 9 March 2014 - Key Laboratory of Physical Oceanography, Ocean University of China, 青岛 (Qingdao)
Chinese student work on storms done at HZG (pptx)
1. April 2014 - Europäische Klima- und Energieziele für 2030: Welches Signal sendet die EU weltweit? Europa im Dialog mit internationalen Partnern, Akademie der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin (Kommentar)
Bleibt die Bekämpfung der globalen Erwärmung eine politische Priorität?
- 27. März 2014 - Ökofilmtour, Lindenberg (Bericht in der MOZ)
- 24. März 2014 - Klimaforschung gestern – heute – morgen, Wien
Geschichte der Klimaforschung - Signifikanz jenseits des Interessanten (eingeladen; ppt; Bericht ZAMG, Wiener Zeitung)
- 18. März 2014 - Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Erdbeobachtungszentrum, Oberpfaffenhofen
Scientific tools for coastal zone management (ppt)
- 17 März 2014 - Fokus@Helmholtz: Was können wir glauben? Die Klimadebatte und ihre Folgen , DKB Forum (Taubenstraße 7, 10117 Berlin)
Podiumsdiskussion (Eröffnungsstatement; Bericht der HGF, Bericht von Werner Krauss und online Diskussion)
- 13. März 2014 - GdW Bundesverband deutscher Wohnungs- und Immobilienunternehmen e. V., Berlin
Die Klimaforschung - welche Rolle fällt ihr bei der politischen Willensbildung zu? (eingeladen)
- February 23-28, 2014 - 2014 Ocean Sciences Meeting, Session Understanding Coupled Human-Natural Systems: Multi-disciplinary Approaches for Addressing Sustainability of the Marine Environment, Honolulu
Utility of coastal sea science (Poster)
- 19 Februar 2014 - Mobiliar Lab Lecture, Geographisches Institut, Unversität Bern
Klimafalle (pptx; Bericht in dem online-Magazin der Universität Bern uniaktuell)
- 30. Dezember 2013 - Schwarze Nächte, Hamburg
Frauen in Entenhausen
- 6. December 2013 - "The Impact of Climate Change – Challenges for Latvia and the European Union", Riga
Man-made climate change - a global phenomeon and a regional challenge (invited; pptx)
- 4. December 2013 - Case Studies in Environmental Chemistry, lecture at Kemisk Institut, København Universitet
Lecture: Emission and fate of lead in the European environment, 1958-1995 , (pptx)
- 3. Dezember 2013 - Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg an der Universität Greifswald, Greifswald
Rezenter und erwarteter Klimawandel im Ostseebereich - Was wissen wir, was wissen wir nicht? (pptx)
- 27. November 2013 - Alfred Wegener Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven
Concepts, data and perspectives – the utility of coastal, marine and climate science (pptx)
- 22. November 2013 - Journalistenkolleg „Tauchgänge in die Wissenschaft“, Bremen
Die Klimafalle – Die gefährliche Nähe von Politik und Klimaforschung (pptx)
- 21. November 2013 - 50jähriges Bestehen des Niedersächsischen Deichgesetzes, Deichacht Krummhörn, Emden
Klimawandel/Meeresspiegelanstieg an der Deutschen Nordseeküste (pptx)
- 20. November 2013 - ECRA/CEN/CliSAP/CLIVAR/WCRP Workshop on "High-end scenarios of regional sea level changes and their uncertainties", Hamburg
Regional Sea level change along the North Sea coasts (as presenter for Ralf Weisse; ppt)
- 19. November 2013 - Wilhelm-Külz-Stiftung, Dresden
Die Klimafalle – Die gefährliche Nähe von Politik und Klimaforschung (pptx)
- 6. November 2013, BMBF, Bonn
Klimafalle, Postnormalität, Klimaservice und so .... (pptx)
- 5. November 2013 - Eiderstedter Forum, Herrenhaus Hoyerswort, Oldenswort
Meeresspiegelveränderungen und Sturmfluten an der deutschen Nordseeküste (pptx; Bericht in Husumer Nachrichten)
- 2. November - Nacht des Wissens, Universität Hamburg
Wozu braucht die Klimaforschung Geisteswissenschaften? (Manuskript)
- 16-17 October 2013 - Havsmiljöinstitutets konferens "Klimatförändringar och dess påverkan på havet – och vad gör vi?", Marstrand, Sweden
Förutsättningar, trender och effekter av klimatförändringar – sammanfattning av BACC II slutsatser (pptx; invited)
- 6. Oktober 2014 - 9. Extremwetterkongress, Hamburg
Präsentation KlimaCampus Hamburg (im Zuge der Pressekonferenz)
Essay: Klimaforschung - und die politische Willensbildung
- 3. Oktober 2013 - Podiumsdiskussion bei der ETH-Klimarunde, ETHZ, aus Anlass der Publikation des IPCC Berichts, Zürich, Bericht
- 2. Oktober 2013 - ETH Zürich, Institut für Atmosphäre und Klima, Zürich
Detection and attribution - second thoughts (pptx)
- 23-27 September, 2013 - "Under the Sea: Archeology and Palaeolandscapes" conference, University of Szczecin, Poland
BACC results: climate change and impacts (invited, with M. Reckermann; pptx)
- 23. September 2013 - Gemeinsame Sitzung des Ausschusses für Umwelt & Energie der IHK Berlin und des Ausschusses für Umwelt der Handelskammer Hamburg, Hamburg
Zum Klimawandel in Städten (eingeladen; pptx)
- 6. September 2013 - Werkbundtag 2013, Hamburg
Das kreative Potential der Ungewissheit
- 3-4 September 2013 - "Adaptation to Climate Change in the Baltic Sea Region", Riga, Latvia
BACC results: climate change and impacts (invited; ppt)
- 26-30 August 2013 - 9th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2013, Klapeida, Lithuania
1. How do statistics of the mean wind correspond to extreme wind statistics over the Baltic Sea? (as coauthor of S. Bierstedt, E. Zorita and B Hünicke)
2. The BACC effort (with Marcus Reckermann; ppt)
- 1-3 July 2013 - IDAG meeting, Boulder, CO
An overall assessment of the Mediterranean and Baltic Sea basin situation (as coauthor of A. Barkhordarian)
- 24-28 June 2013 - 12 International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, Jeju, Korea
1. Rethinking the colour of precipitation (pptx, with A. Bunde, U. Büntgen, J. Ludescher, J. Luterbacher)
2. Consistency of recent climate change and expectation as
depicted by scenarios over the Mediterranean region (pptx, with A. Barkhordarian)
3. A long-term climatology of “Mediterranean hurricanes” (as coauthor of Leone Cavicchia and Silvio Gualdi)
- 23 June 2013 - Ocean University of China, 青岛 (Qingdao)
Dimensions of coastal research (pptx)
- 10-14 June 2013 - 7th Study Conference on BALTEX "Changes in Energy, Water and Matter Cycles - 20 Years of BALTEX Research, Borgholm, Öland, Sweden
1. Consistency of recently observed trends over the Baltic Sea basin with regional climate change projections (pptx;
as coauthor of A. Barkhordarian)
2. The second BACC assessment: a preliminary summary of key finding (ppt; with M. Reckermann)
- 4 June 2013 - 6th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research (ICWRER), Koblenz, Germany
Engineering Adaptation Strategies and Infrastructure Design Requirements to Deal with Climate Uncertainty – Uncertainty, Certainty (and the Case of Coastal Defense) (pptx; invited)
- 27. May 2013- First CLISAP/KlimaCampus Workshop on Sea Level Variability and Change Hamburg
Regional issues of changing storm surges and sea level (with Eduardo Zorita; ppt)
- 12-25. Mai 2103 - Klar zur Küstenforschung, MS Mein Schiff 1
1. Seegang (pptx)
2. Klima und Klimawandel in Nordeuropa (pptx)
3. Nutzung und Perzeptionen von Küste - Wissenschaft für den Umgang mit der Küste (pptx)
4. Lesung aus "Die Klimafalle"
- 18 April 2013 - Visit of Facultad de Ciencias, Montevideo, Uruguay
Scientic tools for coastal zone management (ppt; Einführung durch Olaf Scholz)
- 21. March 2013 - ECCA conference, Hamburg
Regional climate services – the case of Hamburg and the Elbe estuary (ppt)
- 14. März 2013 - Mannheim Forum 2013, Mannheim
Teilnahme an Diskussion „Klimawandel – Eine menschengemachte Katastrophe?“ mit Fritz Vahrenholt (Einführungsstatement)
- 12 March 2013, Institute of Oceanology, Sopot, Poland
Describing, assessing and envisaging changing costal hazards (pptx)
4-6. März 2013 - Küstenforschung, Küstennutzung und Küstenschutz, Hamburg (Programm)
1. Küstenforschung im Institut für Küstenforschung des Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht (Poster, mit Kay Emeis und Burkard Baschek)
2. BACC II. Eine wissenschaftliche Bestandsaufnahme des Klimawandels im Ostseeraum. (Poster, als Koauthor von Marcus Reckermann)
3. Küstenforschung in Deutschland - gesellschaftliche Beratung im Spannungsfeld divergenter gesellschaftlicher Interessen (Vortrag beim Senatsempfang)
- 5-6 February 2013, HELCOM Workshop on climate change and its implications, Warnemünde
Overview of climate change in the Baltic Sea region based on the upcoming BACCII book (invited; ppt)
- 24. Januar 2013 - Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung, Hamburg
Meeresspiegel und Sturmfluten an der Nordseeküste (pptx)
- 16 January 2013 - "Coastal Protection and Adaptation to Climate Change", BCA-NUS, Singapore
Describing, assessing and envisaging changing costal hazards (pptx, see also
- 15 December 2012 - "Smart City and the challenge of climate change: Business and territory development opportunities", Bologna, Italy
Climate Science in Society
- 26-28 November 2012 - 3rd Annual Meeting of Centre for Regional Change in the Earth System (CRES), København / Søminestation (Holbæk), Denmark
BACC-II summary (ppt)
- 21-23 November 2012 - 13th International Scientific Wadden Sea Symposium: "An integrated approach to emerging challanges in a World Heritage site , Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Policy relevant progress in scientific knowledge about regional climate risks and regional climate service (ppt)
- 14 November 2012 - 12. Forum Katastrophenschutz des DKKV, Bonn
Podiumsdiskussion: Von der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis zum politischen Handeln
- 13 November 2012 - Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, Geesthacht
Climate Research in Society (
- 19. Oktober 2012 - Jubiläums-Kolloquium zum 75-jährigen Bestehen der Forschungsstelle Küste, Oldenburg
Das Gör in der Badewanne (ppt)
- 11-13 October 2012 - 12 German-Polish seminar on Coastal Research, Greifswald (Programm)
Second BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change (ppt)
- 6. Oktober 2012 - Cusanus-Stiftung: "Klimaszenarien: Alle reden vom Wetter - wir rechnen" , Osnabrück
Klimaforschung in der Gesellschaft
- 26. September 2012 - Konferenz THOR, Hamburg
Coastal seas: resources and risks (ppt)
20. September 2010 - Göteborgs Universitet Geovetarcentrum, Göteborg
The regional issue of detection and attribution (ppt)
- 18. September - "Celebrating 50 years of science at Helgoland Roads", Biologische Anstalt Helgoland
Long-term monitoring and the perspective of detection and attribution of long-term change (with Kai Wirtz; ppt)
- 8. September 2012 - Tagung der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes "Prognosemöglichkeiten in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft", Mannheim (Stichworte)
- 1. Workshop: "Was sind Modelle, und wozu sind sie gut (Mehrwert)?“
- 2. Workshop „Wie können Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften zur Klimaforschung beitragen?“
- 3. Podiumsdiskussion
- 7 September 2012 - Assessment of climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin, Tallinn
Summary of BACC II results. (ppt)
- 30 August 2012 - State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography (LTO), South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Guangzhou
The scientific programm of the Helmholtz Zentrum Institut of Coastal Research (ppt)
- 24 August 2012 - Seminar at Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 北京 (Beijing)
CSC student work on storms done in Geesthacht (ppt)
- 19-24 August, 2012 Mini-symposium "Mechanics of natural disasters" at the 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 北京 (Beijing) (Programme)
Storm surges: Phenomena, modelling and scenarios (invited; ppt)
2. Juli - Forschung vor Anker , Kühlungsborn
Institut für Küstenforschung des Helmholtz Zentrums Geesthacht
- 29 May 1 - June 2012 - 46th Congress of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS), Montreal
1. Added Value Generated by Regional Climate Models (invited talk; with F. Feser; pptx)
2. Issues of Regional Climate Servicing (with F. Zwiers, I. Meinke, C. Devis and W. Krauss as coauthors; pptx)
- 24. Mai 2012 - Geisenheimer Doktorandenkolleg, Geisenheim
Klimadialog – Die Herausforderung Klimaskeptiker (pptx, eingeladen)
22-27 April 2012 - EGU 20120, Vienna
Correlation and Return Interval Analysis of Tree Rings Based Temperature and Precipitation Reconstructions (poster in NP3.2; as coauthor of A. Bunde, J. Ludescher, J. Luterbacher und U. Büntgen)
- 31 March 2011 - Social Knowledge and Knowledgeable Society, Friedrichshafen
Social science - a must for climate research (invited)
- 7. März 2012 - 72. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Hamburg
Öffentlicher Abendvortrag: Klimawissenschaften - ist das Physik? (pptx)
- 17. Februar 2012 - Gedenkfeier zum Sturmflut 16./17. Februar 1962, Wilhelmshaven
Sturmfluten an der Deutschen Nordseeküste: Kann sich '1962' wiederholen? (pptx)
- 14. Februar 2012 - Stader Geschichts und Heimatverein, Stade
Sturmfluten an der Deutschen Nordseeküste: Kann sich '1962' wiederholen? (pptx)
- 12. Februar 2012 - Veranstaltung zu "50 Jahre Sturmflut 1962", Husum
Wie haben sich die Wahrscheinlichkeiten für Sturmfluten geändert, und wie können Sie sich in Zukunft ändern?
(pptx; Festvortrag)
- 22-26 January 2012 - 26th Conference on Hydrology, AMS 92nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA
Added Value Generated by Regional Climate Models (invited; ppt)
- 23. January 2012 - MASS-Seminar, Program in Atmospheres, Oceans and Climate, MIT, Boston
Testing empirical methods for reconstructing temperatur and sea level for times with insufficient instrumental coverage (ppt)
- 20 - 21 January 2012 - Climate change in social sciences, Athens, Greece
The advent of societal relevance of climate science (invited; ppt)
- 20 December 2011 - CSC "Klimaimpulse", Hamburg
Klimadialog – Die Herausforderung Klimaskeptiker. (pptx)
- 21 - 23 November 2011 -
Regional Climate Services Workshop 2011, Victoria, Canada
Regional climate service in a postnormal context. (ppt)
- 18 November 2011 - Scientific Symposium: 200 years of tide-gauge measurements in Świnoujście, Świnoujście, Polen
Relevance of long term observatories such as the tide gauge in Swinoujscie (pptx)
- 17 November 2011 - 11th German-Polish Seminar on Coastal Research, Świnoujście, Poland
- 9-10 November 2011 - Symposium to Honour the Scientific Work of Klaus Hasselmann, Hamburg
Die Herausforderung der gesellschaftlichen Relevanz (Redemanuskript; Fassung in der FAZ am 29.11.2011)
- 8. November - "Needs for Regional Responses to Risks of Climate Change“, Workshop of Hanse-Office, Brussels
Research on Climate Impacts in Hamburg and Schleswig Holstein (ppt)
- 31 October - 3. November 2011 - Third Santa Fe Conference on Global and Regional Climate Change, Santa Fe (Abstracts talks, Abstracts posters)
1. Added value generated by regional climate models (ppt; with coauthors F. Feser, B. Rockel, R. Weisse, J. Winterfeldt and M. Zahn)
2. Long memory and the detectability of climate change (poster; with Armin Bunde and Eduardo Zorita)
- 24-28 October 2011 - WCRP Open Science Conference, Denver
1. Regional climate services: A case study (with Insa Meinke; poster)
2. Regional Climate Models add Value to Global Model Data (Session B5. Variability and Predictability of Regional Climate and Monsoons; oral; with coauthors F. Feser, B. Rockel, J. Winterfeldt and M. Zahn; ppt)
3. Regional meteo-marine reanalyses and climate change projections: Results for Northern Europe and potentials for coastal, offshore and terrestrial applications (poster, as coauthor of R. Weisse)
4. On air pressure and past storm activity - an assessment of the informational value of proxies for past storm activity (poster, as co-author of Oliver Krüger)
- October 17-20, 2011, 3rd International Workshop on Climate Downscaling, Tsukuba
Issues in dynamical downscaling: added value and spatial resolution (ppt)
- October 16th – 17th, 2011 - Sino-German Kick-off Workshop on Adaptation Strategies, 北京 (Beijing) (photo)
1. Wissensmanagement an der Schnittstelle von Klimawissenschaft und Entscheidern (pptx, chinese pptx)
2. Grundlagen für die Entwicklungen von Anpassungsstrategien an der deutschen Nordseeküste (ppt, chinese ppt)
- 11. Oktober 2011 - Orientierungeinheit für Master Studierende in SICSS, Hamburg
Is 'climate' a physical issue? (ppt)
- 7. Oktober 2011 - Tag des Bauens, Siegen (Bericht)
Klimawandel als Faktor in der Planung von Zukunft? (pptx)
4-5. October 2011 - North Sea Region Climate Assessment; Joint 1st Lead Author - 2nd Scientific Steering Committee Meeting, Amsterdam
Communicating climate change (pptx)
- 29-20 October 2011 - BALTEX SSG # 27, Warnemünde
Climate research under post-normal conditions (ppt)
- 29. September 2011 - Dritte Hamburger Klimawoche "Klimawandel: Auswirkungen auf die Hamburger Wirtschaft und Anpassungsstrategien", Hamburg
Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Metropolregion Hamburg (ppt)
- 22. September 2011 - Martha-Stiftung, Hamburg
Sturmfluten längs der Deutschen Nordseeküste – Änderungen und Perspektiven. Oder: Das Kind in der Badewanne?
Sturmflutgefahr längs der deutschen Nordseeküste (ppt)
8.-9. September 2011 - REKLIM-Konferenz 2011
„Klimawandel in Regionen“, Leipzig
Klimawandel in Küstenregionen (ppt)
- 31. August 2011 - Podiumsdiskussion „Herausforderung Klimawandel - Was wir jetzt tun müssen — Energiekonzepte für die Zukunft“ am Charlotte Paulsen Gymnasium, Hamburg
- 22-26. August 2011 - 8th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia
1. Keynote: Knowledge generation vs. decision processes - the issue of regional climate service (eingeladen; ppt)
2. Climate change assessments as a service to society: The BACC example (as coauthor of M. Reckermann, H.-J. Isemer and A. Omstedt; ppt)
8. Juli - Forschung vor Anker von Stralsund über Greifswald nach Szczecin, Universität Szczecin, Poland
Climate research under post-normal conditions
- 22. Juni 2011 - Fachsymposium „Wasserbezogene Anpassungsmaßnahmen an Landschafts- und Klimawandel in unterschiedlichen Flusseinzugsgebieten und Regionen“, Großräschen (Problemaufriss)
Globaler Wandel, Klimawandel und regionale Anpassung (eingeladen; ppt; Manuskript: von Storch, H., 2012: Globaler Wandel, Klimawandel und regionale Anpassung veröffentlicht in U. Grünewald, O. Bens, H. Fischer, R.F. Hüttl,
K. Kaiser, A. Knierim (Hrsg.): Wasserbezogene Anpassungsmaßnahmen an den Landschafts- und Klimawandel, Schweizerbart‘sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart, Germany, 14-27)
- 16. Juni 2011 - Besuch einer Studentengruppe von der Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Ostfalia in Suderburg im Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht
Klimaforschung im Institut für Küstenforschung des Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (ppt)
- 15-17 June 2011 - Workshop "Regional availability of climate knowledge in the Baltic Sea region, Berlin and Lübeck-Timmendorfer Strand, Germany
Climate services under post normal conditions (key note speech; ppt)
- 2.-10. Juni 2011- MS "Mein Schiff"
a) Sturmfluten längs der deutschen Nordseeküste (pptx, 10. Juni)
b) Klimawandel im Ostseeraum (pptx; 10. Juni)
c) Seegang (2. Juni; pptx)
- 31. May 2011 - BSSSC Conference "Adapting to Climate Change - Case Studies from the Baltic Sea Region", Hamburg
- Scientific evidence on climate change in the Baltic Sea Region (pptx)
- Regional Climate Service – Experience from the North German Climate Office (as coauthor of I. Meinke)
- 26-27 Mai 2011 - ESPI Workshop Remote Sensing regional climate change - potentials and options to adapt, Wien
Regional climate knowledge for society (ppt; eingeladen)
- 24. Mai 2011 - Präsentation der Klimastudie "Klimarisiko Steiermark – erste Schritte zur Anpassungsstrategie", Graz, Österreich
Regionaler Klimaservice (ppt)
- 23. Mai 2011 - Geographisches Kolloquium, Universität Giessen
Klimawandel - Wie mit Skeptikern und andere Wissensansprüchen umgehen? (ppt)
- 12-14 Mai 2011 - Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Humanökologie „Systemtheorien und Humanökologie“, Sommerhausen
Klimamodelle? (eingeladen; ppt)
- 9-14 May 2011 - 11th International Coastal Symposium (ICS 2011), Szczecin, Poland,
Regional climate knowledge for society (as part of the "Szczecin Climate Seminar"; ppt)
- 4-6 May 2011 - Workshop "Postnormal Science: The Case of Climate Science, Hamburg (Abstracts, Program, report in EOS)
Climate Services under Post-Normal Conditions (ppt)
- 29. April 2011 - Tokio Marine’s 2011 Summit on Global Warming and Climate Change – State of The Knowledge and Implications for The Insurance Industry, Atlanta
Storms in Northern Europe - changes, perspectives and impacts. (eingeladen; ppt)
- 28. April 2011 - School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
Regional Climate Models add Value to Global Model Data – A Review and selected Examples. (ppt)
13. April - Vortrag in der Vorlesungsreihe "Wasser" an der HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Maritime Klimagefahren: Sturmfluten (ppt; dazu die Filme zu den Sturmfluten 1953 in den Niederlanden und 1962 in Hamburg)
- 12. April 2011 - Extremwetterkongress 2011, Hamburg
Klimadialog –
Herausforderung Skeptiker und andere Wissensansprüche (eingeladen; ppt)
- 4. April 2011 - Enquete-Kommission "Norddeutsche Kooperation" des Schleswig-Holsteinischen Landtages, Kiel
Welche klimapolitischen Kooperationswege sollen beschritten werden? - Regionaler Klimaservice in Norddeutschland.
- 30-31. März 2011 - Regionalkonferenz Klimaanpassung Küstenländer , Hamburg
Sturmfluten längs der Deutschen Nordseeküste – Änderungen und Perspektiven. Oder: Das Kind in der Badewanne - Perspektiven für die Sturmflutgefahr längs der deutschen Nordseeküste (ppt; eingeladen)
- 10. März 2011 - 8. FZK-Kolloquium "Maritimer Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen" des Forschungszentrums Küste, Hannover
Die Synergie von Klimaforschung und Küsteningenieurwesen (eingeladen; ppt)
1 March 2011 - SC seminar on Climate scenarios, impacts and uncertainties, European Environmental Agency, København, Denmark
Regional climate models - added value and utillity (invited; with coauthor F. Feser; ppt)
24 February - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici, Bologna
Downscaling tropical cyclones from global re-analysis and scenarios: Statistics of multi-decadal variability of TC activity in E Asia (together with F. Feser and M. Barcikowska)
- 7-9. February 2011 - WCRP/IOC Workshop on Regional Sea Level Change, Paris
Regional Mean Sea Level Changes in the German Bight in the 20th Century (as coauthor of Ralf Weisse, Frauke Albrecht, Thomas Wahl and Jürgen Jensen)
- 26-28 January 2011 - Reconciliation in the Climate Change Debate, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Joint Research Centre, Lisboa, Portugal (Report by Gerald Traufetter on spiegel-online; Group photo)
Statement: Climate Science - can we overcome the big divide?
Climate science, IPCC, postnormality and the crisis of trust (ppt)
- 20. Januar 2011 - Vortragsreihe Energie und Klimaschutz, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Welfenschloss, Hörsaal B302
Klimawissenschaft, das IPCC, Postnormalität und die Vertrauenskrise (ppt)
- 19. Januar 2011 - 4. Freiheitskongress, Berlin (Bericht)
Klimaforschung in der Gesellschaft (eingeladen; Videoaufnahme)
18. Januar 2011 - Doktorandenseminar "Communicating Climate Change" CLISAP Exzellenzentrum, Universität Hamburg
Climate Science in Society (ppt)
10. Januar 2011 - Meteorological Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan
Downscaling and regional modelling (ppt)
- 4-6 January 2011 - 4th ASCE-EWRI International Perspective on Water Resources & the Environment , Singapore
1. Regional climate services (with Insa Meinke, Nico Stehr, Beate Ratter, Werner Krauss, Roger A. Pielke jr., Reiner Grundmann, Marcus Reckermann, and Ralf Weisse as coauthors; manuscript; ppt)
2. The case of polar lows (with Matthias Zahn; spontaneous presentation; ppt)
13-17 December 2010 - AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco
1. Storm surges – a globally distributed risk, and the case of Hamburg (invited; Union Session on "Extreme Natural Events: Modeling, Prediction and Mitigation"; ppt)
2. The case of polar lows (with Matthias Zahn; invited; NG17. Extremes in Climate: Effects of Global Warming?; ppt)
3. BALTEX – A science broker for the Baltic Sea Region (as coauthor of Marcus Reckermann, Joakim Langner and Anders Omstedt)
- 9. December 2010 - Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, Victoria, Canada
Regional climate service (ppt)
2. November 2010 - Ringvorlesung "Energiewirtschaft: Ökonomie versus Ökologie" des Fachbereich Wirtschaft der Jade Hochschule in Wilhelmshaven in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Hermann-Ehlers-Bildungswerk Oldenburg der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Wilhelmshaven
Meeresspiegelanstieg und Sturmfluten an der Nordseeküste (ppt)
- 26.Oktober 2010 - Umweltressorts der norddeutschen Küstenländer Bremen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Schleswig-Holstein: "Klimafolgenbewältigung und Küstenschutz", Brüssel, Niedersächsische Landesvertretung
Das Kind in der Badewanne? Perspektiven für die Sturmflutgefahr längs der deutschen Nordseeküste (ppt)
19 October 2010 - CLISAP-lecture series "Models in the Climate Sciences", Hamburg
Generation of added value with models (ppt)
15. October 2010 - Universitet Göteborg
Linking the global and the regional - what means global warming regionally in the Baltic Sea catchment? (ppt)
- 11-15 October, 2010 - 5th IPWG Workshop on Precipitation Measurements, Hamburg
Can recently observed precipitation trends over the Mediterranean be explained by projections? (Poster, as coauthor of A. Barkhordarian)
- 10-13. October 2010 - GeoDarmstadt 2010, Darmstadt
Climate Archive Dune (ClimAD) (poster, as co-author of I. Costas, J. Ludwig, S. Lindhorst, C. Betzler, H.C. Hass, T. Reimann and M. Frechen; poster)
- 11-12 October 2010 - ECREA Preconference "Communication Climate Change 2: The Regional Level", Hamburg
Climate Science in Society (invited; ppt)
- 7. October 2010 - Geofysisk Institutt Universitet Bergen
Climate science, IPCC, postnormality and the crisis of trust (ppt)
29 September to 2 October 2010 - Conference Deltas in times of Climate Change, Rotterdam,
History and perspectives of storm surge management in Hamburg (together with M. Meine and G. Gönnert; ppt)
Special Elbe-session, 30. September 2010, with presentation
Regional climate services – the case of Hamburg and the Elbe estuary (with I. Meinke; ppt)
- September 27-29, 2010 - WCRP-UNESCO (GEWEX/CLIVAR/IHP) Workshop on metrics and methodologies of estimation of extreme climate and weather events, Paris, UNESCO
1. Perceived as a regional phenomenon, but really of global concern: storm surges. (invited; ppt)
2. Changing statistics of polar lows and typhoons in the past and foreseeable future. (Poster, together with F. Feser, M. Zahn, M. Barcikowska, 陈飞 (F. Chen) and 夏兰 (Xia L.), ppt)
13-17 September 2010 - Storm Surge Congress 2010, Hamburg
1. Drivers of storm surge change in Hamburg (with M. Meine; poster) )
2. Evaluation of an air pressure based proxy for storm activity (as co-author of O. Krüger; poster)
- 14. September 2010 - Bezirksversammlung Hamburg-Nord, Ausschuss für Umwelt, Verkehr und Verbraucherschutz, und Stadtentwicklungsausschuss
Klimabericht für die Metropolregion Hamburg (mit Julika Doerffer, ppt)
8. September 2010 - GKSS-Seminar on Storm Studies, Seewetteramt Hamburg
Storm issues and results of the past 10 years (ppt)
- 1. September 2010 - Europäisches Forum Alpbach 2010, Alpbach, Österreich
Teilnahme an Paneldiskussion: Das Win-Win-Potenzial von Ökonomie und Ökologie
- August 30-31, 2010 - Workshop "Mountain cryospheric reservoirs - A link between climate and water availability for societies and natural systems", Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies IASS Potsdam
Assessing and predicting regional climate change (ppt)
27. August 2010 - Besuch des Arbeitskreises Umwelt und ländliche Räume der SPD-Landtagsfraktion in Kiel, GKSS, Geesthacht
Klimaforschung am Institut für Küstenforschung (ppt)
25. August 2010 - Besuch Zweigvereins Rheinland der DMG, GKSS, Geesthacht
Das Institut für Küstenforschung (ppt)
16. Juli 2010 - "Forschung vor Anker", Leer
Meeresspiegel und Sturmfluten im Nordseeküstenbereich (ppt)
June 30 - July 5, 2010 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 上海 (Shanghai), China (program)
Downscaling tropical cyclones from global re-analysis and scenarios: Statistics of multi-decadal variability of TC activity in E Asia (together with F. Feser and M. Barcikowska; ppt; full article)
29. June 2010 - State Ocean Agency (SOA), 北京 (Beijing), China
Overview - Institute of Coastal Research (ppt)
28. June 2010 - Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, China Meteorological Agency CMA, 北京 (Beijing), China (announcement)
Studies at GKSS on storm variability and projections (ppt)
22–-25 June 2010 2010 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting in 台北市 (Taipei), Taiwan
Session A16. Changing Statistics of Tropical, Mid-latitude and Polar Pacific Storms
1. Downscaling Tropical Cyclones from global re-analysis and global scenarios: Statistics of multi-decadal variability of TC activity in E Asia (with Frauke Feser and Monika Barcikowska; ppt)
2. A Comparison of two tracking methods on Polar Lows (as coauthor of 夏兰 (Xia L.), M. Zahn, F. Feser, H. von Storch and K.I. Hodges)
3. A case study on Polar Low over the Japan Sea (as couthor of 陈飞 (Chen F.), M. Zahn and B. Geyer)
21-24 June 2010 - IPCC Workshop on Sea Level Rise and Ice Sheet Instabilities, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Sea level studies at GKSS, Germany, (poster, short ppt; poster)
- 15 June 2010 - IPCC Review meeting of the Interacademy Council in Montreal, Canada
Statement (ppt)
14-18 June 2010 - 6th Study Conference on BALTEX, Miedzyzdroje, Island of Wolin, Poland
1. Detection and attribution of an anthropogenic effect on temperature and precipitation changes in the Baltic Sea catchment. (as coauthor of Jonas Bhend; ppt)
2. Interference of climate change, geosphere and anthroposphere – a new focus of the Szczecin science community (as coauthor of A. Witkowski, J. Batóg, R.K. Borówka, K. Furmanczyk, J. Harff, M. Kowalewski, P. Krajewski, R. Marks, S. Musielak, M. Rêbkowski; pdf of ppt)
- 10. Juni 2010 - Technisch-wissenschaftlicher Beirat der GEA Holding für Energietechnik, Würzburg, Schloß Steinburg
Status: Klimawissenschaft, IPCC, Klimapolitik (ppt)
8. Juni 2010 - Kolloquium des Instituts für Ethnologie, Hamburg
Über die in der Küsten- und Klimaforschung wahrgenommene Nützlichkeit der Ethnologie (ppt)
3. Juni 2010 - Geburtstagskolloquium für Klaus Dethloff, AWI, Potsdam
Festvortrag: Zwei Seiten einer Medaille: vom Regionalen und vom Globalen (ppt)
- 1. Juni 2010- Ringvorlesung "Komplexe Systeme", Universität Luxemburg (Ankündigung)
Klimamodelle - was können sie und was können sie nicht? (ppt)
2-7 May 2010 - General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), Session NP3.4 "Geophysical Extremes: Scaling representations and their applications", Vienna
1. Examples of using long term memory in climate analysis (invited; with Eduardo Zorita; ppt)
2. Evaluation of an air pressure based proxy for storm activity, (as coauthor of Oliver Krueger; poster)
- 29. April 2010 - Gemeinsame Veranstaltung der Europäischen Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen wissenschaftlich-technischer Entwicklungen Bad Neuenahr/Ahrweiler in mit der Kreissparkasse Ahrweiler, Bahnhof Rolandseck/Arp Museum (Flyer)
Klimaforschung und Klimapolitik - Rollenverteilung und Nachhaltigkeit (eingeladen; ppt)
- 23. April 2010 - Gespräche am Nikolassee, Berlin
Über Klimaforschung (ppt)
- 23. April 2010 - "Standpunkt"-Diskussion auf der Hannover-Messe von E.ON, Hannover
Die Nachhaltigkeit der Klimaforschung
- 22. April 2010 - Seminar at Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Vitenskapsakademiets klimautvalg, Oslo
Climate science, IPCC, postnormality and the crisis of trust (ppt)
- 7. April 2010 - Beirat A KUEST-Projekt, Leer
Climate science, IPCC, and the crisis of trust, regional climate service (ppt)
- 24-25 März 2010 - Jahreskonferenz RADOST 2010, Schwerin
Folgen des Klimawandels für die Ostseeregion: Was können wir wissen? (ppt)
23. März 2010 - GKSS, Geesthacht
Ist Klimaforschung Physik? (ppt; video)
- 15. März 2010 - Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden
Utility of climate models (ppt)
3 March 2010 - EPP Group Hearing:
Key Issues in Post-Copenhagen Climate Change Policy -
The Science of Climate Change, Brussels, Belgium
Status: Climate science, IPCC, postnormality and the crisis of trust (ppt)
24 February 2010 - PhD Students Retreat of School of Integrated Climate System Sciences, Gremmelin, Germany
Is climate research just a specific typ of physics? (ppt)
15-19 February 2010 - Chapman Conference on Complexity and Extreme Events in Geosciences, National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India (program, abstracts; Photo)
Marine storms - analysis, statistics and changes
(invited; ppt)
- 8. Februar 2010 - "Hot topics in the Climate Debate", Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (PBL), Bilthoven, The Netherlands, internal seminar
Is climate science physics? (ppt)
- 5. Februar 2010 - Mathematische Gesellschaft, Hamburg
Klimamodelle - was können sie und was können sie nicht? (ppt)
- 1-2 February 2010 - International Workshop on Modern Statistics for Climate Research, Oslo
Determining change in extratropical storm conditions (invited; ppt)
- 27-29 January 2010 - IDAG Spring Meeting January 2010, Boulder, NCAR
Changes in North Atlantic Polar Low statistics (ppt)
- 18. Januar 2010 - Ringvorlesung Universität Wien
Vorlesung: Klima, Klimawandel, Klimawahrnehmung, Klimapolitik und Klimawissenschaft (ppt)
- 14. Januar 2010 - Vortragsreihe "Projekt Klimaschutz" des Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung, Hamburg
Meeresspiegel und Sturmfluten im Nordseeküstenbereich (ppt; Schülerreaktionen: 1, 2)
- 7 January 2010 - Seminar on Climate Change and Coastal Adaptation, Singapore
Marine storms - analysis, statistics and changes (invited; ppt)
14-18 December 2009. AGU Fall meeting 2009, San Francisco
1. Reconstruction of regional climate and climate change in past decades (invited; with F. Feser, R. Weisse and M. Zahn as coauthors; ppt)
2. Future projections of North Atlantic polar low frequency (as co-author of M. Zahn; poster)
8. Dezember 2009 - Ringvorlesung "Klimasystem und Klimawandel: Hamburger Beiträge zur internationalen Forschung", Universität Hamburg
Vorlesung: Kunst und Grenzen der Klimamodellierung (ppt)
- 2. December 2009 - Case Studies in Environmental Chemistry, lecture at Kemisk Institut, København Universitet
Lecture: Emission and fate of lead in the European environment, 1958-1995 , (ppt1, ppt2), and Om vejen fra klimaforskning til regional klimapolitik og tilbage
26/27 November 2009 - Indvielse af Centre for Regional change in the Earth System (CRES), DMI, København
Om vejen fra klimaforskning til regional klimapolitik og tilbage (på Dansk; invited)
- 25 November 2009 - Klimabericht für die Hamburger Metropolregion, Hamburg
Fachliche Einführung (ppt)
16 November 2009 - Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 北京 (Beijing), China
Downscaling Tropical Cyclones from global re-analysis - Statistics of multi-decadal variability of TC activity in E Asia 1948-2007 (ppt)
13-14 November; Climate Change and Coastal Ocean II Workshop, 青岛 (Qingdao), China (Group photo)
1. Coastal Research and Education at GKSS (13. November; ppt)
2. Downscaling Tropical Cyclones from global re-analysis: Statistics of multi-decadal variability of TC activity in E Asia, 1948-2007 (14. November; ppt)
- 5-6 November 2009 - SFB Abschlußsymposium, Hamburg
Comparison of measured and simulated wind speeds over the North Atlantic and the added value of regional model simulations (as coauthor of Jörg Winterfeldt and Ralf Weisse)
- 4. November 2009 - Symposium "Klimadesign" der Hochschule für bildenden Künste, Hamburg
Ein schwieriges Paar – die mediale und die wissenschaftliche Konstruktion des menschgemachten Klimawandels (eingeladen; ppt)
- 2.-3. November 2009 - Tagung Klima und System Erde, Berlin
Nordseesturmfluten im Klimawandel- Entwicklungen und Schutzmaßnahmen (eingeladen; als coauthor von Insa Meinke und Ralf Weisse)
29. October 2009 - Scientific Symposium on the Occasion of the 60th Birthday and the
30th Anniversary of the PhD-Degree of Professor Hans von Storch: „Dissent is the Motor of further Development“ – Public Perception of Climate Change and the Statistical Analysis of Climatological Data and Simulation, MV Cap San Diego, Hamburg
The Case of Storminess in NW Europe (ppt)
- 21. Oktober - Interner workshop "Wie heiss wird es? Vor der UN Klimakonferenz von Kopenhagen" bei der Redaktion der Tagesschau, NDR, Hamburg
Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Küsten Nordeuropas (invited; ppt)
- 13-15 October 2009 - BSSSC Conference – ”Regions taking the Challenge - Between the EU Baltic Sea Strategy and the UN Climate Summit”, Ringsted, Denmark
Scientific tools for public-science interaction on regional climate change & policy (ppt)
- 12-16 October 2009 - 5th European Conference on Severe Storms, ECSS 2009, Landshut, Germany
Multi-decadal dynamical downscaling of tropical cyclones in East Asia using spectrally nudged regional climate models (as co-author of F. Feser)
- 6-16 October 2009 - 6th GKSS School of Environmental Research: School on Statistical Analysis in Climate Research, Lecce, Italy
Storm proxies (ppt, manuscript, see also
- 5. October 2009 - International Conference on Promoting the Low-Carbon Cities 2009, Yokohama, Japan
Hamburg (invited) (ppt)
- 21-23 September 2009 - Deutschen Geographentag 2009 "Geographie für eine Welt im Wandel / Umwelt - Gesellschaft - Geokommunikation", Wien
Sitzung A4 am 23. September
Teilnahme an Podiumsdiskussion "Umweltwandel - Chaos oder Normalität" (Eröffnungsstatement)
The utility of long-term reconstructions with regional climate/earth system models (eingeladen; ppt)
19. September 2009, Leer, Symposium "Cosmas- and Damian flood of 26 September 1509" (Programm; Bericht in Kreiszeitung)
Nordseesturmfluten im Klimawandel (eingeladen; Zusammenfassung; ppt; Dutch paper in proceedings)
- 14-16 September 2009 - IPCC WGI/WGII Expert Meeting on Detection and Attribution Related to Anthropogenic Climate Change, Geneva, Switzerland. (Programme)
Panel discussion: "A unified framework for D&A in the AR5?" (ppt)
- 10-11 September 2009 - Workshop on “Climate change information services for decision making and adaptation” on 17-18 September 2009, at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) in the Netherlands, De Bilt
Instruments for advising on regional climate change (with R. Weisse and I. Meinke as coauthors; ppt)
- 26.-28 August 2009 - Visit of Universities of Cape Town and Stellenbosch, and STIAS Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study, organized by the German Academic Exchange Service, South Africa (Abstracts)
1. Assessing risk in regional coastal weather (Seminar, UCT, 26. August, 13:00; ppt)
2. Science and ethics of climate scientists (Discussion, UCT, 27. August, 16:30; Philander's statement; ppt)
3. Ongoing and expected regional climate change: wind, surge and wave conditions in the North Sea (seminar, STIAS Stellenbosch, 28. August, 15:30; ppt)
4. Science and ethics of climate scientists (Seminar Department of Philosophy/ Department of Political Science, U. Stellenbosch, 1. September, 11:00)
- 24-28 August 2009 - Sixth International Scientific Conference on the Global Energy and Water Cycle, Melbourne, Australia
BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change (BACC) for the Baltic Sea basin (as coauthor or H.J. Isemer, M. Reckermann and the BACC Authors)
- 24. August 2009 - Rotarier Reinbek, Ausmühle
Klimawandel in Deutschland (ppt)
- 27. Juli 2009 - International Advanced PhD Course on Climate Impacts on the Baltic Sea: From Science to Policy, 27 July - 5 August 2009, Nexø, Bornholm, Denmark, Bornholm
1. Introduction to Climate Modelling. (ppt)
2. The Market of Climate Change Knowledge (manuscript)
6.-10. Juli 2009 - Vortragsveranstaltung „Treffpunkt Küste – Ludwig-Prandtl-Tour 2009“, Büsum, Tönning, Husum, Wyk, Hörnum
Globaler Klimawandel und regionale Auswirkungen (ppt; am 9. Juli in Wyk)
- 2. Juli 2009 - Wirtschaftsbeirat Bayern, München
Klimawandel in Deutschland (ppt)
- 26-27th June 2009 - A reflective workshop: “Post Normal Science – perspectives & prospects” on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Jerry Ravetz, Oxford
"Postnormal Science" as a guiding tool of embedding climate science in the public discourse
- 25. Juni 2009 - TÜV-Jahresmitgliederversammlung, Saarbrücken
Neue Glühlampen zur Klimarettung? Vom rationalen Umgang mit dem Klimawandel (ppt)
- 12-14. Juni 2009 - Friesenkongress (Programm), Leer
Klimawandel, Meeresspiegel, Sturmfluten in der Nordsee: Was steht uns bevor? (eingeladen; ppt; Westfriesisches Abstract)
- 11. Juni 2009 - Jahrestagung der Vereinigung Angehöriger der Land-, Wasserwirtschafts- und Umweltverwaltung Schleswig-Holstein e.V., Tarp
Die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Küsten Schleswig-Holsteins (ppt, eingeladen)
- 9. Juni 2009 - Meeresumwelt-Symposium des BSH, Hamburg
Bestandsaufnahme zum Klimawandel im Ostseeraum (eingeladen, ppt)
- 9. Juni 2009 - Netzwerke in Wissenschaft und Wissenschaftsmanagement 2, Geesthacht
Den Wind beachten und trotzdem ankommen. Forschung zwischen externen Ansprüchen (ppt)
- 3.+4. Juni 2009 - MS "Mein Schiff"
Seegang (ppsx)
- 25-28 May 2009 - conference "Climate Change: The environmental and socio-economic response in the southern Baltic region", Szczecin, Poland (Summary)
The BACC Strategy (BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin) (invited; as coauthor of H.J. Isemer, M. Reckermann and the BACC Authors; ppt)
14. Mai 2009 - Geophysikalisches Kolloquium, Universität Hamburg
Klimaforschung und Politikberatung - zwischen Bringeschuld und Postnormalität.
- 4 - 8 May 2009, 21st Century Challenges in Regional Climate Modelling, Lund, Sweden (Photo; Report)
1. Verification of simulated near surface wind speeds by a multi model ensemble with focus on coastal regions (as coauthor of I. Anders and B. Rockel)
2. Development of a longterm climatology of North Atlantic polar lows using a RCM. (as coauthor of M. Zahn)
3. Added value of limited area model results (as coauthor of F. Feser, J. Winterfeldt and M. Zahn)
4. Dynamical Downscaling:
Assessment of model system dependent retained and added variability for two different regional climate models (as coauthor of C.L. Castro, R. Pielke sr, B. Rockel and G. Leoncini; ppt)
19 – 24 April 2009, EGU Assembly 2009, Vienna, Austria
Relationship between global mean sea-level, global mean temperature and heat-flux in a climate simulation of the past millennium (as co-author of E. Zorita and F. González-Rouco; ppt)
- 15. April 2009 - ZAMG, Wien
1. Laudatio Schinze-Preis für Christoph Matulla
2. Instrumente der Klimaforschung der Kommunikation - Datenzugriff, Zustandsbericht und Klimabüro (ppt)
- 24. März - Ortsverein der SPD im Dietzenbach
Das soziale und das wissenschaftliche Konstrukt vom menschgemachten Klimawandel (ppt)
- 18. und 19. März 2009. KLIWAS - Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Wasserstraßen und Schifffahrt in Deutschland. 1. Statuskonferenz, BMVBS, Bonn
Erforderliche Elemente der Wissenschaftskommunikation (eingeladen; ppt; Manuskript)
- 11-12 March 2009. Workshop on Retrospective Simulation and Analysis of Changing SE Asian High-Resolution Typhoon Wind and Wave Statistics (web page opens only with internet explorer!), 台南 (Tainan), Taiwan (group foto)
1. Case studies of downscaling TCs in East Asia using spectrally nudged Regional Climate Models (as coauthor of F. Feser)
2. Statistics of multi-decadal variability of TC activity in E Asia, 1948-2007 (with F. Feser as co-author; ppt)
- 9 March 2009 - JAMSTEC, Yokohama, Japan
An attempt to homogeneously describe 60 years statistics of TC activity in E Asia, 1948-2007 (jointly with F. Feser, ppt)
- 5 March 2009 - Scripps Institution for Oceanography, San Diego
1. The utility of long-term reconstructions with regional climate/earth system models (ppt)
2. Scientific tools for communicating needs and concerns about regional anthropogenic climate change (ppt)
- 2 March 2009 - University of Washington, Seattle
Regional meteo-marine re-analyses and climate change projections: Results for Northern Europe and potentials for coastal and offshore applications (ppt)
- 26./27. Februar 2009 - Symposium "Klima: Modelle, Prognosen, Strategien: Was nützen sie ?" der Kommission "Reinhaltung der Luft", Wien
Klimamodelle - Was können sie und was nicht?' (ppt; eingeladen)
- 20. Februar 2009 - Internationale Bauausstellung Hamburg
Folgen der Klimaänderung für das Elbeästuars - Sturmflutereignisse und Meeresspiegelentwicklung.
- 19-21. Februar 2009 - 4. Extremwetterkongress, Bremerhaven (Fotos)
Scientific tools for public-science interaction.
- 2. February 2009 - Visit of BSSSC Steering Group to GKSS, Geesthacht
1. Assessment of past and expected future regional climate change in the Baltic Sea Region (ppt)
2. Elements of regional climate science-society interaction in Germany (ppt)
- 21-23 January 2009 - IDAG meeting, Boulder CO
Utility of detection and attribution (ppt)
- 15. Januar 2009 - Vortrag in Nordwestdeutscher Universitätsgesellschaft, Wilhelmshaven
Verändertes Küstenklima - die vergangenen und die künftigen hundert Jahre (ppt)
- 6-7. Januar 2009 - 39. Internationales Wasserbau-Symposium IAWAS: Wasserwirtschaft und Klimawandel - Fakten, Folgen und Aufgaben, Aachen
Festvortrag: Was wissen wir über den regionalen Klimawandel? (ppt; Manuskript)
AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, Session A49 Extratropical and High-Latitude Storms: Synoptic-Scale Perspective and Linkage to Large-Scale Climate Variability, Change, and Impact, 12-19 December 2008
1. Modelling the variability of midlatitude storm activity on decadal to century time scales (poster with Irene Fischer-Bruns as coauthor)
2. Patterns of Long Term Storm Evolution as Represented by Pressure Proxies:
Examples From Canada and Europe.
poster; with Christoph Matulla
- 5. December 2008 - Bert Bolin Centre for Climate Research at Stockholm University
1. Lecture for graduate course "Historical Perspectives on Climate Change Science": Historical Perspectives on Climate Change Science (ppt)
2. Scientific tools for public-science interaction. (ppt)
4. December 2008 - Seminar Neverla, Erasmus Mundus Program, Hamburg University
Scientific tools for public-science interaction (ppt)
- 25. November 2008 - Case Studies in Environmental Chemistry, lecture at Kemisk Institut, København Universitet
Lecture: Emission and fate of lead in the European environment, 1958-1995, (ppt1, ppt2)
- 21. November 2008 7. Herbstschule System Erde 2008 „Klima und Energie“, Potsdam
Klimaforschung und Politikberatung - zwischen Bringeschuld und Postnormalität (Redemanuskript)
- 20. November 2008 - KNGMG Klimaat conferentie Climate Change: Facts, Uncertainties and Myths, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, Amsterdam
Detecting anthropogenic effects in the observational evidence of climate change (ppt) DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2943.6562
- 18 November 2008 - "2008 Climate Workshop in Taiwan", 台北市 (Taipei), Taiwan
An attempt to homogeneously describe 60 years statistics of TC activity in E Asia, 1948-2007 (invited; with Frauke Feser, ppt)
- 17-18 November 2008 - "Forum of National Adaptation Strategies on Global Climate Change 2008", 台北市 (Taipei), Taiwan
1. Scientific support in Germany for better climate adaptation (invited; ppt)
2. Coastal protection in a changing climate - required knowledge base and options (invited; ppt)
- 14. November 2008 - Ocean University 青岛 (Qingdao), China
Overview - program of the Institute of Coastal Research of GKSS (jointly with Franciscus Colijn; ppt)
13. November 2008 - IOCAS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 青岛 (Qingdao), China
Overview - program of the Institute of Coastal Research of GKSS (jointly with Franciscus Colijn; ppt)
- 12 November 2008 - 5. NÖ Katastrophenschutztagung, Tulln, Österreich
Unwetter im Sommer, Orkane im Winter - ist das der Klimawandel? (als Coautor von C. Matulla, ppt)
- 10. November 2008 - Chinese Academy of Science Institute for Coastal Research, 烟台 (Yantai), China
Overview – GKSS Institute for Coastal Research. (jointly with Franciscus Colijn ppt)
- November 3-4, 2008 - European conference for the insurance sector Insuring future climate change: Preparing and acting today, Oslo
Changes in storm occurrence over Northern-Central Europe (invited; ppt)
- 31. Oktober - 1. November 2008, 5. Nell-Breuning-Symposium"Global Warming.- Wie verhindern wir die Klimakatastrophe? Welche Verantwortung haben wir?", Kulturhalle Rödermark
Vortrag "Das soziale und das wissenschaftliche Konstrukt vom menschgemachten Klimawandel (ppt)
- 31.Oktober - 1. November 2008 - Symposium Geographie: Küste und Klima, Hamburg
Klimawandel, Sturmfluten und Küsten der Nordsee (invited; ppt)
- 30. Oktober 2008 - Zweite Itzehoer Energiespartage, BUND Kreis Steinburg, Itzehoe
Klimawandel in Norddeutschland (ppt)
- 29. October 2008 - KNMI-GKSS seminar, KNMI, De Bilt
Modelling global mean sea level change through global mean temperature:
physical consistency (with E. Zorita as coauthor; ppt)
- 27 October 2008 - CORILA meeting, Venezia
Storminess in Northern Italy, the Adriatic Sea and a comparison to some other EU areas (as coauthor of C. Matulla; ppt)
24. October 2008 - Ocean Climate Group, Earth Science Center, Göteborg University, Sweden
Strategies for describing change in storminess – illustrated for the case of Northern Europe, the Subarctic Atlantic, Eastern Canada and E Asia (ppt)
17 October 2008 - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici (CMCC), Bologna
Scientific tools for public-science interaction (ppt)
- 7. October 2008 - Workshop Baltic Sea Region - an environmentally sustainable place: political strategies and technical solutions, Brussels
BACC – BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea basin
- 29 September - 3 October 2008 - EMS2008, Amsterdam
Session AW2: Low frequency variability and long term memory in the climate system: Climatological temperature records: persistence at asymptotic time-scales (as co-author of D. Rybski and A. Bunde; poster)
Session MS2: Climatological and meteorological information in the context of decision making: News from the North German Climate Office at GKSS (as co-author of Insa Meinke)
- 24. September 2008 - Regionalkonferenz der Metropolregion Hamburg: Klimaschutz und Klimawandel als Herausforderung an die Metropolregion, Norderstedt
Klimafolgen-Monitoring und Adapatation: Die Instrumente des Klimafolgenmanagements (invited; ppt)
- 15-17. September 2008 - The Second Annual Meeting of the Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observations Project (CEOP), Geneva, Switzerland, (Foto)
Strategies for describing change in storminess – using proxies and dynamical downscaling (invited; ppt)
- 12. September 2008 - Jährliches Treffen SWA-GKSS, Hamburg
60-jährige dynamische Rekonstruktion von ostasiatischen Taifunen (mit Frauke Feser) (ppt)
- 8. September 2008 - Workshop on estuarine and coastal research, Hamburg, Hamburg Port Authority
An attempt to homogeneously describe 60 years statistics of TC activity in E Asia, 1948-2007 (ppt)
- 1 September 2008 - National Climate Center, 北京 (Beijing), China (Chinese announcement)
Strategies for describing change in storminess – illustrated for the case of Northern Europe, the Subarctic Atlantic, Eastern Canada and E Asia. (ppt)
- 29 August 2008 - Seoul National University SNU/Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul, S Korea
Downscaling Tropical Cyclones from global re-analysis - Statistics of multi-decadal variability of TC activity in E Asia 1948-2007 (ppt)
- 26. August 2008 National Typhoon Center, Jeju, S. Korea
Downscaling Tropical Cyclones from global re-analysis. (ppt)
- 25.-29.August 2008 - International Desaster Reduction Conference (IDRC), , Davos, Switzerland
Regional Climate Offices as link between climate research and decision makers (invited talk; as coauthor of Insa Meinke)
- 25. August 2008 - Marine Meteorology Laboratory Jeju-Do, S. Korea
Strategies for describing change in storminess – illustrated for the case of Northern Europe, the Subarctic Atlantic, Eastern Canada and E Asia (ppt)
4. Juli 2008 - Biogeochemisches Seminar , Universität Hamburg
Die Geschichte des Bleis im Benzin, 1960-1995 (ppt)
2. Juli 2008 - Seminar Muster medialer Berichterstattung: Transnationale Konstruktionen von Klimawandel, Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Universität Hamburg
Ein schwieriges Paar - die medialen und wissenschaftliche Konstruktion des menschgemachten Klimawandels (ppt)
1. Juli 2008 - Vorlesung Küsten, Regionen, Küstenregionen der Erde, Universität Hamburg
Klimawandel, Sturmfluten und Küsten der Nordsee (ppt)
- 30. Juni 2008 - Vortragsreihe "Klimawandel im globalen und regionalen Kontext" PH Freiburg
Klimawandel in Deutschland (ppt)
- 11. Juni 2008 - Dies Academicus 2008, Universität Passau
Auswirkung des Klimawandels auf Nord- und Ostseeraum (ppt)
- 29-30.Mai 2008 - Tagung: Klimawandel – globale Herausforderung des 21. Jahrhunderts, Osnabrück
Darstellung erwarteter Klimaänderungen (invited; ppt)
- 29. Mai 2008 - Paneldiskussion: „(Fakten – Politik) ÷ Medien = Öffentliche Meinung?“ im Rahmen des Symposium "Aufbruchsklima – Bonner Visionen für Post-Kyoto" des Bonner Forums für Wirtschaft und Kultur (Programm), Universität Bonn
Impulsvortrag Mediale und wissenschaftliche Konstruktion des menschgemachten Klimawandels (ppt)
- 28. Mai 2008 - IHK Saarland, Umweltforum 2008: Energieeffizienz steigern, Kosten senken, Klima schützen , Saarbrücken
Anpassen oder Entgegenstemmen? Vom rationalen Umgang mit dem Klimawandel (ppt; Medienresponse)
- 26-29. Mai 2008 - 408. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus – Seminar A Physics Perspective on Climate Change: Prediction, Prevention, Mitigation, and Adaptation, Bad Honnef
The Dimension of Adaptation (eingeladen; ppt)
- 19-23 May 2008 - The effects of climate change on the world's oceans, Gijon, Spain
Comparing past variability of coastal currents and upwelling regimes with plausible future anthropogenic signals – in the framework of millennial AOGCM simulations (title changed to: "Using millennial AOGCM simulation as a laboratory to derive and test hypotheses"; with E. Zorita and F. González-Rouco; invited; ppt)
Storm surges, perspectives and options (as coauthor of K Woth; invited; ppt)
- 6-9 May 2008 - Third JCOMM Workshop on Advances in Marine Climatology (CLIMAR-III), , Poland
BACC: BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change
for the Baltic Sea Basin – Summary and Outlook, (invited talk)
The CoastDat project at GKSS – assessing ongoing change and projecting possible future changes in marine weather – winds, surges, waves and currents (poster, jointly with Ralf Weisse, Iris Grabemann and Jörg Winterfeldt)
- 5-9. Mai 2008 - 14th International Trade Fair for Water – Sewage – Refuse – Recycling, München
Stormy North – Perspectives of Climate Change in Coastal Areas (jointly with Hanz Niemeyer; ppt)
- 2. Mai 2008 - 89. Niedersachsentag des Niedersächsischen Heimatbundes Klima, Küste, Klei – Küstenschutz contra Naturschutz?, Nordenham
Klimawandel, Meerespiegelanstieg, Sturmfluten: Was steht uns bevor? (ppt)
- 30. April 2008 - Das Tideelbe-Konzept - Ergebnisse und Perspektiven, Hamburg
Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Tideelbe (ppt)
- 23. April 2008 - Wedeler Energietage, Wedel
Klimawandel in Norddeutschland (ppt)
- 13 – 18 April 2008 - European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008
, Vienna, Austria,
1. Storminess in Eastern Canada, Northern and Central Europe (as coauthor of C. Matulla)
2. Expected Future Changes in North Sea Storm Surge Statistics 2070-2100 (ppt; with K. Woth, R. Weisse and E. Meyer as coauthors)
3. North Sea Climate from 1948 – 2006(as co-author Elke M. I. Meyer, Thomas Pohlmann and, Ralf Weisse; ppt)
- 10. April 2008 - Universität Szczecin, Poland
Scientific tools for communicating needs and concerns about regional anthropogenic climate change (ppt)
- 7-9 April 2008 - IPW-PAN and IfK@GKSS meeting on Baltic Sea Research, Gdañsk, Poland
Institute for Coastal Research@GKSS (ppt)
3. April 2008 - GKSS, Geesthacht
Stürme in der Region - Vergangenheit und mögliche Zukünfte (ppt)
- 28.-29. März 2008 - Evangelische Akademie der Ev.-luth. Landeskirche in Braunschweig: Ist das Klima noch zu retten? Goslar
Klimaforschung - zwischen akademischer Neugier und kultureller Konditionierung
- 26.-28. März 2008 - ExtremWetterKongress, Hamburg
Sünder, der Sturm und die Strafe. Rungholt in 2070? (eingeladen; ppt)
- 14.März 2008 - Festkolloquium für Jan Harff, Güstrow
Anthropogener Klimawandel und -impakt: ideengeschichtlich eine Novität? (ppt)
- 22.-23. Februar 2008 - Grüne Bildungswerkstatt Tirol, Innsbruck Österreich
Impulsvortrag Anthropogenic climate change, scenarios and acceptance und Podiumsdiskussion mit der grünen bayerischen Landtagsabgeordneten Ruth Paulig.
- 19. Februar 2008 - Frankenberger Winterabende, Goslar
Mehr heiter als Wolkig? Bilder des Klimas - Entenhausen und Goslar
- 11-13 February 2008 - Remote Sensing of Changing Cryosphere, LandIce and Snow - Workshop of the European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL), Bern, Switzerland
Potential and limits of satellite data for climate issues (invited; ppt)
- 8 February 2008 - EIN (European Ideas Network) event at the Madrid EPP convention, Madrid
Anthropogenic climate change, scenarios and scientific consensus (ppt)
- 28-30 January 2008 - IDAG Spring Meeting, Boulder CO
Storminess in N Europe and E Canada (ppt)
- 21. Januar 2008 - Vortrag beim Johanniter-Orden, Subkommende Lüneburg
Tempolimit oder Beten? Können wir den Klimawandel aufhalten? (ppt)
- 8. January 2008 - Case Studies in Environmental Chemistry, lecture at Kemisk Institut, København Universitet
Lecture: Emission and fate of lead in the European environment, 1958-1995 (ppt1, ppt2)
- 6. Januar 2008 - Dreikönigstreffen MdB Happach-Kasan, Fredenburg
Klimawandel in Deutschland – Was ist bis jetzt geschehen und was bringt die Zukunft? (ppt)
20. Dezember 2007 - Seminar "Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung zum globalen Klimawandel", Universität Hamburg
Einige mögliche Funktionen der Sozialwissenschaften für die Klimaforschung(ppt)
10–-14 December 2007 - AGU fall meeting, , San Francisco CA
1. The last 50 and the next 100 years – extra-tropical storms and their coastal impacts in Northern Europe (oral)
2. Detection of North Atlantic Polar Lows in Climate Mode Simulations (with Matthias Zahn and Stephan Bakan, poster)
3. Consistency of Observed Northern European Precipitation and Temperature Trends With Regional Climate Change Projections (with Jonas Bhend)
- 4. Dezember 2007 - Klima - Erwärmung! Schön für uns? im Krügerschen Haus, Geesthacht
Klimaforschung - zwischen akademischer Neugier und kultureller Konditionierung
- 3. Dezember 2007 - vbw (Vereinigung der Bayerischen Wirtschaft) und Industrie- und Handelskammer Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Würzburg (Presseerklärung)
Klimawandel in Deutschland (ppt)
- 30. November 2007 - Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und ländliche Räume des Landes Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel
Klima in Norddeutschland - der Zeithorizont 1800-2100 (ppt)
- 21. November 2007 - The 4th PlanCoast Conference - Climate change and growing sea use pressures: solutions offered by Marine Spatial Planning, Berlin
Climate change and its impact on regional seas: What do we know? Marine weather and its impact (invited; ppt)
- 9. November 2007 - Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm
Lecture: Historical Perspectives on Climate Change Science (ppt)
- 8. November 2007 - Max-Planck Institut für Biogeochemie, Festkolloquium 10 Jahre MPI of Biogeochemistry, Jena
Festvortrag: Klimaforschung - zwischen akademischer Neugier und kultureller Konditionierung
- 6. November 2007 - SPIEGEL-Diskussion mit Mojib Latif und Hans von Storch, Kiel. Film der Diskussion verfügbar: wma mit 31 mb oder als wmv mit 341 mb.
- 5-8 November 2007 - Institute of Coastal Research, Retreat 2007, Kühlungsborn
Hamburg - storm surges (ppt)
- 27-28 October 2007 - Battle of Ideas, , Royal College of Art in South Kensington, London (Recording of discussion.)
Opening statement
- 17. Oktober 2007 - Kolloquium „Modelle und Methoden der Integration sozial- und naturwissenschaftlicher Daten“, Bremen
Kunst und Zweck der Klimamodellierung (eingeladen; ppt)
- 19. September 2007 - Vereinigung Rohstoffe und Bergbau e.V., Berlin
Klimawandel in Deutschland (ppt)
- 8. Oktober 2007 - 1. Internationalen Konferenz "Ship Efficiency" der Schiffbautechnischen Gesellschaft, Hamburg
Global Warming – Consequences for Ship Operation (dinner speech; ppt)
- 2-6 October 2007 - JCOMM Scientific and Technical Symposium on Storm Surges, Seoul
1. High resolution projections of possible future changes in North Sea storm surge extremes (as coauthor of Katja Woth and Ralf Weisse)
2. Exploring the feasibility of regional typhoon modelling (as coauthor of F. Feser)
- 19 – 23. September 2007 - 10th Polish – German Seminar, Global Changes and Extreme Phenomena in the Baltic Sea, Gdañsk, Poland
BALTEX Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin – Summary and Outlook (ppt)
- 18. September 2007 - Treffen von Seewetteramt und Institut für Küstenforschung, Hamburg,
GKSS Positionierung im Forschungsumfeld (ppt)
- Klimawandel und Branchen: Auswirkungen und Chancen für die Wirtschaft!, Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft, München, 13. September
Klimawandels in Deutschland (eingeladen; ppt)
- 10. – 14. September 2007 - DACH 2007, Meteorologentagung, , Hamburg
1. Models "for" not "of" (eingeladen; ppt)
2. Simulation nordatlantischer Polar Lows im Klimamodus mit einem Limited Area Modell (als Koauthor von Matthias Zahn und Stephan Bakan
3. Szenarien und Rekonstruktionen des Wind-, Seegangs- und Sturmflutklimas und deren Anwendungen im Küstenbereich: Der coastDat Datensatz des GKSS Instituts für Küstenforschung (als Koauthor von Ralf Weisse, Ulrich Callies, Heinz Günther, Frauke Feser, Katja Woth, Iris Grabemann und Andreas Plüß; ppt)
4. Sind die beobachteten Veränderungen im Winterniederschlag in Nordeuropa konsistent mit regionalen Klimaszenarien? (als Coauthor von J. Bhend)
5. Stürme in der Region - Vergangenheit und mögliche Zukünfte (öffentlicher Abendvortrag; ppt)
- 2-5 September 2007 - 392. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar on 'Transport, Localization, and Fluctuations in Complex Systems', Ilmenau, Germany
Noise in the climate system – ubiquitous, constitutive and concealing (invited)
- 29. August 2007 - The Bucerius School on Global Governance, Hamburg
Basic concepts of climate research related to global warming (ppt)
- 20-24 August 2007 - 10 IMSC, 北京 (Beijing), (Abstracts)
1. An assessment of global, regional and local record-breaking statistics in annual mean temperature (with Eduardo Zorita; ppt)
2. Construction and applications
of 2-d digital filters for separating regional spatial scales (with Frauke Feser and Matthias Zahn; ppt)
3. Consistency of observed winter precipitation trends in northern Europe with regional climate change projections (with Jonas Bhend; ppt)
4. Contribution to discussion What type of new knowledge/added value do we generate when applying statistics?
- 16. August 2007 - Shanghai Typhoon Institute, 上海 (Shanghai)
Global and regional climate research in Hamburg (jointly with Jin-Song von Storch)
- 14. August 2007 - State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC), 上海 (Shanghai)
Global and regional climate research in Hamburg (jointly with Jin-Song von Storch)
- 13. August 2007 - Shanghai Meteorological Bureau (SMB), 上海 (Shanghai)
Global and regional climate research in Hamburg (jointly with Jin-Song von Storch)
- 6. Juli 2007 - Symposium Klimawandel und Küstenschutz, Oldenburg,
Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Stürme und Sturmfluten in der Nordseeregion. (eingeladen; ppt)
- 5. Juli 2007 - Nordsee-Museum (Nissen-Haus) Husum
Die Sünder, der Sturm und die Strafe. Rungholt in 2070? (ppt)
- 27. Juni 2007 - kunst:raum sylt quelle, Sylt
Veränderliche Sturmfluten - der Zeithorizont 1800-2100 (ppt)
- 26. Juni 2007 - Industrie- und Handelskammer, Stuttgart, 1. Stuttgarter Klimagespräch
- 25. Juni 2007 - Anhörung im Umweltausschuss des Niedersächsischen Landtages, Hannover
Thesen zum Thema: Menschgemachter Klimawandel und die derzeitige öffentliche Diskussion
- 18. June 2007 - Yantai Institute for Coastal Research, Chinese Academy of Science, 烟台 (Yantai), China
Assessing present and future coastal risks - the CoastDat project for the NE Atlantic and first results for the SE Asian region (ppt)
- 13-17 June 2007 - Pacific Science Association: Symposium on Global Change, Asian Monsoon and Extreme Weather and Climate
1. Pacific Science Congress XXI (PSC21), Okinawa
a) Competing scientific and cultural constructions of the coast (ppt)
b) CoastDat Reconstruction of marine weather and risks since 1960 – a European strategy with potentials for SE Asia (ppt)
2. PSA Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences Scientific Committee Meeting, 18-19 June 2007, 台北市 (Taipei); (Foto)
Testing a retrospective simulation strategy of typhoon seasons in SE Asia (with Frauke Feser; ppt)
- June 12, 2007 - Retrospective simulation and analysis of changing SE Asian high-resolution typhoon wind and wave statistics, Marine Meteorology Center, Central Weather Bureau, 台北市 (Taipei), R.o.C.
Progress report of the GKSS group (ppz with movie, ppt without movie)
- 4-8 June 2007 - 5th Study Conference on BALTEX, Kuressaare, Saaremaa, Estonia, (Foto)
1. Towards the detection of a human induced climate change in Northern Europe, (as coauthor of Jonas Bhend)
2. How do we know that human influence is changing the climate in the Baltic Sea region? (invited, with Jonas Bhend as co-author; ppt)
3. Climate simulations of the past millennium with the global model ECHO-G: results for the Baltex area (as coauthor of E. Zorita, F. González-Rouco and S. Wagner)
- 31. Mai 2007 - Bjerknes-Center, Bergen, Norway
Assessing present and future coastal risks - the CoastDat project for the NE Atlantic and first results for the SE Asian region (ppt)
- 24-25 May 2007 - Workshop on added vales of regional climate models and detection and attribution studies in the Baltic Basin, Göteborg
How do we know that human influence is changing (regional) climate? (ppt)
- 21. Mai 2007 - Diskussion über Klimafragen, Schleswig
Thesen zum Thema: Menschgemachter Klimawandel und die derzeitige öffentliche Diskussion (ppt; Foto)
- May 9 - 18, 2007 - GKSS Summer School 2007: Persistent pollution: past, present and future - Reconstruction for the assessment of state and changes in the meteo-marine environment, Hunting Castle Göhrde near Lüneburg, Germany
Emission and fate of lead in the European environment, 1958-1995, (ppt1, ppt2)
- 9. Mai 2007 - Deutscher Bundestag, Ausschuss für Tourismus, Berlin
Stellungnahme: Menschgemachter Klimawandel und mögliche Folgen für Tourismus (ppt; Protokoll)
- 5. May 2007 - Inauguracion Centro de Monitoreo Costero para Colón de Caribe (ACEMOC), Panamá
Speech (spanish translation)
- 30 April - 3 May, 2007 - Seventh Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability, , Kona, HI (group foto)
Testing a retrospective simulation strategy of typhoon seasons in SE Asia (with Frauke Feser)
- 26-27 April 2007 - CRCES Workshop on Societal Impacts of Decadal Climate Variability in the United States, Kona, HI (group foto)
A European approach for assessing ongoing storm climate change (ppt)
- 26.-28. April 2007 - 25. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises "Geographie der Meere und Küsten", Hamburg
1. CoastDat at IfK of GKSS I: Detailed description and assessment of coastal climate change since 1958 in N Europe (Poster, als Koauthor von R. Weisse, F. Feser, J. Winterfeldt, A. Plüss und L. Gaslikova)
2. CoastDat at IfK of GKSS II: Detailed description of climate change until 2100 in N Europe (Poster, als Koauthor von K. Woth, R. Weisse, B. Rockel, L. Gaslikova und I. Grossmann)
20-24 April 2007 - EGU2007, Vienna
1. Session NP3.04: Geophysical Extremes: scaling aspects and modern statistical approaches
Long-term memory in 1000 years simulated temperature records (as coauthor of D. Rybski and A. Bunde)
2. Storminess: Examples from Northern America and Europe (as coauthor of C. Matulla, X.L. Wang, H. Wan, H. Alexandersson and W. Schöner)
3. Climate from underground temperatures: The
Earth's Selective Long-Term Memory (invited, as co-author of H. Beltrami, J.F. González-Rouco, J.E. Smerdon, E. Zorita, M. Bruce Stevens and M. Stieglitz)
- 16. April 2007 - Ringvorlesung der Universität Giessen
Klimawandel in der Gesellschaft (ppt; Artikel in Giessener Anzeiger vom 18.4.2007).
- 26-28. March 2007 - UNESCO workshop Methods of detection and analysis of change and feedback in the earth sciences, Tuscon, USA
How do we know that human influence is changing regional climate? (invited; ppt; with Jonas Bhend)
- 21-23. März 2007 - Rauriser Literaturtage, Rauris, Österreich,
Deuter Wissenschaft in Konkurrenz mit anderen Wissensformen
- March 19-23, 2007 - The Baltic Sea Science Congress, Rostock, Germany
Climate simulation for the last millenium. Implications for the Baltic Sea (invited; with Eduardo Zorita; ppt)
- 12-14 March 2007 - IDAG Workshop, Durham, NC
Consistency of observed winter precipitation trends in northern Europe with regional climate change projections, (as coauthor of Jonas Bhend)
- 12. März 2007 - Globaler Klimawandel und regionale Auswirkungen in Norddeutschland, Fachkonferenz des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, Hamburg
Stürmischer Norden - Wandel und Perspektiven des Küstenklimas (ppt)
- 2.März 2007 - Collatie der Oldenburgische Schiffergesellschaft, Oldenburg
Klima in Norddeutschland - gestern, heute morgen. (ppt)
- 1.März 2007 - Haus Rissen, Rissen
Klimawandel in der Gesellschaft(ppt)
- 19-21 February 2007 - Eighth Annual Meeting of the Asian-Australian Monsoon Panel (AAMP8), Honolulu, Hawai'i,
Retrospective simulation and analysis of changing SE Asian high-resolution typhoon wind and wave statistics (ppt)
- 31.January 2007 - IPRC, Honolulu
Assessing present and future coastal risks - the CoastDat project for the NE Atlantic and first results for the SE Asian region (ppt)
- 23-26 January 2007 - 'Aha Huliko'a Workshop 2007, "Extreme Events", Honolulu
The story of storminess in NW Europe. (invited; ppt)
10. January 2007 - "Journalism and Media in European Perspective"-Seminar Prof Neverla, Universität Hamburg
Stürme in der Region - Vergangenheit und mögliche Zukünfte (ppt)
- 13 December 2006 - Case Studies in Environmental Chemistry, lecture at Kemisk Institut, København Universitet
Lecture: Emission and fate of lead in the European environment, 1958-1995 (ppt1, ppt2)
- 27.-28. November 2006 - Wandel von Vulnerabilität und Klima: Müssen unsere Vorsorgewerkzeuge angepasst werden? Workshop von DKKV (Deutsches Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge) und ARL (Akademie für Raumordnung und Landesplanung), Hannover
Regionaler Klimawandel in Norddeutschland (invited; ppt; Workshop-Ergebnisse, Manuskript)
- 24.November 2006 - Deutsche BP Führungskräfteentwicklungprogramm "First Level Leader", Krefeld
Klimawandel in der Gesellschaft (ppt)
- 20.-24. November 2006 - ENSEMBLES General Assembly, Lund, Sweden
Strategies for assessing natural variability (invited, ppt)
- 17.November 2006 - APCC Institute, Busan, Korea
Dealing with the Specter of Anthropogenic Climate Change (ppt)
- 15.November 2006 - Seoul National University, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul, S Korea
Assessing present and future coastal risks - the CoastDat project for the NE Atlantic and first results for the SE Asian region (Joint presentation by Hans von Storch and Frauke Feser; ppt)
- 9.-12. November 2006 Global Environmental Change: Regional Challenges, 北京 (Beijing), China
1. Storm surges – the case of Hamburg, Germany (invited, session #26, with Werner Krauss, Martin Döring and Iris Grossmann; ppt)
2. Detailed projections of coastal climate change until 2100 in N Europe (invited, session #37, with Katja Woth, Ralf Weisse, Burkhardt Rockel and Lidia Gaslikova; ppt)
3. Towards a homogeneous 50 year climatology of typhoons in SE Asia. (poster, coauthor of Frauke Feser)
- November 8-16, 2006 - Third Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering; National Cheng Kung University, 台南 (Tainan), Taiwan
Towards a homogeneous 50 year climatology of typhoons in SE Asia. (with Frauke Feser; presented by Ralf Weisse)
A multi-decadal medium-resolution wind, wave and storm surge hindcast suitable for coastal applications (as coauthor of R. Weisse, H. Günther, F. Feser and A. Plüss)
- 7.November 2006 - Coastal Ocean Monitoring Center, National Cheng Kung University, 台南 (Tainan), Taiwan
Assessing and anticipating recent, ongoing and future change of marine weather and its impact (Joint presentation by Hans von Storch and Frauke Feser, ppt)
- 6.November 2006 - Central Weather Bureau, 台北市 (Taipei), Taiwan
The CoastDat project at GKSS – assessing ongoing change and projecting possible future changes in marine weather and related phenomena (ppt)
- 6. November 2006 - Mini-Workshop at Central Weather Bureau, 台北市 (Taipei), Taiwan
The CoastDat project at GKSS – assessing ongoing change and projecting possible future changes in marine weather – winds, surges, waves and currents (invited; ppt)
- 31 October - 4 November, 2006 - Symposium on Impact Evaluation of Global Warming and Approach to Risk Analysis in East Asia, 台北市 (Taipei), Taiwan
A European approach for assessing ongoing and future storm climate change (invited)
- 19 October 2006 - Gerbrand-Komen Symposium "To what extent is climate predictable", Utrecht, The Netherlands
Regional storm climate and related marine hazards in the North Sea. (invited; ppt)
- 16. October 2006 - Stockholm
1. Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology
Lecture: Historical Perspectives on Climate Change Science (ppt)
2. Meteorologcial Institute
A historical dimension of climate and climate change (ppt)
- 10-11. October 2006 - 50 Years Institute for Physical Oceanography, Hamburg
The IfM and its partners in Hamburg: Cooperation with GKSS (ppt)
- 9 - 12 Oktober 2006 - 7. Deutsche Klimatagung: Klimatrends: Vergangenheit und Zukunft, München
Regional storm climate and related marine hazards in the NE Atlantic (ppt). (Ursprüglich geplant aber dann kurzfristig ersetzt: Eine Modelbasierte Ableitung einer Taifun-Klimatologie für Südostasien seit ca 1960 ; mit Frauke Feser; ppt)
- 5-6 Oktober 2006 - Coastdat Workshop, Hamburg
Einführung: Rekonstruktionen und Szenarien (ppt),
Ausblick: Rekonstruktionen und Szenarien (ppt)u
- 29.September 2006 - Abendgymnasium Vor dem Holstentor 6 Hamburg
Diskussionsforum "Klimawandel und Energie - Was tun?" (ppt)
- 13-15 September 2006 - Internationale Fachmesse für Hochwasserschutz, Klimafolgen und Katastrophenmanagement - "acqua alta 06", Hamburg
Darstellung erwarteter Klimaänderungen (Stürme und Niederschläge) (invited; mit K. Woth, ppt)
- 11-12 September 2006 - Global Warming - Scientific Controversies in Climate Variability
International seminar meeting at The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden
Detection with or without hockeystick (invited; ppt)
- 6. September 2006 - Summer School 2006 - "Diversity of Coastal Habitats", List (Sylt)
Lecture: Impacts of Climate Change on coastal regions: changing wind climate (ppt)
- 31.August 2006 - Hermann Ehlers Akademie, Kiel
Stürme in der Region - Vergangenheit und mögliche Zukünfte (ppt)
- 27.-28. August 2006 - HS17: Steinhausen Konferenz, Hamburg
WASA - Die damalige Zukunft der heimischen Stürme (ppt)
- 24-26 July 2006 - Climate Variability and Extremes During the Past 100 Years, Gwatt (near Thun), Switzerland (programm)
Regional storm climate and related marine hazards in the NE Atlantic
(with Ralf Weisse; ppt)
- 19. July 2006 - Hearing "Questions Surrounding the ‘Hockey Stick’ Temperature Studies: Implications for Climate Change Assessments" of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington
ppt and written statement by Hans von Storch
- 18-22 June, 2006 - TIES 2006 (The International Environmetrics Society), Kalmar, Sweden
Are extreme weather events becoming more common? - The case of NE Atlantic storminess. (invited, ppt)
- June 11-15, 2006 - Twelfth Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology, PACON 2006: Marine Science and Technology in Asia, Yangon, Myanmar
Storms - analysis, statistics and changes (invited, ppt)
Towards a homogeneous 50 year climatology of typhoons in SE Asia (with Frauke Feser, ppt)
Perceptions of coasts in Germany (ppt)
- 8 June 2006 - Laboratoire d`Oceanographie Dynamique et de Climatologie (LODYC), Paris
Multicentury GCM simulations - a laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods in reconstructing historical climate (ppt)
- 8 June 2006 - Ecole des Mines de Paris, Fontainebleau
Multicentury GCM simulations - a laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods (ppt)
- 6-9 June 2006 - Understanding Sea-level Rise and Variability, Paris (summary)
COASTDAT at IfK of GKSS, I: - Detailed description and assessment of coastal climate change since 1958 in N Europe (Poster, with Ralf Weisse, Frauke Feser, Jörg Winterfeldt, Andreas Plüss and Lidia Gaslikova; pdf)
COASTDAT at IfK of GKSS, II: - Detailed projections of coastal climate change until 2100 in N Europe (Poster, with Katja Woth, Ralf Weisse, Burkhardt Rockel, Lidia Gaslikova and Iris Grossmann; pdf)
- 1.Juni 2006 - Seminar Klimaschutz und Recht, Universität Lüneburg
Klimaszenarien - global, regional und lokal (ppt)
- 25-26 May 2006 -
Climate Change and Disaster Losses: Understanding and Attribution Trends and Projections, Schloss Hohenkammer, Germany, (background material)
Storms and storm surges in the North Sea (ppt)
- 22-23 May 2006 - International Conference on Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin, Göteborg, Sweden,
Summary of BACC Results (ppt)
- 18-21 May 2006 - Tides of Change, Tönning, Germany,
- 14.Mai 2006 - Beenthof
Perspektiven für die regionale Klimaentwicklung im 21. Jahrhundert - Sturmflutwasserstände, Winde und Temperaturen (ppt)
- 9.Mai 2006 -Versicherung von Naturkatastrophen aus der Sicht der Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Rüschlikon (Zürich)
- 26.April 2006 - Ortsauschuss Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg
Klimawandel an der Küste – Veränderliche Sturmflutrisiken (ppt)
- 29. März 2006 - Öffentliche Veranstaltung: Klimawandel in Europa, Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Düsseldorf
Die Bedeutung der historischen Dimension für die Klimadiskussion (invited; ppt)
- 28.März 2006 - Coastman-Seminar, Harburg
The BACC assessment of past, onging and future climate change in the Baltic Sea region (ppt)
- 2-3 March 2006 - Meeting #1, Committee on Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the past 1,000-2,000 Years: Synthesis of Current Understanding and Challenges for the Future, The National Academy of Sciences Building, Washington, D.C.,
Reconstruction of historical temperatures during the last millennium - analysis of methods - significance for detection of anthropogenic climate change (with E. Zorita and F. González-Rouco; invited; ppt)
- 27 February-1 March 2006 - EXTROP ("Investigation of extratropical cyclones using passive and active microwave radar
") Miami Workshop, NOAA AOML, Miami
History of Northeast Atlantic Storminess, 1800- today (ppt)
Retrospective analysis of NE Atlantic weather (especially storms) (with F. Feser; ppt) )
- 24 February 2006 - Atmospheric Environment Service, Toronto, Canada
Multicentury GCM simulations - a laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods (ppt)
- 9.Februar 2006 - Nordeutscher Obstbautage 2006, Jork
Klimaveränderungen und Sturmflutwasserstände
- 2 February 2006 - Department of Physics, University of Oxford
What is happening to storms: are they getting more or less violent?
- 13.Januar 2006 - Physikalisches Kolloquium, Universität Heidelberg
Wozu taugen Klimamodelle?
- 9 January – 11 February 2006 - Cours de Recherche Européen sur les Atmosphères, Grenoble, France,
24.1.2006 NE Atlantic storm climate and related marine hazards
in the last decades and in the foreseeable future
25.1.2006 Regional pollution – the case of gasoline lead
15.Dezember 2005 - Geophysikalisches Kolloquium, Universität Hamburg
Multicentury GCM simulations - a laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods (ppt)
- 15.Dezember 2005 - Seminarvortrag Institut für Meteorologie und Klimaforschung, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Multicentury GCM simulations - a laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods (ppt)
- 22. November 2005 - Meteorological Department, CSU, Fort Collins CO
Multicentury GCM simulations - a laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods (ppt)
- 18 November 2005 - Center for Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Colorado, Boulder CO
Dealing with impact of anthropogenic Climate Change – the case of storm surges in the German Bight/Hamburg (ppt)
- 14. November 2005 - Tag der Lehre, Über den Klimawandel disputieren Dr. Myles Allen, Oxford University, und Dr. Hans von Storch, Universität Hamburg, ETH Zürich, Schweiz,
Contributions by Myles Allen and by Hans von Storch
- 3-10 November 2005 - 4th GKSS School an Environmental Sciences, Helgoland,
3.11. Scenario building in climate science. (written version)
5.11. Consequence of the introduction of lead-free gasoline on lead concentration in Elbe and North Sea. (written version)
- 26-28 October 2005 - International Networking for Young Scientists (INYS) on 'Climate change: a multidimensional challenge', Lund
Determining the added value of Regional Climate Modelling (together with F. Feser)
- 20 October 2005 - Center for Ocean, Land and Atmosphere COLA , Calverton MD
Multicentury GCM simulations - a laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods (ppt)
- 17-20 October 2005 - The CRCES Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability, The Airlie Center, Warrenton, Virginia, U.S.A.
Modelling the Variability of Midlatitude Storm Activity on Decadal to Century Time Scales (with I. Fischer-Bruns; ppt)
- 6 October 2005 - COGCI (Copenhagen Global Change Initiative), København, Denmark
Multicentury GCM simulations - a laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods (ppt)
- 30 September 2005 - Hydrology Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala Universitet; defense of Frederik Wetterhall's dissertation
A short introduction into downscaling
- 27 September 2005 - IGF, Warszawa, Poland
Regional effects of global warming (ppt)
- 16.September 2005 - Festkolloquium für Heinz Wanner, Bern
Die Natur der Alpen und ihr Einfluss auf das Klima (invited; ppt, mp3)
- 8.-9. September 2005 - INTERCON, Third International Emergency and Rescue Congress, Symposium (Extreme weather events) (organized by the Deutschen Komitee Katastrophenvorsorge (DKKV)), Hamburg
Klimawandel an der Küste – Veränderliche Sturmflutrisiken (invited; ppt)
- 29 August 2005 - First meeting of CLIMPACT partners, Institute of Geophysics, Warszawa
Climate change scenarios (ppt)
- 24-30 July 2005 - International Congress on History of Science, 北京 (Beijing), China
Simulated and reconstructed temperature in China since
1550AD (as coauthor of Jian Liu, Eduardo Zorita, Xing Chen,and Sumin Wang)
- 9-15 July 2005 - Abrupt Climate Change: Mechanisms, Early Warning Signs, Impacts, and Economic Analyses, Aspen (CO)
Reconstructing past climate from noisy data: Implications for climate change detection. (invited, with E. Zorita, ppt)
- 8 July 2005 - NCAR, Boulder CO
Hockeysticks, the tragedy of the commons and sustainability of climate science (ppt)
6. July 2005 - Kolloquium des Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven
Klimasimulationen der letzten 1000 Jahre - was man daraus lernen kann (with E. Zorita, ppt)
- 27 June - 1 July, 2005Solar Variability and Earth Climate , Villa Mondragone, Monte Porzio Catone (Rome), Italy
Multicentury GCM simulations – a laboratory to test the performance of statistical methods (invited, with E. Zorita, ppt)
23.Juni 2005 - Jahrestagung der GKSS, Kiel
Sturmfluten - in Zukunft eine noch grössere Gefahr? (mit K. Woth)
- 16. Juni 2005 - Climate+ Workshop, Hamburg
Der Umgang mit dem Klimawandel: Anpassung und Vermeidung
- 14.June 2005 - Grenoble
Regional effects of global warming (ppt)
- 6-7 June 2005 - XIII International Conf on Heavy Metals in the Environment, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Four decades of gasoline lead emissions and control policies in Europe: A retrospective assessment (with M. Costa-Cabral, C. Hagner, F. Feser, J. Pacyna, E. Pacyna, and S.Kolb as co-authors; ppt)
- 9-12. May 2005 - ESF HOLIVAR Workshop, Ånnaboda, Sweden,
A history of human perceptions of anthropogenic climate change in the past 1000 years (ppt; invited)
- 2.Juni 2005 - MPI für Biogeochemie, Jena
Regional effects of global warming (ppt)
- 31 May 2005 - Case Studies in Environmental Chemistry, lecture at Kemisk Institut, København Universitet
Lecture: Emission and fate of lead in the European environment, 1958-1995 (ppt1, ppt2)
4. Mai 2005 - Seminar on Philosophy of Science / Statistics, U of Hamburg
Statistics as a means to construct knowledge in climate and related sciences - a discourse
- Mai 2005 - Lectures on Modelling, IMPRS Hamburg
1. The art and role of climate modelling. (4.5.2005)
2. Scaling, downscaling and regional modelling. (26.5.2005)
- 19. April 2005 - RWE, Paffendorf
Klimaforschung, Klimapolitik, Anpassung und Vermeidung (ppt)
- 15. April 2005 - Regionalkonferenz des BMBF: Rheinklima. Die Zukunftsfähigkeit eines europäischen Wirtschaftsraums im Wandel des Klimas, Bonn
Der Rhein unter Klimadruck – Küste, Industrielandschaft und Alpen (ppt; invited)
- 11. and 13. April 2005 - International Research Institute (IRI), New York
1) Lecture: Conceptual and methodical issues of downscaling
2) Seminar: Perspectives on Regional Modelling, Reconstructions and Scenarios
3) Lecture: Reconstucting past and envisaging futures with regional models
- 6. April 2005 - Workshop on Climate conditions in Sweden in a 100 000-year time perspective, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Co, Stockholm
- 7-8 März 2005 - NaT Working "Klimawandel und seine Folgen" Malente
Klimaforschung bei GKSS
- 6.März 2005 - Cumulth, Küstlerhaus Lauenburg
- 18-20.Februar 2005 - "Kyoto - Klimaprognosen - Aussagekraft der Modelle und Handlungsstrategien, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, Gummersbach
Die Nachhaltigkeit der Klimaforschung
- 3-4 February 2005 - SO&P Meeting, Reading UK
Developing hypotheses about the variability of climate variables using Erik den Røde data – the case of extra-tropical storminess. (with I. Fischer-Bruns, E. Zorita and F. González-Rouco as co-authors; ppt)
- 31 January 2005 - MISU Stockholm
Utility of multi-century AOGCM runs - formulating hypotheses about past climates and testing methods
- 20 Dezember 2004 - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Pasco, WA
The utility of long-term reconstructions with regional climate/earth system models (with F. Feser and R. Weisse)
13-17 December 2004 - AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco
1. Climate change and North Sea storm surge extremes - an ensemble study (PRUDENCE)
(with Katja Woth as co-author, ppt)
2. Spatial scale separation of limited area models in the context of spectral nudging and isotropic discrete filtering (with Frauke Feser as co-author; ppt)
- 3. Dezember 2004 - Institut für Wasserbau, Universität Stuttgart
On adaptation. An essay about our perceptions and responses to the concern of anthropogenic climate change
- 29.-30.November 2004 - Workshop "Klimaänderung und Küstenschutz", Hamburg (Proceedings)
Grossräumige Änderungen des Wind-, Sturmflut- und Seegangsklimas in der Nordsee und mögliche Implikationen für den Küstenschutz (as cauthor of R. Weisse)
- 15. November 2004 - Freiwilliges Ökologisches Jahr, Lauenburg
Der Umgang mit dem Klimawandel: Anpassung und Vermeidung
- 28-29.October 2004 - MICE final meeting, Firenze, Italy
Using model data to assess climate change impacts (invited)
- October 12-16, 2004 - CAS-TWAS-WMO Forum, International Symposium on Extreme Weather and Climate Events, Their Dynamics and Predictions,
北京 (Beijing), China
Extreme winds, storm surges and ocean waves - the example of the North Sea coast 1960-2000 and 1970-2100 (invited; ppt)
- 26. Oktober 2004 - Industrieclub Sachsen, Schloß Ekberg, Dresden
Der Umgang mit dem Klimawandel: Anpassung und Vermeidung
- 19 October 2004 - Institute of Hydrological Science (IHS) , National Central University, Jung-Li, Taiwan
Regional Climate Change: What is Unknown and Unknowable? (ppt)
- 18 October 2004 - Central Weather Bureau, ?? (Taipei), Taiwan
Statistical Downscaling (ppt)
- 4-7 October 2004 - New and Classical Applications of Heat Flow Studies, Aachen University, Germany
Climate simulations of the last millennium: implications for borehole temperature reconstructions (invited; as coauthor of J.F. Gonzalez-Rouco and E. Zorita)
- 29 September -1 October 2004 - Academia Engelberg, Engelberg, Schweiz
On adaptation. An essay about our perceptions and responses to the concern of anthropogenic climate change (invited)
- 23-24 September 2004 - "Mitigation and Adaptation in Climate Change" ,
Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut, Essen, Germany
On adaptation. An essay about our perceptions and responses to the concern of anthropogenic climate change
- 20 -21.September 2004 - 120th Anniversary of the Meteorological Service of Romania, Bucharest, Romania
Global climate change - which form may it take in Southeast Europe? Research needs and perspectives. (invited; ppt)
17. September2004 - Seminar, Institut für Küstenforschung, GKSS, Geesthacht
Regional climate change: what is unknown and what is unknowable.
- September 8-10, 2004 - SLOAN Workshop: Weather Variability in a Changing Climate: The Known, the Unknown and the Unknowable, Montreal, Canada
Regional climate change: what is unknown and what is unknowable. (invited, ppt)
- 7 September 2004 - Seminar Ouranos, Montréal
Workshop: Aspects of regional modelling – at GKSS
- 30 August - 4 September 2004 - Meteorological Department, CSU, Fort Collins, CO
The utility of long-term reconstructions with regional climate models (with F. Feser and R. Weisse)
- 24.August 2004 - Workshop: Modellierung von Transport und Deposition luftgetragener Schadstoffe über Nord- und Ostsee, Geesthacht
Regional pathways of substances – where do we need to go?
- 6.July 2004 - International Commission on History of Meteorology From Beaufort to Bjerknes and Beyond: Critical Perspectives on the History of Meteorology, Polling
Eduard Brückner's analysis of climatic change and climate impact
- 5. Juli 2004 - Freiburger Montagsgesellschaft, Freiburg
Der Umgang mit dem Klimawandel: Anpassung und Vermeidung
- 16-18 June 2004 - CLIVAR Working Group for Ocean Model Development (WGOMD). Evaluating the ocean component of IPCC-class models, Princeton NJ
Coastal ocean model applications that serve the needs of the coastal impacts community (invited, ppt)
- 14-15 June 2004 - GFDL, Princeton, NJ
1. Variability on time scales of decades up to a century in a AOGCM simulation with realistic time-variable forcing (with E. Zorita I. Fischer-Bruns, F. Gonzáles and Jian Liu)
2. The utility of long-term reconstructions with regional climate models (with F. Feser and R. Weisse)
- 7. June 2004 - 35th ASTIN Colloquium, Bergen, Norway
Changing storminess (ocean waves and storm surges) – myths, facts and perspectives (invited; ppt)
- 3-5. Juni 2004 - Die Kulturlandschaft der Marsch - Natur, Geschichte, Gegenwart, Oldenburg
Veränderliches Küstenklima - die vergangenen und zukünftigen 100 Jahre (invited, ppt)
- 24-28 May 2004 - 9th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology (9 IMSC), Cape Town
1. The role of statistal analysis in constructing scientific knowledge in climate research (invited; ppt)
2. Limits of historical reconstructions using indirect evidence(with E. Zorita, J. Jones and F. González-Rouco; ppt)
- 17. Mai 2004 - Rundgespräch "Klimawandel im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert", Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Kommission für Ökologie, München
Der Umgang mit dem Klimawandel: Anpassung und Vermeidung (invited; full text)
- 13. Mai 2004 - 31. Deutscher Schifffahrtstag, Lübeck
Europas Wetterabhängigkeit (invited; ppt)
- 12-15.May 2004 - Intl. Conference "Critical elements of international climate policy" HWWA Hamburg
Climate as a construct (invited; ppt)
- 7. Mai 2004 - Centro de Astrobiología, Madrid
Climate modelling with quasi-realistic models - experiences in describing climate during the Holocene and the Eemian, and in designing scenarios of plausible future climate change (ppt)
- 5-7 May 2004 - German-Turkish Workshop on Sustainable Development and Ecosystems, Jülich
Information about past and plausible future regional climate as a key for adaptation to weather risk and climate change (invited, ppt)
- 29 March - 2 April 2004 - WGCM/IPCC/PRUDENCE RCM Workshop, Lund
1. The conceptual basis of Regional Climate Modelling and Downscaling. (invited, ppt, extended abstract)
2. A two-dimensional discrete filter for limited area model evaluation purposes (as co-author of F. Feser)
- 29 April 2004 - Case Studies in Environmental Chemistry, course at Kemisk Institut, København Universitet
Lecture: Emission and fate of lead in the European environment, 1958-1995 (ppt1, ppt2)
- 23. April 2004 - Forum Pro-AK über Klimafragen, Wissen
Klimagefahren, Klimaänderungen und Klimawahrnehmung (Media-response: 1, 2)
- March 5-6, 2004 - International workshop Climate change studies. Where are we now and how did we get here?, , Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg
The case of Eduard Brückner - a lesson for the contemporary debate about climate change? (invited, ppt)
- 23-26 February 2004 - CRCES-IPRC Workshop on Decadal Climate Variability, Kona HI,
1. Variability on time scales of decades up to a century in a AOGCM simulation with realistic time-variable forcing (with Eduardo Zorita, Irene Fischer-Bruns, Jian Liu and Fidel González-Ruoco,
2. The case of Eduard Brückner – solid climate research but unexpected social and technological developments
- 17-21 February 2004 - International Asian Monsoon Symposium (IAMS) / The Seventh Workshop on East Asian Climate (EAC): The Third Workshop on Regional Climate Modeling for Monsoon System (RCM), East-West Center, University of Hawai'i, Honolulu USA
1. Variability of eastern Asia monsoon and Meiyu from ECHO-G (Poster, as coauthor of Xing Chen, Jian Liu and Eduardo Zorita)
2. Comparison of monsoon rainfall between simulated and reconstructed data in China (Poster, as co-author of Jian Liu, Xing Chen and Eduardo Zorita)
3. The utility of long-term reconstructions with regional climate models (invited; with Frauke Feser, Ralf Weisse and Lars Bärring; ppt)
4. Issues in regional climate modelling
- 12. Februar 2004 - Jahresversammlung Vereinigung für den Höheren Technischen Verwaltungsdienst in Hamburg (VHTV), Hamburg
Der Umgang mit dem Klimawandel: Anpassung und Vermeidung (Bericht)
26. Januar 2004 - Kolloquium Ethnologisches Institut, Hamburg
über die in der Küsten- und Klimaforschung wahrgenommene Nützlichkeit der Ethnologie
- 12. Januar 2004 - Meteorologisches Institut, Berlin
A dynamical reconstruction of detailed atmospheric and related regional variability, 1958-2000
- 9.Dezember 2003 - Geophysical Statistics Project, NCAR, Boulder CO
Assimilating stats – the problem and experience with the DATUN approach
(with Martin Widmann as co-author)
- 30 November-3 December 2003 - PACON 2003, Kaohsiung Taiwan,
1. The socio-construction of the coast: conflicting images and perceptions of the coast, and their implications for coastal science (invited)
2. A methodology to reconstruct aspects of the recent environmental history of a coastal zone
3. Scenarios for changing storminess, storm surges and wave conditions in the North Sea (with Katja Woth, Ralf Weisse and Arnt Pfizenmayer as co-authors)
- 28.November 2003 - National Center for Oceangraphic Research (NCOR), 台北市 (Taipei), Taiwan
Coastal Research as an Applied Science
- 27. November 2003 - Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University, 台北市 (Taipei), Taiwan
Interpretation of climate models results, downscaling methods, uncertainties
- 27. November 2003 - Central Weather Bureau, 台北市 (Taipei), Taiwan
The concept of downscaling and the rationale of large-scale control in regional climate modeling
- 25. November 2003 - Institute of Hydrological Science (IHS) and Atmospheric Physics (IAP), National Central University, Jung-Li, Taiwan
1. Statistics of extreme winds, storm surges and ocean waves along the North Sea coast, 1960 until today, and scenarios
2. Coastal Research as an Applied Science
- 12. November 2003 - Klimaschutz als unternehmerische Verantwortung – Die Schweizer Wirtschaft zwischen Freiwilligkeit und Zwang, Zürich
Vermeidung und Anpassung. (invited)
5.November 2003 - Modell-Seminar, Universität Hamburg
The Art and Role of Climate Modeling
- 4. November 2003 - IOW, Warnemünde
Gegenwärtige und zukünftige Änderungen des maritimen Klimas (with Frauke Feser, Insa Meinke, Katja Woth, Lars Bärring, Hans Alexandersson, Marcos Garcia Sotillo, Ralf Weisse and Arnt Pfizenmayer)
- 30 October 2003 - JISAO, Seattle
Climate model simulates global cold climate during late Maunder Minimum (1675-1710) (with Fidel González-Ruoco, Ulrich Cubasch, Jürg Luterbacher, Eduardo Zorita, Beate Müller, Stephanie Legutke, and Ulrich Schlese)
- 30 October 2003 - Department of Civil Engineering, U of Washington, Seattle
A dynamical reconstruction of detailed atmospheric and related regional variability in Europe, 1958-2000 (with Frauke Feser, Ralf Weisse, Arnt Pfizenmayer, Katja Woth, Insa Meinke, Mariza Cabral, Charlotte Hagner, Hilmar Messal)
- 26-31 October 2003Open Science Meeting (OSM) for the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH), Seattle
Governing Large-Scale Control in Arctic Modelling (ppt)
- 20-21 October 2003 - MUSCAD Workshop "Climate Variations in Sweden During the Past 2000 Years", Uppsala, Sweden,
Simulation of the Late Maunder Minimum with global and regional climate models. (with Beate Müller; ppt)
- 8 October 2003 - Niels Bohr Institut; København
Statistics of extreme winds, storm surges and ocean waves along the North Sea coastline, from 1960 until today, and scenarios (with Frauke Feser, Insa Meinke, Katja Woth, Lars Bärring, Hans Alexandersson, Marcos Garcia Sotillo, Ralf Weisse and Arnt Pfizenmayer) (ppt)
- 29 September – 3 October 2003 - PRUDENCE annual meeting, Wengen, Switzerland
Recent changing coastal climate: storminess and impacts for the North Sea (together with Ralf Weisse, Arnt Pfizenmayer, Frauke Feser, Insa Meinke, Lars Bärring, Hans Alexandersson and Marcos Garcia Sotillo) (ppt)
- 22 September 2003 - ClimWat Workshop: "Potential Climate Changes and Sustainable Water Management", Jachranka, Poland,
Interpretation of climate models results, downscaling methods, uncertainties
17. September 2003 - Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Hamburg
Die Jahrhunderflut in Deutschland und andere Katastrophen: Stehen wir vor einem Klimawechsel?
- 15-16 September 2003 - Econometric methods in Climate Research (ECONCLIM), Danish Meteorological Institute, København
Long detailed climate simulations: An opportunity to test methods, or: Christopherus Columbus and Erik den Røde provide ample realistic data to test methods and hypotheses
- 4 July 2003 - Yokohama Institute for Earth Science (FRSGC), Yokohama, Japan
Climate model simulates global cold climate and large-scale North Atlantic sea-ice anomalies during Late Maunder Minimum (1675-1710)
- 30 June - 8 July, 2003 - IUGG, Sapporo, Japan, ,
1. Climate model simulates global cold climate during Late Maunder Minimum (1675-1710) (oral, together with F. González-Ruoco, U. Cubasch, J. Luterbacher, E. Zorita, B. Müller, S. Legutke and U. Schlese)
2. Impact of possible future climate on coastal winds, storm surges and ave conditions in the North Sea (oral, together with A.Pfizenmayer, R. Weisse and K. Woth)
3. Statistics of extreme winds: storm surges and waves along the North Sea coastline, 1960 to today (oral, together with A.Pfizenmayer, R. Weisse, Fr. Feser, S. Esselborn and T. Aspelien)
- 27 Juni 2003 - Scientific Meeting of the Polish Geophysical Society (Wroclaw's Branch), Wroclaw, Poland
A dynamcial reconstruction of detailed atmospheric and related regional variability, 1958-2000
- 25. Juni 2003 - International Max-Planck School on Earth System Modelling, Hamburg
Scaling, downscaling and regional modelling
- 10 June 2003 - The Science and the Politics of the Riverside, Nijmegen, Centrum voor Duitsland-Studies,
Floodings Extremes, Human Sins and Global Warming (invited)
- 26. Mai 2003 - Kolloquium Theoretische Physik Universität Giessen
The Art and Role of Climate Modelling
- 10. Mai, 2003 - Viertes See-Symposium, Arendsee
Klimawandel als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung (invited)
- 30 April 2003 - Reseau canadien de modelisation regionale du climat, Ouranos / UQAM, Montréal
The concept of downscaling and the rationale of large-scale control in regional climate modeling. (together with Feser, Weisse and B. Müller and Meinke)
- 24-25 April 2003 - Special DOE/NOAA Workshop on Climate Change and Detection, Duke University, Durham NC,
Activities at GKSS related to Detection & Attribution problems (ppt)
- 23 April 2003 - Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Duke University, Durham NC
The Art and Role of Climate Modeling
- 17. April 2003 - Meteorologisches Institut, Universität München
The concept of downscaling and the rationale of large-scale control in regional climate modeling (together with Feser, Weisse and B. Müller and Meinke)
- 16. April 2003 - Deutsches Museum München, öffentliche Diskussionsveranstaltung
Klimawandel - Normalität oder Katastrophe
- 3-4 April 2003 - The effects of climate and climate change on society,
A workshop by the Institute of Coastal Research, GKSS, and the
Research Unit Sustainability and Global Change, Centre for Marine and Climate Research, Hamburg University, Hamburg
The case of Eduard Brückner – solid climate research but unexpected social and technological developments
- 28. March 2003 - Veranstaltung anlässlich der Verabschiedung von Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sündermann, Universität Hamburg, ZMAW
- 24. - 28. März 2003 - 67. Physikertagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Hannover
Anpassung und Vermeidung - wie gehen wir mit der Erwartung einer anthropogenen Klimaänderung um? (invited, mit N. Stehr als Koauthor)
18. März 2003 - GKSS Jahrestagung 2003, Berlin
Horizonte: Die veränderliche Küstenumwelt
- 13-14 March 2003 - Second EU-Japan Workshop on Climate Research, Brussels
Climate Change as a interdisciplinary challenge for natural and sciences. (invited, together with G. Öberg)
- 25 February 2003 - Meteorological Institute, Stockholm University
The concept of downscaling and the rationale of large-scale control in regional climate modeling (together with Feser, Weisse and B. Müller)
- 12 February 2003 - SMHI, Norrköping
The concept of downscaling and the rationale of large-scale control in regional climate modeling (together with Feser and Weisse)
- 23-24 January 2003 - SO&P startup meeting, Norwich
ECHAM4/HOPE-G = ECHO-G runs, forcings, results so far
- 17. January 2003 - Oberseminar "Numerical Analysis / Scientific computing" Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin
Noise in Climate Dynamics - Ubiquitous, Constitutive and Concealing
- 12. Dezember 2002 - Geoökologisches Kolloquium, Technische Universität Braunschweig
Klimamodellierung als wissenschaftliches und gesellschaftliches Problem
- 5. Dezember 2002 - ICBM Oldenburg
Success and failures of the nonlinear approach in climate studies
- 28-29 November 2002 - European Network on Scientific Input to Public Policy, Final Dissemination Conference, Rome
Comment on Session 1: sciency and policy (invited)
- 25-26 November 2002 - Workshop on "Detection and Attribution of Environmental Change" , Linköping, Sweden
Detection and attribution of climate change: An introductory comment on the role of models and statistics (invited; ppt)
- 21. November 2002 - Kenkraftwerk Krümmel, Geesthacht
Klimawandel und der gesellschaftliche Umgang damit
- 28 October-1 November 2002 - 15th Conference on Biometeorology and Aerobiology and the 16th International Congress of Biometeorology, Kansas
A particle transport study focussing on gasoline lead in Europe and its political implications (contributed; as co-author of Frauke Feser, Mariza Costa-Cabral and Charlotte Hagner)
- 16 October 2002 - Geofysisk Afdeling, Niels Bohr Institutet, København
Miljøbelastning med anthropogene stoffer: Eksempel „bly“, emissioner og deponering i Europa, 1958- 1995
10. Oktober 2002 - Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Wolfsburg
Klimawandel und der gesellschaftliche Umgang damit
- 3-4 October 2002 - PRUDENCE meeting, Trieste
Simulating extreme wind speeds over sea in a spectrally nudged regional climate model (contributed; as coauthor of Frauke Feser and Ralf Weisse)
- September 30 - October 2, 2002 - Second ICTP conference on "Detection and Modeling of Regional Climate Change", Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste
The concept of downscaling and the rationale of large-scale control in regional climate modeling. (invited, with Frauke Feser and Ralf Weisse as coauthors; ppt)
- 15-17. Sept. 2002 - DFG Rundgespräch "Auswirkungen der Klimaveränderung auf aquatische Ökosysteme", Berlin
Sicheres und unsicheres Wissen über erwartete Klimaänderungen (invited)
- 12 September 2002 - Instituto National de Meteorologiá, Madrid
Contemporary Challenges in Quasi-Realistic Climate Modelling
- 26-28 August 2002 - DEUQUA 2002, GFZ, Potsdam
1. KIHZ - Natürliche Klimaschwankungen in historischen Zeiten - Vom Klima der Vergangenheit zum Klima der Zukunft durch Kopplung von Daten und Modellen (als Koauthor von J.F.W. Negendank, H. Miller, M.J. Schwab, M. Widmann und das KIHZ-Konsortium)
2. Simulations of Paleoclimate with General Circulation Models (mit Martin Widmann als Koauthor, invited)
26. August 2002 - Universtät "Tag der Geowissenschaften", Hamburg
Belastung mit anthropogenen Stoffen - Das Beispiel „Blei“ und seine Emission und Verbleib in Europa, 1958-1995
- 10-11 July 2002 - Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
1. The two regions problem for climatic and economic change (11.7.2002)
2. The art and role of climate modelling (10.7.2002)
- 9 July 2002 - Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan
The art and role of climate modelling
- 8 July 2002 - Institute for Global Change Research, Frontier Research System for Global Change, Yokohama, Japan
Changing coastal environment
- 2 July 2002 - Agency for Marine Affairs and Fisheries Research, Jakarta
Coastal Research as an applied science
- 28.Juni 2002 - Wann kommt die nächste Eiszeit? GFZ, Potsdam
Das Late Maunder Minimum - Folge von Strahlungsanomalien? (invited)
28 - 31 May 2002 - AGU 2002 Spring Meeting
Washington Convention Center, Washington DC,
Evidence for the climate during the Late Maunder Minimum from proxy data available within KIHZ (oral, with KIHZ Consortium)
- 26. Juni 2002 - Parlamentarische Abend "Klimawandel - eine Herausforderung und Chance für Deutschland im 21. Jahrhundert", Berlin
Naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zum Klimawandel – ihre Bedeutung für Deutschland heute und morgen
- 5 June 2002 - Chamber of Commerce, Colon, Panama
Good governance – synergy of science and coastal development
- 24 May 2002 - Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, Calverton MD
Issues in regional atmospheric modelling: large scale control and divergence in phase space
- 20—24 May 2002 - 12th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the Air and Waste Management Association, Norfolk, VA
A reconstruction of emissions, pathways and depositions of gasoline lead in Europe, 1958-1997 (extended abstract; with Frauke Feser, Charlotte Hagner, and Mariza Costa-Cabral as coauthors)
- 13-15 May 2002 - Second National conference of SINAPSI: Climate variability and effects on the Mediterranean marine ecosystems
Portonovo (Ancona)
Contemporary Challenges in Quasi-Realistic Climate Modelling (invited) ppt
- 26 April 2002 - Miljövetarprogrammet, Norrköping, Sweden
Social and cultural aspects of climate change research
- 25 April 2002 - Tekniska Fakulteten, Linköping, Sweden
The Art and Role of Climate Modeling
- 14 March 2002 - IPRC Seminar, Honolulu, HI
The Art and Role of Climate Modeling
- 12 March 2002 - IPRC Lunch Time Seminar, Honolulu, HI
Issues in regional atmospheric modelling: large scale control and divergence in phase space
- 19. Januar 2002 - Die Ferne und die Nähe. Workshop des VW Projekts "Natur im Konflikt", Tönning
Küste als naturwissenschaftlicher Gegenstand (ppt)
- 16. Januar 2002 - Institut für die Chemie und Biologie des Meeres (ICBM), Oldenburg
Dimensionen und Beispiele der Küstenforschung
- 7. Dezember 2001 - Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau BAW, Rissen
Das Institut für Küstenforschung
6. Dezember 2001 - GKSS Ergebniskolloquium, Geesthacht
- 3 December 2001 - NCAR, CGD/CU-PAOS Seminar Boulder, Colorado
Issues in regional atmospheric modelling: large scale control and divergence in phase space
- 29 - 30 November 2001 - Madden Symposium , NCAR, Boulder CO
Role of statistics in climate sciences (invited)
- 25-27. November 2001 - LEOPOLDINA Akademie Symposium "Klimawechsel vor dem Einfluß des Menschen", Halle
Modelle des holozänen Klimawechsels / Modell-Kritik (ausgefallen; ppt-Folien)
22. November 2001 - Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung ZMK, Hamburg
Küstenforschung bei GKSS
- 15. November 2001 - Umweltbundesamt, Berlin
Ein Versuch der Rekonstruktion der Bleibelastung in Europa, 1958-95 -
- 12. November 2001 - Climate Variability and change in the Baltic Sea area. (A workshop prior to the 12th BALTEX SSG meeting) De Bilt
Challenges for the Baltic regional environment: changing climate and changing pollution patterns.(invited)
- 8. November 2001 - Klimaseminar am Geographischen Institut, ETH Zürich
Ein Versuch der Rekonstruktion der Bleibelastung in Europa, 1958-95 -
- 7. November 2001 - Zürcher Geographisches Kolloquium, ETH Zürich
Klimamodellierung als wissenschaftliches und als gesellschaftliches Problem
- 6. November 2001 - WCSIP, Budapest
Downscaling / regional models(invited)
- 18 October 2001 - Seminar Nils Bohr Institut, København
Simulation of the 'Late Maunder Minimum'
- 24-28. September 2001 - KIHZ Summerschool 2001 "Towards a synthesis of natural climate archives and climate models", Wilhelmshaven
Modellkategorien und ihre Anwendungen
- 27 - 31 August 2001 - PAGES - PEPIII. Past Climate Variability Through Europe and Africa. An International Conference, Aix-en-Provence, France
1. KIHZ II. Numerical Modelling in Paleoclimatology (Poster)
2. Reconstructing past climate with dynamical modelling (invited)
- 20-24 August 2001 - Climate Conference 2001, Utrecht
Various aspects of numerical simulations of atmosphere over Greenland (Poster, as coauthor of Abha Sood)
12. Juli 2001 - Geophysikalisches Kolloquium, Universität Hamburg
Das Institut für Küstenforschung
- 9-11 July 2001 - PACON conference 2001 San Francisco
1. North Sea storm surge statistics derived from extended model simulations
2. New scenarios of plausible climate change - an update with special emphasis on global sea level and regional temperature and precipitation details
3. Coastal research as an applied science (invited)
- 28. Juni 2001 - Humboldt Universität Berlin, Helmholtz-Volesung
Klimamodellierung als wissenschaftliches und als gesellschaftliches Problem (ppt)
- 18-20 June 2001 - 3rd EU Operational Forecasting Cluster Workshop, Brussels
- 6-9 June, 2001 - Climate Change and Variability in Northern Europe, CLIC Turku, Finland,
Climate Modelling (invited; ppt-Folien)
- 21. Mai 2001 - Rotarier Klub, Geesthacht
Modelle in der Umweltforschung
- 11-16 May 2001 - European Lake Drilling Project (ELDP) Workshop
Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam
Reconstructing large-scale climate variability from paleoclimatic evidence by means of Data Assimilation Through Upscaling and Nudging (DATUN) (invited; mit Jones, Widmann, González-Rouco, Zorita and Kirchner as co-authors)
- 17-20 April 2001 - Reconstructing Late Holocene Climate Workshop
University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA,
Paleoclimatic modeling strategies using free, forced and data-assimilated runs
- 13 April 2001 - University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA
An attempt to reconstruct emissions, pathways and depositions of gasoline lead in Europe, 1958-1997
- 9 April 2001 - NCAR, Boulder, USA
An attempt to reconstruct emissions, pathways and depositions of gasoline lead in Europe, 1958-1997
- 12-16 March 2001 - 8th International Meeting in Statistical Climatology Lüneburg, Germany, (Presseerklärung)
Numerical experimentation with regional atmospheric models (with Ralf Weisse as co-author)
- 1-3 März 2001 - Storchenseminar Wilhelmshaven
Noise generation in regionalen Klimamodellen und die Implikation für das numerische Experimentieren
- Februar 2001 - Institut für Ostseeforschung, Warnemünde
Rekonstruktion von Transport und Verbleib von Blei im Benzin in Europa, 1960 bis heute
- 22. Januar 2001 - Natur im Konflikt – Was haben Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften mit den Debatten um den Naturschutz zu tun?, Hamburg (Ludwig Fischers Thesen)
Naturwissenschaftliche Gegenstände als soziale Konstrukte
- 13. Dezember 2000 - Vortragsreihe "EnergieLos!?", Dortmund
Modelling in Environmental Sciences. Specifically: Climate Modelling
- 12 October 2000 - Kolloquium Geofysisk Afdeling, København Universitet
Climate Models, climate change and climate impact
- 2-6 October 2000 - 5. Deutsche Klimatagung Hamburg
Anthropogener Klimawandel - eine beunruhigende Vorstellung seit dem 18. Jahrhundert (mit N. Stehr als Koauthor)
A multiproxy reconstruction of atmospheric circulation (as co-author of J. Jones et al.)
- 20-22 September 2000 - Images and reconstructions of weather and climate over the last millennium Cracow
1. Anthropogenic climate change - a reason for concern since the 18th century and earlier (oral, with N. Stehr as co-author)
2. Development of a downscaling model for estimation of an "artificial ice core" derived from large scale parameters of a 1000 year GCM run (oral,as co-author of T. Crüger)
- 6-10 August 2000 - U.Michigan conference on heavy metals, Ann Arbor
Reconstruction of Lead (Pb) Fluxes in Europe during 1955-1995 and Evaluation of Gasoline Lead Content Regulations (oral, as coauthor of Costa-Cabral, Hagner and Feser)
- 19-21 July 2000 - Geostats conference Freiberg
Role of statistics in dynamical modelling (invited)
- 14-15. Juni 2000 - BSH Kolloquium "Aktuelle Probleme der Meeresumwelt"
Regionale Auswirkungen von Klimaänderungen (z.B. Sturmhäufigkeiten) (invited; cancelled)
- 15-16 May 2000 - Dansk Klimaforum 2000 København
Udfordringer for fremtidens klimaforskning.(invited)
- 8. - 9. May 2000 - RegClim Spring Meeting, Jevnaker, Norway,
State-of-the-art overview of empirical regionalization. (invited)
- 30. March 2000 - Nationaal Symposium "Klimaatverandering", Doorwerth, Nederland
Functioning of the climate system, climate modelling and the link to the impacts work (invited)
- 8 March 2000 - Seminar IMAU, Utrecht
The lead project
- 17 February 2000 - Algemeen Fysisch Colloquium, Universiteit
On the role of statistics in dynamical modeling
- 9-14 January 2000 - 11th Joint Conference on the Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology with the Air and Waste Management Association, Long Beach CA
Reconstruction of lead (Pb) fluxes in Europe during 1955-1995 and evaluation of gasoline lead-content regulations. (with Costa-Cabral, Feser and Hagner as co-authors)
- 9-14 January 2000 - 11th Symposium on Global Change Studies, Long Beach, CA
Up- and downscaling models for driving GCMs with paleoclimatic proxy-evidence.(with González, Jones, Widmann and Zorita as coauthors)
- 9-14 January 2000 - 4th Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, Long Beach CA
The PIONEER project (with the PIONEER consortium as coauthors)
13. Dezember 1999 - AWI, Bremerhaven
The role of statistical analysis in dynamical modelling
- 9-10 December 1999 - Workshop "Environmental Research between Knowledgeand Action"
On the role of natural scientists in conveying the "climate problem" into public and policy. An empirial analysis. (oral)
- 2-3 December 1999 - Workshop "Klimawirkungsforschung" Jülich
Was leisten Klimamodelle?(oral)
- 28-30 October 1999 - Storchenseminar, Murnau
Data driven paleo simulations(oral)
- 13-17 September 1999 - 4th International Conference on Modelling Global Climate Change and Variability, Hamburg
1. A spectral nudging technique for dynamical downscaling purposes (oral, with F. Feser and H. Langenberg as co-authors)
2. Reconstructing the global climate from the Mid-Holocene until present from paleoclimate records and transient GCM integrations (poster, as coauthor of Zorita, Brandt, Cubasch, Gonzáles-Rouco, Jones, Widmann)
3. Creation of an `artificial ice core' at the Dome of Greenland by means of statistical downscaling(poster, as coauthor of T. Crueger)
- 17 August 1999 - SMHI, Nörrköping
A spectral nudging technique for dynamical downscaling purposes
- 16 August 1999 - Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut, København
A spectral nudging technique for dynamical downscaling purposes
- 9-12 August 1999 - ECSA 1999, Hamburg
A signature of anthropogenic climate change in local wave conditions near Ekofisk? (poster, as co-author of A. Pfizenmayer)
- 12. Juli 1999 - Geographisches Institut der Universität
Grosse und kleine Skalen: Down- und Upscaling in der Klimaforschung
- 23-24 June 1999 - Benfield-Greig Seminar, Paris
Panel discussion: Can we forecast hurricanes and windstorms?
16. Juni 1999 - Institutsseminar Meteorologisches
Institut, Universität Hamburg
Das GKSS Blei Projekt und sein Nebenprodukt "Spectral Nudging"
- 11. Juni 1999 - Alfred-Wegner-Symposium: Klima aus geowissenschaftlicher Sicht, Düsseldorf,
Klimamodellierung und ihre Grenzen
- 5 - 7 May 1999 - 5th International Scientific Conference: Hydrodynamic and Ecological Aspects of Nutrient Forecasting for Odra and Ebro Estuaries, Szczecin, Poland
The PIONEER Project
- 10-13 March, 1999 - Second
EuroGOOS International Conference - Operational Oceanography - Extending the limits of predictability, Rome
1. The WASA project: changingwaves and storms in the Northeast Atlantic? (oral)
2. PIONEER: Preparation and integration of analysis tools towards operational forecast of nutrients in estuaries of European rivers. (poster; with K. Reichert)
- 5 February 1999 - IPRC (International Pacific Research Centre), Honolulu HI
EOFs etc.
- 9 December 1998 - Monitoring and Managing the Regional Change in Coastal Zones, Brussels, Belgium
Operational and system analysis - holistic and synoptic views of the coastal environment
31. November 1998 - Ringvorlesung "Küstenbilder, Bilder der Küste. Darstellung der soziokulturellen Realität von Küste" an der Universität Hamburg
Naturwissenschaftliche Modelle von Küste
- 18-20 November 1998 - GeoENV, Valencia, Spain,
Forecasting and simulation: the balance of minimum error and realistic variance(invited)
28. Oktober 1998 - Ringvorlesung an der Universität Hamburg
23.-28. September 1998 - 2nd GKSS School of Environmental Research: Models in Environmental Research. Lauenburg
Coastal Climate - lectures
- 14-18. September 1998 - Deutsche Meteorologen Tagung, Leipzig
Veränderungen im Sturm- und Seegangsklima der Nordsee und des Nordostatlantik in Vergangenheit und Zukunft
- 7-11 September 1998 - Past and Present Variability: A Context for the Future? The second international climate and history conference, Climatic Research Unit, Norwich, United Kingdom
1. History of Perceived Climate Catastrophes(invited)
2. Verifying the validity of statistical downscaling procedures in climate change studies (coauthor of A. Busuioc and R. Schnur)
- 17. Juli 1998 - Geographisches Institut der Universität Bern
Das WASA Projekt - mehr Stürme und höherer Seegang in jüngster Vergangenheit und Zukunft?
- 18. Juni 1998 - Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Bildungszentrum Seeheim
Die zwei Identitäten des Klimas
- 12 June 1998 - Klimaatleezing, Klimaatkommissie, Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschapen, Amsterdam
Anthropogenic climate change: The concern and fear is centuries old
- 25-29 May 1998 - 7 International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, Whistler, Canada
1. Redundancy analysis as a downscaling tool (invited)
2. Verifying the validity of statistical downscaling procedures in climate changes applications (oral; coauthor of A. Busuioc and R. Schnur)
6. Mai 1998 - Geburtstagskolloquium Jürgen Sündermann, Hamburg
Die Rolle der Statistik in numerischer Simulation und Experimenten
29. April 1998 - Ringvorlesung "Klima - Gesellschaft - Politik" an derUniversität Hamburg
Die Genese des erlebten Klimas
- 3-5 April 1998 - Workshop "Bilder der Küste", Sankelmark, (Abstracts)
Modelle: Naturwissenschaftlich/mathematische Konstrukte der Küste (with R. Riethmüller and J. Kappenberg as coauthors)
- 27. Februar 1998 - Workshop "Klima und Wirtschaft", BMBF, Bonn
- 10-12 December 1997 - Millennia Conclusion Meeting, Venezia
Specification of turbulent fluxes with analogs
3. Dezember 1997 - Kolloquium Alfred-Wegner-Institut für Meeres- und Polarforschung, Bremerhaven
Die Genese des regionalen Klimas
- 20. November 1997 - Kolloquium Meteorologisches Institut Universität Bonn
Wechselspiel von regionalem und globalem Klima
- 16-19 November 1997 - International Workshop on Prospects for Co-ordinated Activities in Core Projects of GTE, BAHC and LUCC, Wageningen
About Downscaling
- 12-14 November 1997 - Storchenseminar, Kühlungsborn
Randomized Parameterizations.
- 7. November 1997 - Kolloquium Zürich
Klimamodelle: Experten- und Laienmodelle
- 13 July 1997 - Coastal Vulnerability: Natural and Human Dimensions, Barcelona
Coastal climate: Natural and man-induced risks
9. Juli 1997 - Kolloquium Institut für Hydrobiologie und Fischereiwissenschaft, Hamburg
Methoden zur Beschreibung dominanter Muster in geophysikalischen Vektorzeitreihen
- 1 July 1997 - Ecole de Mines, Fontainebleau
- 12-14 June 1997 - 1997 Open Meeting of the Human Dimension of Global Environmental Change Research Community, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria
Managed climate change(as coauthor of Nico Stehr)
- 15-19 Juni 1997 - Climate Change Policy in Germany and the United States, Berlin
Perspectives og climate scientists on global climate change (invited, with Dennis Bray)
- 10. Juni 1997 - Workshop zur International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (IDNDR): Künftige Gefährdung durch Sturmfluten, Hamburg
Empirisches Szenario für die Wasserstände längs der südlichen und östlichen
Nordseeküste für die Zeitscheibe '2 x CO2 = 2035'
27. Mai 1997 - Sturm und Seegang: Veränderungen in diesem Jahrhundert und Ausblick für das nächste Jahrhundert, Hamburg, Rickmer Rickmers
Klimaänderungen, Stürme und Seegang
- 22. Mai 1997 - Wasser. Forschung für Schutz und Sanierung (HGF), Bonn
Schutz von Wasser
20-27 April 1997 - First GKSS Spring School on Environmental Research: Anthropogenic Climate Change, Lauenburg
The global and regional climate system
- January 1997 - Aha' Huliko'a Hawai'ian Winter Workshop, Honolulu
Conditional statistical models: A discourse about the local scale in climate modelling
- 10. Dezember 1996 - Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg Arbeitsbereich Regelungstechnik, Hamburg
Erstellung, Anwendung und Grenzen von Klimamodellen
- 28 October - 1 November 1996 - 21st Annual Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop, Huntsville, Alamaba
A scenario of storm surge statistics for the German Bight at the expected time of doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (oral; with Hinrich Reichardt)
- 21 -22 October 1996 - Harry van Loon Symposium "Studies in Climate, Part II", Boulder CO
Changing statistics of storms and waves in the North Atlantic?(oral)
1-2 October 1996 - Environmental Research at GKSS, Evaluation, Geesthacht
Introductory remarks for the Evaluation process
- 18 September 1996 - 14th International Congress of Biometeorology, Lubljana, Slovenia
1. Performance of the ECHAM3 models for simulating the precipitation in Romania (as co-author of A. Busiuoc)
2. Sensitivity of a lake ecosystem to climate variability (as co-author of S. Güss and D. Müller-Navarra)
3. Statistical downscaling of monthly mean temperatures for January, February and March to the beginning of the blooming of snow drops in Northern Germany (as co-author of K. Maak)
4. The climate change issue: perspectives and interpretations (as co-author of D. Bray)
- 10. Juli 1996 - Freiberg
Sein oder Nichtsein - Der anthropogene Klimawandel
- 10. Juli 1996 - Universitätskolloquium Bergakademie Freiberg
Klimaänderungen und ihr statistischer Nachweis
- 9. Juli 1996 - PIK Potsdam
Mathematik des Downscaling
- 6-10 May 1996 - EGS XXI General Assembly, Den Haag
The mathematics of downscaling (invited)
- 23-24. April 1996 - GOOS-workshop, Rostock
Der Wert langer homogener Zeitreihen für "downscaling" Zwecke
18. April 1996 - Internal Seminar at GKSS, Geesthacht
Strawman for a new environmental research program at GKSS "Monitoring Technology Research": MOTOR
- 9-10 April 1996 - Svante Arrhenius and the Greenhouse Effect - a Centenary, Stockholm
What makes anthropogenic climate change a social problem? (invited)
1996 - Jahrestagung der GKSS, Geesthacht
Fragen der Klimaforschung an Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften
- 19 November 1995 - KNMI, De Bilt
Climate Variability and Change
- 16.-17. November 1995 - Interdisziplinäres Seminar "Klima-Umwelt-Gesellschaft", Hamburg
Das soziale Konstrukt "Klima und Klimawandel"
- 16-20 October 1995 - Fourth International Workshop on Wave Hindcasting and Forecasting, Banff, Canada
The WASA project: Changing Storm and Wave Climate in the Northeast Atlantic and Adjacent seas? (as presentation of the WASA group; pdf)
- 24-29 September 1995 - First open GAIM Scientific Conference, Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Climate Research: Linking Natural and Social Worlds (invited; with Nico Stehr)
- June 19-23, 1995 - Sixth International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, Galway
1. Downscaling Indian monsoon rainfall from the simulations of the ECHAM T21 coupled ocean-atmosphere model (oral, as co-author of S. V. Singh).
2. Statistical downscaling of winter monthly mean North Atlantic sea level pressure to sea-level anomalies in the Baltic Sea (oral, as co-author of H. Heyen and E. Zorita).
3. Caveats in the application of statistical analysis in climate research. (oral; pdf)
- April 2-7, 1995 - TOGA conference, Melbourne
1. Intraseasonal variability in the tropical atmosphere and ocean (invited)
2. A statistical forecast scheme for the Madden-and-Julian oscillation (poster)
- 30 March 1995 - Antarctic CRC/CSIRO, Hobart
Climate variability and change
- 20 March 1995 - Department of Meteorology, Honolulu HI
Climate variability and change
1.Februar 1995 - GKSS, Geesthacht
Downscaling (pdf)
- unknown date, 1994 - internal seminar, MPI, Hamburg
Towards a Diagnostic Atmospheric Model (with K. HJasselmann und S. Kharin)
- 2. Dezember 1994 - Kolloquium, Institut für Meereskunde Kiel
Numerisches Experimentieren mit Zirkulationsmodellen
- 28 November 1994 - Geophysical Department, University of København
Numerical Experimentation with GCMs
- 8 November 1994 -Max-Planck Institut für Meteorologie, Hamburg
Possible Contribution to Downscaling by the MPI für Meteorologie
- Oct. 24-26, 1994 - ASLO/NABS Symposium: Freshwater ecosystem and climate change in North America: a regional approach, Lesburg VA
Interdisciplinary approach to study climatic impact on the pelagial(poster, together with D. Müller-Navarra and S. Güss)
20.Oktober 1994 - Festkolloquium anlässlich des 70. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr. Günter Fischer, Universität Hamburg
The Northern Hemisphere extratropical response to the Southern Oscillation: Is it linear with respect to the strength of the SO?
- 11. Oktober 1994 - Seewetteramt Hamburg
Mehr oder weniger Stürme jetzt und in Zukunft?
- Sept. 19-22, 1994 - Fourth Sessions of the Joint Scientific and Technical Committee of the Global Climate Observing System, Hamburg
Use of Climate Data in Climate Research (invited)
- Sept. 12-16, 1994 - European Conference on Grand Challenges in Ocean and Polar Science, Bremen
Climate Change and Climate Variability (invited, with K. Hasselmann as co-author)
16 August 1994 - IOCAS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 青岛 (Qingdao)
Global warming and coastal sea model
- 5 August 1994 - Academy of Meteorological Sciences, 北京 (Beijing)
Inconsistencies at the interface of climate impact studies and global climate research
- 3 August 1994 - Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academia Sinica, 北京 (Beijing)
Inconsistencies at the interface of climate impact studies and global climate research
- July 25-29, 1994 - 1994 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Hong Kong
Coastal sea level and the large-scale state: a downscaling exercise for the Japanese Islands. (with E. Zorita and M. Cui; oral)
- July 10-12, 1994 - 1st Teslec meeting, Padua, Italy,
Climate change models (invited)
- 7. Juli 1994 - Workshop "Regionale Auswirkungen globaler Klimaänderungen", Biologische Anstalt Helgoland, Hamburg
Einführung in den Forschungsschwerpunkt
- 13. Juni 1994 - Project meeting of WASA, København
WASA - Waves and storms in the North Atlantic and in the North Sea
- Mai 1994 - Internes MPI-Seminar, Salzau
Statistical Analysis and Modelling (SAM)
- May 2-6, 1994 - 26th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics: the Coastal Ocean in a Global Change Perspective, Liege, Belgium,
Coastal sea level and the large-scale climate state: An overview of statistical and dynamical downscaling exercises (with coauthors E. Zorita and M. Cui)
- 20. April 1994 - Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach
Modellerzeugte Szenarien von möglichen Klimaänderungen und ihre Verwendung in der Klimawirkungsforschung
- 19. April 1994 - Wissenschaftliches Forum "Klimaänderung und mögliche Folgen für die Sturmfluten", Baubehörde Hamburg
- 11.-14. April 1994 - 3. Deutsche Klimatagung, Potsdam
Probleme bei der Anwendung statistischer Verfahren im Bereich der Klimadiagnose (invited)
- 1 February 1994 - GFDL, Princeton NJ
Does the product of climate models fit the demand of climate impact studies?
- January 22-28, 1994 - American Meteorological Society, 74th Annual Meeting, Nashville
1. Climate change, the social construct of climate and climate policy (with Stehr,oral)
2. Downscaling and weather generators: the problem of inferring user-oriented information from climate model output(with Zorita, poster)
- 20 January 1994 NCAR, Boulder CO
Inconsistencies at the interface of climate impact studies and
global climate research
- 19 January 1994 - Colorado State University, Department of
Atmospheric Sciences, Fort Collins CO
Inconsistencies at the interface of climate impact studies and global climate research
- 6 October 1993 - IMGA, Modena, Italy
Statistical Analysis in Modelling Group SAM at the MPI
- Sept. 12-18, 1993 - 13th International Congress of Biometeorology, Calgary
Inconsistencies at the interface of climate impact studies and global climate research(invited)
- Aug. 23.-24., 1993 - Meeting of MPI and KNMI, De Bilt
Downscaling at the interface of climate research and climate impact studies.
- June 19-24, 1993 - Research Conference on "Prediction of Change in Coastal Seas", Port d'Albret (France)
Response of regional oceans to global climate variations: sea level change (invited)
- March 29-30, 1993 - Climatological Trends and Future Offshore Design & Operation Criteria, Reykjavik
Scale Mismatch at Interface of Climate Research and ImpactStudies (invited)
- 19 February 1993 - Dept. of Oceanography, Honolulu HI
Intraseasonal variability in the Tropical Pacific: a POP analysisof buoy data
- 10 February 1993 Joint Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Honolulu HI
Conceptual problems at the interface of climate research and
climate impact studies
- January 1993 - Aha Hulikoa Workshop, Honolulu
1. POPs in oceanography (invited)
2. Aspects of statistical analysis in climate research (invited)
- 30 November - 1 December 1992 - Climatological Trends and Future Offshore Design & Operation Criteria, Bergen
Conceptual problems at the interface of climate research and climate impact research (invited)
- 23-25. September 1992 - Fachgespräch "Klimaregionalisierung - Impaktklimatologie", Potsdam
Möglichkeiten der Regionalisierung mit Hilfe statistischer Methoden.
- September 7-11, 1992 - Climate Change and Variability, Hamburg
Optimal control of greenhouse gas emissions. (Poster, with J. Xu, O. Tahvonen, H.J. Oberle)
Concept of a Global-Environment-and-Man (GEM) model. Oral, as coauthor of Hasselmann)
August 17-21, 1992 - AGU 1992 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Hongkong
Tropical-Extratropical teleconnections and their statistical stability as revealed from GCM experiments (invited)
- June 22-26,1992 - 5th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, Toronto,
1. Statistical regionalisation of global climate change scenarios: Iberian rainfall in wintertime
2. An index of the tropical 30- to 60-day oscillation and its prediction with statistical and dynamical
- 26 May 1992 - Atmospheric Environment Service, Toronto
The gap between climate impact studies and global climate
- 19 May 1992 - Dept. of Statistics, University of Waterloo, Ontario
- 23 April 1992 Dept. of Civil Engineering, Seattle WA
Regional aspects of global climate change
- 22 April 1992 PMEL Seattle WA
The MJO: appearance and forecast
- 11 - 12.Februar 1992 - Workshop zum "Zentrum für Meeres- und Klimaforschung"-Programm, Hamburg,
Regionale Auswirkungen vonglobalen Klimaänderungen
- 8 November 1991 - Department of Meteorology, University of Hawai'i, Honolulu HI
Madden and Julian Oscillation: Appearance and forecast
- 6 November 1991 - School of Oceanography, Earth Science and Technology (SOEST), Honolulu, HI
Downscaling of global climate change estimates to regional scales: an application to Iberian rainfall in winter time (pdf)
- 28 October -1 November 1991 - XVI Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, Lake Arrowhead CA
Downscaling of global climate change estimates to regional scales: an application to Iberian rainfallin winter time
- 30 September - 5 October 1991 - Autumn Workshop in Environmental Economics, Venice
The success of climate models in simulating the general circulation of the atmosphere and of the ocean - the limitations of climate models in simulating the regional and local climate.
- August 1991 - IUGG Assembly, Wien
The tropical 30 to 60 day oscillation and its effect on the TOGA system (invited; pdf)
- 8. Juli 1991 - ETH, Dept. für Umweltnaturwissenschaften, Fachgruppe Systemökologie, Zürich, Schweiz
Durchführung von Climate-Change Experimenten in Hamburg
- 22.-26. April 1991 - European Geophysical Society, XVI Assembly, Wiesbaden
A cyclostationary generalization of the "Principal Oscillation Pattern" (POP) analysis
Derivation of regional climate changes from global climate change estimates: an application to Iberian rainfall
- 20-22 February 1991 - Workshop on forecasting intra-seasonal variability, BMRC, Melbourne
Principal Oscillation Pattern analysis and forecasting of the Madden-Julian (40-50 day) oscillation.
- 14 February 1991 - BMRC, Melbourne, Australia
Cyclostationary POP analysis (pdf)
- 7 Februar 1991 - BMRC, Melbourne, Australia
Derivation of regional climate changes from global climate change estimates: an application to Iberian rainfall
- 1 Januar 1991 - Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, India
POP Prediction of the tropical 30-60 day oscillation
- Unknown date, 1991 - Max-Planck Institute of Meteorology, Hamburg
The Greenhouse Effect and Man-Made Climate Changes (pdf)
- 22. November 1990 - Potsdamer Meteorologisches Kolloquium, Potsdam
Klimavariabilitat und Klimaanderung im europäisch-atlantischen Sektor: Beispiel iberische Halbinsel
- 20.-21. Sept. 1990 - DFG Workshop "Fernerkundung in Hydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft", DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen
Aussagen grossräumiger Modelle und deren Verwendbarkeit für kleinräumige Fragestellungen
- 2 August 1990 - Atmospheric Sciences Department, UCLA, Los Angeles CA
POP analysis and prediction of the tropical 30- to 60-day oscillation
- 16-20 July, 1990 - International TOGA scientific conference, Honolulu
POP analysis and prediction of the tropical 30- to 60-day oscillation. (oral)
- 21.- 22. Juni 1990 - Klausurtagung der Arbeitsgruppe Klimaforschung beim Beirat für Meteorologie der DDR, "Klimamodellierung und Klimaanalyse", Schwerin
- 4-7 June, 1990 - Workshop on Numerical Long-range Prediction of 10 - 90 day Time-mean Flow, Boulder
Analysis and Prediction of the tropical 30- to 60-day oscillation
- 3 June 1990 - GFDL, Princeton NJ
Atmosphere-Ocean interactions at mid latitudes
- 2-3 April 1990 - Universidad de Alcala de Henares
1. Models of doubled CO2 climate (3.4.1990
2. Models of present climate (2.4.1990)
- 1990 - Climate Diagnostics Workshop, Asheville
1. Testing the Bjerknes' hypothesis of air/sea interaction in the North Atlantic. (as Coauthor of V. Kharin)
2. Aspects of the origin of Iberian drought (as Coauthor of E. Zorita)
- 21-23 February, 1990 - EC Workshop on the Modelling of interannual variability, La Palma
Principal Oscillation Pattern Analysis of the 30- to 60-day Oscillation: Definition of an index and its prediction.
- 28 November 1989 - KNMI, de Bilt
Principal Oscillation Pattern analysis and prediction: Concept and example
- 16-20 October, 1989 - Fourteenth Annual Climate Diagnostics Workshop, La Jolla
Modelling North Pacific SST reponse to atmospheric anomalies (as Coauthor of U. Luksch)
- 11-15 September 1989 - International conference on "Modelling of Global Climate
Change and Variability", Hamburg
1. The South Pacific Convergence Zone: its sensitivity to SST and continentality (with G. Kiladis and H. van Loon)
2, Sensitivity analysis of T21 simulations: The response to variations of Atlantic ocean SST on decadal time scales (as Coauthor of A. Hense and R. Glowienka-Hense)
3. North Pacific SST and ENSO (as Coauthor of U. Luksch)
- 24 August 1989 - CIRES, Boulder CO
Northern hemispheric response to changes of Atlantic Ocean SST on Decadal time scales - a GCM experiment
- 8 August 1989 - CIRES, Boulder CO
Modelling North Pacific SST
- 27. Juni 1989 - 9. Ertel Kolloquium, Berlin
Principal Oscillation Pattern Analyse und ENSO
- 23.Juni 1989 -Institut für Meereskunde, Warnemünde
GCM Experimente zur Sensitivitat der atmosphärischen Zirkulation gegenüber
- 22.Juni 1989 - Heinrich Hertz Institut, Kühlungsborn
GCM Experimente zur Sensitivität der atmosphärischen Zirkulation gegen.über Ozeanoberflächentemperaturanomalien
- June 15-16, 1989 - Meeting of users of the ECMWF Spectral Model, Reading
The 30-60 day wave in the T21 model
- May 8- 12, 1989 - 21st International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics, Liege
North Pacific SST and ENSO (as Coauthor of U. Luksch)
Forcing the Southern Oscillation by SST (with M. Latif)
- 18-19 April 1989 - Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle
1. Principal Oscillation Pattern (POP) analysis: concept, examples,and generalization to Principal Interaction (PIP) analysis. (19.4.1989)
2. ENSO related numerical experiments with A-GCM, O-GCM and A/O-GCM at the Max-Planck-Institute (18.4.1989)
- 13-14 April 1989 - Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne
1. Recurrence analysis. (14.4.1989)
2. ENSO related numerical experiments at the Max-Planck-Institute (13.4.1989)
- 11 - 12 April 1989 - Workshop on Long Range Weather Forecasts: Quality and Value, Melbourne
Prediction of the state of the SO using Principal Oscillation Pattern analysis.
(oral as co-author of J.-S. Xu)
- 27-31 March 1989 - 4 International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, Rotorua, New Zealand
POP analysis of Rossby waves(oral, with F. Gallagher)
- 6 March 1989 - Department of Meteorology, Honolulu
ENSO related numerical experiments with A-GCM, O-GCM and A/O-GCM at the Max-Planck-Institute
6. Februar 1989 - SFB 318, Hamburg
ENSO bezogene Simulationsexperimente mit gekoppelten Modellen
- 9-11. January 1989 - Departemento de Fisica, Universidad de Alcala
1. El Nino/Southern Oscillation related studies with general circulation models (11.1.1989)
2. Recurrence analysis: concept and examples (10.1.1989)
3. Principal Oscillation Pattern analysis. Concept and Examples (9.1.1989)
- 16. Dezember 1988 Fakultät für Physik, Universität Freiburg
Zeitreihenanalyse in der Meteorologie
- 13-14 December 1988 - The Dynamics of the Coupled Atmosphere and Ocean, London
ENSO related numerical experiments at the Max-Planck-Institut (invited)
21.November 1988 - Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polarforschung, Bremerhaven
SST-Anomalieexperimente mit atmosphärischen Zirkulationsmodellen
- 19 - 23 September 1988 - Workshop on systematical errors in models of the atmosphere, Toronto
1. Performance of four GCM's on the Southern Hemisphere: mean July and January climatology and the semiannual wave (oral; with Xu and van Loon)
2. Simulating ENSO type sea level pressure and surface wind anomalies.
- 23 - 31. August 1988 - Joint Oceanographic Assembly, Acapulco, Mexico
Simulating ENSO type sea level pressure and surface wind anomalies (oral)
- 13.-15. Juni 1988 - Deutsch-Russisches Seminar über "Numerische Modelle in Ozeanographie und Meteorologie", Hamburg
SST anomalies' effect on atmospheric circulation: sensitivity experiments with T 21 GCM (oral)
- 21 - 25 March 1988 - XIII General Assembly of EGS, Bologna
1. Principal Oscillation Patterns analysis of equatorial 30 - 60 day wave (oral, with I. Fischer-Bruns)
2. Identification of ENSO characteristics by use of POP analysis (oral, with J.-S. Xu)
3. Climate Studies with a coupled ocean-atmosphere general Circulation model (oral, with
Latif and Biercamp)
- 31.Jan.-5.Feb.1988 - Jacob Bjerkness Symposium on Air-Sea Interactions, Anaheim CA
'Madden and Julian' wave in GCM troposphere: Characteristics and oceanic response (oral)
- Oct 6-8, 1987 - 10th Conference on Probability and Statistics in Atmospheric Science of the American Meteorological Society, Edmonton, Canada
1. Multivariate recurrence analysis (as Coauthor of F. Zwiers)
2. Principal Oscillation Pattern Analysis: 30-60 day oscillation in GCM equatorial troposphere
(invited paper)
- 29 Sept. - 3 Oct. 1986 - First WMO Conference on long-range forecasting: the practical problems and future prospects, Sofia, Bulgaria
Recurrence analysis of climate sensitivity experiments (invited, with F. Zwiers).
- 8-12 September 1986 - RMS/AMS Conference on the variability of the atmosphere and oceans on time scales of a month to several years, London
Variability of the global atmospheric circulation related to SST anomalies, observed and simulated
by a GCM (als coauthor von P. Wright)
- 5-6 September 1986 - Coupled Models Meeting, Abingdon, UK
Usefulness of the T21 model as atmospheric component in a coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM (oral)
- 14.-17. April 1986 - Deutsche Meteorologen Tagung, Münster
1. Die Antwort der globalen Atmosphäre auf die aussewöhnliche El Niño Meeresoberflächentemperaturanomalie im Januar 1983 - Simulation (oral, with Cubasch)
2. Die Antwort der tropischen Atmosphäre auf die aussergewöhnliche El Niño Meeresoberflächentemperaturanomalie 1982/83 - Beobachtung (movie, with Doberitz)
3. Das Hamburger Referenzexperiment mit dem T21-Modell und der Einfluss der Wasseroberflächentemperatur auf das Modellklima (as coauthor of E. Kirk and U. Schlese)
- March 17 - 19., 1986 - ECMWF Workshop on Extended Range Forecasting, Reading, UK
Significance testing for simulations of El Niño (invited)
- Aug. 5-16, 1985 - Joint Assembly IAMAP/IAPSO, Honolulu
1. Objective verification of January 500 mb height climatologies of a number of GCMs (oral)
2. Analysis of the midlatitude barotropic quasigeostrophic vorticity balance observed in January 1983 and simulated in an El Niño GCM experiment (oral)
- July 29 - Aug. 2, 1985 - First WMO Workshop on the diagnosis and prediction of monthly and seasonal atmospheric variations over the globe, College Park MD
1. Relationship between intense and El Niños and the northern hemisphere midlatitude pressure field (as coauthor of P. Wright)
2. Analysis of the midlatitude barotropic quasigeostrophic vorticity balance observed in January 1983 and simulated in an El Niño GCM experiment (Poster).
3. A comparison of DWD and NMC analyses (Poster, with Jacobsen and E. Kirk)
- May 1985 - Workshop on Polar Lows, Boulder
- 14-16 Nov. 1984 - Meeting of experts on ocean-atmosphere interaction relevant long-range weather forecasting, Geneva
Sensitivity studies (invited)
Predictability (invited)
Impact of sea surface temperature on the atmosphere. (invited)
Verification (invited)
- JSC/CCCO 16th International Liege Colloquium "Coupled Atmosphere- Ocean Models"
May 7-11, 1984, Liege.
A comparative study of observed and GCM-simulated turbulent surface fluxes at the positions of Atlantic weatherships (Poster).
The exceptional atmospheric circulation of January 1983 and its relation to El Niño (Poster and oral with H.A. Kruse)
- 5th Conference on Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction
Jan. 9-13, 1984, Miami
Test of an oceanic mixed-layer model for use with the AGCM (as coauthor of E. Roeckner and K. Biercamp).
Assessment of operational analyses and GCM generated data as atmospheric forcing of oceanic models: a comparison with data based on in-situ observations(as coauthor of E. Roeckner und J. Biercamp)
- Sept. 26 - 30, 1983 - II. International Meeting on Statistical Climatology, Lisboa
1. Statistical aspects of empirical orthogonal functions based on small sample sizes (oral)
2. On the verification of January GCM simulations (oral, with E. Roeckner)
- Aug. 15-27, 1983 - XVIII Assembly of IUGG, Hamburg
A comparative study of observed and GCM simulated turbulent surface fluxes at the position of Atlantic weatherships (Poster)
- Jan. 10-14, 1983 - 2nd Conference on Climate Variation, New Orleans
On the verification of numerical experiments to simulate January climate (oral)
- 29 Aug.- 2. Sept. 1982 - IAMAP-WMO Symposium on the maintenance of the quasi-stationary components of the flow in the atmosphere and in atmospheric models, Paris
An objective assessment of systematic errors occuring in a perpetual January experiment and the impact of surface data in the simulation of quasi-stationary features (as coauthor of E. Roeckner)
- 26. Juli 1977 - Internes Seminar, Theoretische Meteorologie in der Universität Hamburg
Zur Methode der Finiten Elemente
- 21. September 1977 - Internes Seminar, Theoretische Meteorologie in der Universität Hamburg
Konstruktion optimaler stabiler numerischer Filter
- 25. Mai 1977 - Internes Seminar, Theoretische Meteorologie in der Universität Hamburg
Charakterisierung der natürliche Orthogonalfunktionen mithilfe eines Minimalprinzips und ihre Verwendung in Spektralmodellen
- April 1977 - Internes Seminar, Theoretische Meteorologie in der Universität Hamburg
Zur Praxis numerischer Filter
Impressum: Hans von Storch, Kirchenallee 23, 20099 Hamburg, +49 40 41924472, hvonstorch(at)
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